- get(Parameter) - Method in ParamChangeNtf
Gets the parameter value.
- get(List<? extends Parameter>) - Method in ParameterReq
- get(AgentID, int, Parameter) - Method in UnetAgent
Requests value of indexed parameter from another agent.
- getAck() - Method in RemoteExecReq
Gets if acknowledgement is required.
- getAck() - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
Gets if acknowledgement is required.
- getAck() - Method in RemoteTextReq
Gets if acknowledgement is required.
- getAckPayloadSize() - Method in CSMA
- getAdc() - Method in RecordBasebandSignalReq
Gets the source ADC.
- getAdc() - Method in RxBasebandSignalNtf
Gets the source ADC.
- getAddress() - Method in AddressAllocRsp
Returns the node address.
- getAddress() - Method in AddressResolutionRsp
Gets the node address.
- getAddress() - Method in NodeAddressCache
Gets node address.
- getAddress() - Method in NodeInfo
Gets the node address.
- getAddress(int) - Method in Ranging
- getAddress() - Method in Reception
Gets the address of the receiving node (not necessarily the
same as the destination node).
- getAddressSize() - Method in NodeAddressCache
Gets node address size.
- getAddressSize() - Method in NodeInfo
Gets the node address size in bits.
- getAdvertise() - Method in UdpLink
Gets the advertisement interval.
- getAgentClass() - Method in AgentLifecycleNtf
Gets the class of the agent.
- getAgentClassName() - Method in AgentLifecycleNtf
Gets the name of the class of the agent.
- getAgentID() - Method in AgentLifecycleNtf
Gets the ID of the agent.
- getAgentID() - Method in SaveStateReq
Gets the agent ID.
- getArp() - Method in ArpShellExt
- getBandwidth() - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
Gets the bandwidth of the communication signal.
- getBasebandRate() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the baseband sampling rate.
- getBasebandRxDuration() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the baseband recording duration when baseband preamble is
- getBb() - Method in BasebandShellExt
- getBbmon() - Method in BasebandSignalMonitorShellExt
- getBitCount() - Method in Transmission
Gets the number of bits in the packet.
- getBits() - Method in RxDataNtf
Gets the number of bits in the data frame.
- getBits() - Method in RxFrameNtf
Gets the number of bits in the data frame.
- getBroadcastAddress() - Method in UdpLink
Gets the network broadcast address.
- getBuildInfo() - Method in UnetAgent
Gets the build string for a given class.
- getBusy() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Checks if modem is busy transmitting/receiving.
- getBytes() - Method in BitBuffer
Gets an array of bytes in the buffer.
- getCachedAddress() - Method in NodeAddressCache
Gets node address from cache.
- getCanForward() - Method in NodeInfo
return true if node has forwarding capability.
- getCapabilities() - Method in CapabilityListRsp
Gets capabilities.
- getCapability() - Method in CapabilityReq
Gets the capability to be queried.
- getCarrierFrequency() - Method in BasebandSignal
Gets the carrier frequency for the passband signal represented by this
baseband signal.
- getCarrierFrequency() - Method in ChannelModel
Gets the carrier frequency (kHz) in the channel.
- getCarrierFrequency() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the default carrier frequency.
- getCarrierFrequency() - Method in ProtocolChannelModel
- getCfo() - Method in RxDataNtf
Gets the carrier frequency offset.
- getCfo() - Method in RxFrameNtf
Gets the carrier frequency offset.
- getChannel(int) - Method in Ranging
- getChannelBusy() - Method in CSMA
- getChannels() - Method in BasebandSignal
Gets the number of channels.
- getClockOffset() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets time offset of this node's clock.
- getCommand() - Method in RemoteExecReq
Gets the command to execute.
- getConnections() - Method in SWTransport
- getCount() - Method in RouteDiscoveryReq
Gets the number of discovery attempts.
- getCredentials() - Method in RemoteExecReq
Gets the user credentials for authentication.
- getCredentials() - Method in RemoteFileGetReq
Gets the user credentials for authentication.
- getCredentials() - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
Gets the user credentials for authentication.
- getCycleID() - Method in RemoveScheduledSleepReq
Gets the id of the sleep/wake entry to remove.
- getCycleID() - Method in SleepCycle
Gets the id of the schedule.
- getDac() - Method in TxBasebandSignalReq
Gets destination DAC number.
- getData() - Method in BadFrameNtf
Gets the data as byte array.
- getData() - Method in DatagramNtf
Gets the data as byte array.
- getData() - Method in DatagramReq
Gets the data in bytes.
- getData() - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
- getData() - Method in ECReassembler
- getData(int) - Method in Ranging
- getData() - Method in Reassembler
Gets the reassembled data, if reassembly is complete.
- getData() - Method in RemoteFileNtf
Gets the data transferred.
- getData() - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
Gets the data to be transferred.
- getData() - Method in RxDataNtf
Gets the data as byte array.
- getData() - Method in SimpleReassembler
- getData() - Method in TxRawFrameReq
Gets the data in bytes.
- getDataLength() - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
- getDataLength() - Method in ECFragmenter
- getDataLength() - Method in ECReassembler
- getDataLength() - Method in Fragmenter
Gets length of the data array to fragment.
- getDataLength() - Method in Reassembler
Gets length of the data array to reassemble.
- getDataLength() - Method in SimpleFragmenter
- getDataLength() - Method in SimpleReassembler
- getDataRate() - Method in ECLink
- getDataRate(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the frame data rate for data or control channel.
- getDataRate() - Method in ReliableLink
- getDataRate() - Method in Transmission
Gets the data rate of the packet in bits/second.
- getDataRate() - Method in UdpLink
Get data rate.
- getDefaultLink() - Method in Router
- getDescription() - Method in TestAgent
Gets help information on using the test.
- getDetails() - Method in Simulator
- getDetector() - Method in CollisionNtf
Gets the detector output.
- getDetector() - Method in RxFrameStartNtf
Gets the detector output.
- getDiveRate() - Method in NodeInfo
Gets the dive rate.
- getDropCount() - Method in Tracer
Gets the number of packets dropped since warmup.
- getDsp() - Method in Portal
- getDsp() - Method in RemoteControl
- getDsp() - Method in SWTransport
- getDsp() - Method in UdpPortal
- getDsp() - Method in Wormhole
- getDuration() - Method in ReservationReq
Gets the duration for which the channel will be reserved (in seconds).
- getDuration() - Method in Transmission
Gets the duration of the transmission (including preamble) in milliseconds.
- getEnable() - Method in BasebandSignalMonitor
- getEnqueueCount() - Method in Tracer
Gets the number of packets queued since warmup.
- getEnqueueTime() - Method in Transmission
Gets the time in milliseconds when the transmission was queued.
- getErrorDetection(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Get error detection.
- getErrorDetection(int) - Method in Physical
- getErrors() - Method in RxDataNtf
Gets the number of erroneous bits corrected in the data frame.
- getErrors() - Method in RxFrameNtf
Gets the number of erroneous bits corrected in the data frame.
- getEstimatedStartTime() - Method in ReservationRsp
Gets the estimated start time for the reservation.
- getException() - Method in AbnormalTerminationNtf
Gets the exception thrown.
- getFanctl() - Method in Physical
- getFc() - Method in BasebandSignal
Gets the carrier frequency for the passband signal represented by this
baseband signal.
- getFec(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Get FEC.
- getFecList(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Get FEC list.
- getFecList(int) - Method in Physical
- getFilename() - Method in RemoteFileGetReq
Gets the name of the remote file.
- getFilename() - Method in RemoteFileNtf
Gets the name of the remote file.
- getFilename() - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
Gets the name of the remote file.
- getFragmentCount() - Method in ECFragmenter
- getFragmentCount() - Method in ECReassembler
- getFragmentCount() - Method in Fragmenter
Gets the number of fragments already generated by this fragmenter.
- getFragmentCount() - Method in Reassembler
Gets the number of fragments successfully added during reassembly.
- getFragmentCount() - Method in SimpleFragmenter
- getFragmentCount() - Method in SimpleReassembler
- getFragmentID() - Method in ECFragmenter
- getFragmentID() - Method in Fragmenter
Gets the fragment ID of the next fragment to be generated.
- getFragmentID() - Method in SimpleFragmenter
- getFragmentLength() - Method in ECFragmenter
- getFragmentLength() - Method in ECReassembler
- getFragmentLength() - Method in Fragmenter
Gets length of each fragment.
- getFragmentLength() - Method in Reassembler
Gets length of each fragment.
- getFragmentLength() - Method in SimpleFragmenter
- getFragmentLength() - Method in SimpleReassembler
- getFrameDuration(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Get frame duration.
- getFrameLength(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the frame length for data or control channel.
- getFrom() - Method in DatagramNtf
Gets the from/source node address.
- getFrom(int) - Method in ECLink
- getFrom() - Method in RemoteFileNtf
Gets the source node address.
- getFrom() - Method in RemoteTextNtf
Gets the source node address.
- getFrom() - Method in ReservationStatusNtf
Gets the address of the source node.
- getFrom() - Method in Transmission
Gets the sender's node address.
- getFs() - Method in BasebandSignal
Gets the sampling rate of the signal.
- getGateway() - Method in UnetSocket
Gets a Gateway to provide low-level access to UnetStack.
- getHeading() - Method in NodeInfo
Gets the heading.
- getHops() - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Gets the hop count to destination.
- getId() - Method in DatagramCancelReq
Gets the datagram request ID.
- getID() - Method in DatagramDeliveryNtf
Gets the datagram request ID.
- getID() - Method in DatagramFailureNtf
Gets the datagram request ID.
- getID() - Method in DatagramProgressNtf
Gets the transfer ID.
- getId() - Method in ReservationAcceptReq
Gets the unique identifier associated with a reservation request.
- getId() - Method in ReservationCancelReq
Gets the unique identifier associated with a reservation request, which is to be cancelled.
- getID() - Method in Transmission
Gets a unique identifier for the transmission.
- getIface() - Method in UnetShellExt
- getIgnore() - Method in SaveStateReq
Gets the ignored parameters list.
- getIndex() - Method in ParamChangeNtf
Gets the index of parameter.
- getInterval() - Method in RouteDiscoveryReq
Gets the interval between discovery attempts.
- getIpreamble(int) - Method in Ranging
- getIrreduciblePER() - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
Gets the irreducible packet error rate (PER).
- getIsignal(int) - Method in Ranging
- getIterations() - Method in TestAgent
Stops periodic tests.
- getJanus(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Checks for support for JANUS frames.
- getLastSync(int) - Method in Ranging
- getLifetime(int) - Method in Ranging
- getLimit(String) - Method in Thermal
Gets critical temperature limit based on thermal domain name.
- getLink() - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Gets the next hop link to use.
- getLlr() - Method in BadFrameNtf
Gets the log likelihood ratios (LLR).
- getLlr(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Checks for support for log-likelihood ratio reporting.
- getLlr() - Method in RxDataNtf
Gets the log likelihood ratios (LLR).
- getLoad() - Method in Tracer
Gets the normalized actual network load.
- getLocalAddress() - Method in UnetSocket
Gets the local node address.
- getLocalProtocol() - Method in UnetSocket
Gets the protocol number that the socket is bound to.
- getLocation() - Method in BadFrameNtf
Gets the location where this frame was received.
- getLocation() - Method in NodeInfo
Gets the node location.
- getLocation() - Method in RxBasebandSignalNtf
Gets the location where this frame was received.
- getLocation() - Method in RxFrameNtf
Gets the location where this frame was received.
- getLocation() - Method in TxFrameNtf
Gets the location where this frame was received.
- getLogLevel() - Method in UnetAgent
Gets the current log level for the agent.
- getMac() - Method in ECLink
- getMac() - Method in MacShellExt
- getMac() - Method in Ranging
- getMac() - Method in ReliableLink
- getMaxBackoff() - Method in CSMA
- getMaxFragmentCount() - Method in ECFragmenter
- getMaxFragmentCount() - Method in ECReassembler
- getMaxFragmentCount() - Method in Fragmenter
Gets the maximum number of fragments that can be generated from the data.
- getMaxFragmentCount() - Method in Reassembler
Gets the maximum number of fragments possible.
- getMaxFragmentCount() - Method in SimpleFragmenter
- getMaxFragmentCount() - Method in SimpleReassembler
- getMaxFrameLength(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the maximum possible frame length.
- getMaxHops() - Method in RouteDiscoveryReq
Gets the maximum number of hops allowed.
- getMaxPowerLevel(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets maximum possible power level.
- getMaxPreambleID() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the number of preambles supported.
- getMaxRange(int) - Method in Ranging
- getMaxReservationDuration() - Method in CSMA
- getMaxSignalLength() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the maximum length of a baseband signal.
- getMeanDelay() - Method in Tracer
Gets the mean delay between queuing and reception.
- getMinBackoff() - Method in CSMA
- getMinFragmentCount() - Method in ECFragmenter
- getMinFragmentCount() - Method in ECReassembler
- getMinFragmentCount() - Method in Fragmenter
Gets the minimum number of fragments required to reassemble the data.
- getMinFragmentCount() - Method in Reassembler
Gets the minimum number of fragments required to reassemble the data.
- getMinFragmentCount() - Method in SimpleFragmenter
- getMinFragmentCount() - Method in SimpleReassembler
- getMinPowerLevel(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets minimum possible power level.
- getMobility() - Method in NodeInfo
Checks if it is a mobile node.
- getMonitorTimeout() - Method in UdpLink
Gets the monitor socket timeout in ms.
- getMTU() - Method in ECLink
- getMTU(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Get maximum frame size.
- getMTU(int) - Method in Physical
- getMTU() - Method in ReliableLink
- getMTU() - Method in Router
- getMTU() - Method in SWTransport
- getMTU() - Method in UdpLink
Get maximum frame size.
- getName() - Method in AddressAllocReq
Returns the node name.
- getName() - Method in AddressResolutionReq
Returns the node name.
- getName() - Method in AddressResolutionRsp
Gets the node name.
- getNames() - Method in Thermal
Gets a list of thermal domain names.
- getNextHop() - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Gets the next hop node address.
- getNode() - Method in NodeInfoShellExt
- getNodeName() - Method in NodeInfo
Get the Node name.
- getNoisePower() - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
Computes total noise power.
- getNoisePower() - Method in UrickAcousticModel
Computes total noise power in communication band.
- getNone() - Method in Preamble
Create a preamble with an empty user-defined signal.
- getOfferedLoad() - Method in Tracer
Gets the normalized offered network load.
- getOffset(int) - Method in Ranging
- getOrigin() - Method in NodeInfo
Get the origin of the coordinate system.
- getParam(Parameter, int) - Method in Physical
- getParam(Parameter, int) - Method in UnetAgent
Agents providing dynamic parameters may override this method to provide
a value for a given parameter.
- getParameter(String, String, int) - Method in ATScriptEngine
- getParameterClasses(int) - Method in UnetAgent
Gets a list of indexed parameter classes supported by this agent.
- getParameterList() - Method in BasebandSignalMonitor
- getParameterList() - Method in CSMA
- getParameterList(int) - Method in ECLink
- getParameterList(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
- getParameterList() - Method in NodeInfo
- getParameterList(int) - Method in Physical
- getParameterList() - Method in Portal
- getParameterList(int) - Method in Ranging
- getParameterList() - Method in ReliableLink
- getParameterList() - Method in RemoteControl
- getParameterList() - Method in Router
- getParameterList() - Method in SWTransport
- getParameterList() - Method in UdpLink
Returns list of all link parameters.
- getParameterList() - Method in UdpPortal
- getParameterList(int) - Method in UnetAgent
An agent supporting indexed parameters should return a list of
indexed parameters by overriding this method.
- getParameterList() - Method in Unity
- getParameterList() - Method in Wormhole
- getParameters(String, int, Closure) - Method in ATScriptEngine
- getParamValues() - Method in AgentParamState
Gets all changed parameters value (state).
- getParamValues() - Method in ParamChangeNtf
Gets the parameter and values map.
- getPayload() - Method in ReservationAcceptReq
Gets the payload information in the form of byte[].
- getPayload() - Method in ReservationReq
Gets the payload information in byte[].
- getPayload() - Method in ReservationStatusNtf
Gets payload information in byte[] format.
- getPayload() - Method in TxAckReq
Gets the payload information as a byte[].
- getPeer() - Method in DatagramProgressNtf
Gets the peer node address.
- getPhy() - Method in CSMA
- getPhy() - Method in ECLink
- getPhy() - Method in PhysicalShellExt
- getPhy() - Method in Ranging
- getPhy() - Method in ReliableLink
- getPhy() - Method in Unity
- getPhyTime() - Method in Physical
- getPhyTime() - Method in PhyTickerBehavior
- getPort() - Method in UdpLink
Gets the port number.
- getPost() - Method in Physical
- getPowerLevel(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets power level for data or control channel.
- getPreamble() - Method in BasebandSignal
Gets the preamble identifier.
- getPreambleDuration() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the preamble duration in seconds.
- getPreambleDuration() - Method in Transmission
Gets the preamble duration in milliseconds.
- getPreambleID() - Method in BasebandSignal
Gets the preamble identifier.
- getPriority() - Method in DatagramNtf
Gets the priority of the datagram.
- getPriority() - Method in DatagramReq
Gets the priority of the datagram.
- getPriority() - Method in ReservationReq
Gets the priority of the reservation request.
- getPriority() - Method in TxRawFrameReq
Gets the priority of the datagram.
- getProbabilityDecoding(Reception) - Method in Mission2012a
- getProbabilityDecoding(Reception) - Method in Mission2013a
- getProbabilityDecoding(Reception) - Method in Mission2013b
- getProbabilityDecoding(Reception) - Method in ProtocolChannelModel
Returns the probability of decoding for a given reception.
- getProbabilityDetection(Reception) - Method in Mission2012a
- getProbabilityDetection(Reception) - Method in Mission2013a
- getProbabilityDetection(Reception) - Method in Mission2013b
- getProbabilityDetection(Reception) - Method in ProtocolChannelModel
Returns the probability of detection for a given reception.
- getProgress(int) - Method in ECLink
- getPrompt(boolean) - Method in ATScriptEngine
- getPropagationSpeed() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Get signal propagation speed.
- getPropagationSpeed() - Method in Physical
- getProtocol() - Method in DatagramNtf
Gets the protocol number.
- getProtocol() - Method in DatagramReq
Gets the protocol number.
- getProtocol() - Method in Transmission
Gets the protocol of the transmission frame.
- getPublish() - Method in Wormhole
- getRange() - Method in Reception
Gets the range at which the reception occurred.
- getRanging() - Method in RangingShellExt
- getRdelay(int) - Method in Ranging
- getRdp() - Method in RouterShellExt
- getReason() - Method in FailureNtf
Gets the reason why the request failed.
- getReason() - Method in RefuseRsp
Gets the reason why the request was refused.
- getRecLength() - Method in RecordBasebandSignalReq
Gets the length of the recording in samples.
- getRecommendedReservationDuration() - Method in CSMA
- getRecTime() - Method in RecordBasebandSignalReq
Gets the time at which recording should start.
- getRefPowerLevel() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets reference power level.
- getReliability() - Method in DatagramReq
Gets the reliability.
- getReliability() - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Gets the reliability of the next hop link.
- getRemote() - Method in RemoteShellExt
- getRemoteAddress() - Method in UnetSocket
Gets the default destination node address for a connected socket.
- getRemoteProtocol() - Method in UnetSocket
Gets the default transmission protocol number.
- getReport() - Method in TestAgent
Gets the last test report.
- getRequestID() - Method in TxAckReq
Gets the unique identifier associated with a reservation request.
- getReservationPayloadSize() - Method in CSMA
- getReservationsPending() - Method in CSMA
- getRetries() - Method in UdpLink
Gets the maximum number of retries for delivery.
- getRoute() - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Gets the detailed route to destination.
- getRouter() - Method in RouterShellExt
- GetRouteReq - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Request to get a route or a list of routes.
- GetRouteReq(AgentID) - Constructor in GetRouteReq
- getRoutes() - Method in RouterShellExt
- getRpreamble(int) - Method in Ranging
- getRsignal(int) - Method in Ranging
- getRssi() - Method in BadFrameNtf
Gets the received signal strength.
- getRssi() - Method in RxBasebandSignalNtf
Gets the received signal strength.
- getRssi() - Method in RxDataNtf
Gets the received signal strength.
- getRssi() - Method in RxFrameNtf
Gets the received signal strength.
- getRtc() - Method in Physical
- getRTU() - Method in ECLink
- getRTU(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Get recommended frame size.
- getRTU(int) - Method in Physical
- getRTU() - Method in ReliableLink
- getRTU() - Method in Router
- getRTU() - Method in SWTransport
- getRTU() - Method in UdpLink
Get recommended frame size.
- getRun() - Method in TestAgent
Runs the test once.
- getRunning() - Method in Simulator
- getRxCount() - Method in Tracer
Gets the number of packets received since warmup.
- getRxDuration() - Method in RxFrameStartNtf
Gets reception duration.
- getRxEnable() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Checks if reception is enabled.
- getRxLocation() - Method in Reception
Gets the location at which the reception occurred.
- getRxPower(Reception) - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
Computes received signal power in a reception.
- getRxPower(Reception) - Method in UrickAcousticModel
Computes received signal power (Urick 3rd ed, p111).
- getRxSchemeHash() - Method in Reception
Gets the hash code for the scheme used for reception.
- getRxSensitivity() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets reference receive sensitivity.
- getRxTime() - Method in BadFrameNtf
Gets the reception timestamp of frame in us.
- getRxTime() - Method in CollisionNtf
Gets the rx timestamp in us.
- getRxTime() - Method in Reception
Gets the time in milliseconds when the reception occurred.
- getRxTime() - Method in RxBasebandSignalNtf
Gets the time at which the signal was received.
- getRxTime() - Method in RxDataNtf
Gets the time of reception.
- getRxTime() - Method in RxFrameNtf
Returns timestamp in us at which frame was received (indicates the start of reception).
- getRxTime() - Method in RxFrameStartNtf
Gets reception timestamp.
- getSamplingRate() - Method in BasebandSignal
Gets the sampling rate of the signal.
- getScheduler() - Method in SchedulerShellExt
- getScheme() - Method in RxDataNtf
Gets the scheme.
- getServices() - Method in AgentStartNtf
Gets the list of services provided by the agent.
- getServices() - Method in UnetAgent
Gets a list of services provided by the agent.
- getShell() - Method in RemoteControl
- getShortcircuit() - Method in DatagramReq
Gets whether the datagram may be short circuited.
- getSignal(int) - Method in BasebandSignal
Gets the signal for a given channel.
- getSignal() - Method in Preamble
Gets the user-defined signal.
- getSignalAsBase64() - Method in BasebandSignal
Gets a base64 representation of the baseband signal.
- getSignalLength() - Method in BasebandSignal
Gets the signal length per channel in samples.
- getSignalPowerLevel() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets power level for baseband signal transmission.
- getSize(int) - Method in ECLink
- getSizeInBits() - Method in BitBuffer
Gets the size of the buffer in bits.
- getSizeInBytes() - Method in BitBuffer
Gets the size of the buffer in bytes.
- getSleepCycle() - Method in AddScheduledSleepReq
Gets the sleep/wakeup times.
- getSleepSchedule() - Method in SleepScheduleRsp
Gets all the scheduled sleep/wake times.
- GetSleepScheduleReq - Class in org.arl.unet.scheduler
Request to get sleep schedule.
- GetSleepScheduleReq() - Constructor in GetSleepScheduleReq
- getSleepTime() - Method in AddScheduledSleepReq
Gets the sleep time.
- getSleepTime() - Method in SleepCycle
Gets the sleep time.
- getSoundSpeed() - Method in ChannelModel
Gets the mean sound speed in the channel.
- getSoundSpeed() - Method in ProtocolChannelModel
- getSoundSpeed() - Method in UrickAcousticModel
Computes sound speed in water (Mackenzie, JASA, 1981).
- getSourceLevel() - Method in Transmission
Gets the source level of the transmission in dB re uPa @ 1m.
- getSpeed() - Method in NodeInfo
Gets the speed.
- getStart() - Method in TestAgent
Starts the test periodically.
- getStartTime() - Method in ReservationReq
Gets the starting time for the reservation request.
- getState(int) - Method in ECLink
- getStatemanager() - Method in StateManagerShellExt
- getStateName() - Method in SaveStateReq
Gets the state name.
- getStatus() - Method in ECLink
- getStatus() - Method in ReservationStatusNtf
Gets the current status of channel reservation for a particular reservation request.
- getStop() - Method in Simulator
- getStop() - Method in TestAgent
Stops periodic tests.
- getSync(int) - Method in Ranging
- getTemperature(String) - Method in Thermal
Gets temperature based on thermal domain name.
- getter(String) - Method in ATScriptEngine
- getText() - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
- getText() - Method in RemoteTextNtf
Gets the text message.
- getText() - Method in RemoteTextReq
Gets the text message.
- getThreshold(int) - Method in Ranging
- getThroughput() - Method in Tracer
Gets the normalized network throughput.
- getTickCount() - Method in PhyTickerBehavior
Returns the number of times the
onTick() method of this behavior
has been called (including any ongoing call).
- getTime() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Get current physical layer clock.
- getTime() - Method in NodeInfo
Gets the node time.
- getTime() - Method in Tracer
Gets the current time as per the timestamp provider.
- getTimeout() - Method in UdpLink
Gets the delivery timeout in seconds.
- getTimeout() - Method in UnetSocket
Gets the timeout for datagram reception.
- getTimestampedTxDelay() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Get transmission delay incurred for a timestamped transmission.
- getTimestampedTxDelay() - Method in Physical
- getTitle() - Method in UnetAgent
Gets a descriptive name for the agent.
- getTo() - Method in DatagramDeliveryNtf
Returns the destination node address.
- getTo() - Method in DatagramFailureNtf
Returns the destination node address.
- getTo() - Method in DatagramNtf
Gets to or destination address.
- getTo() - Method in DatagramReq
Gets to/destination node address.
- getTo(int) - Method in ECLink
- getTo() - Method in RemoteExecReq
Gets the destination node address.
- getTo() - Method in RemoteFileGetReq
Gets the destination node address.
- getTo() - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
Gets the destination node address.
- getTo() - Method in RemoteTextReq
Gets the destination node address.
- getTo() - Method in ReservationReq
- getTo() - Method in ReservationStatusNtf
- getTo() - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Gets the destination node address.
- getTo() - Method in RouteDiscoveryReq
Gets the destination node address.
- getTo() - Method in RouteTraceNtf
Gets to/destination node address.
- getTo() - Method in RouteTraceReq
Gets to/destination node address.
- getTo() - Method in Transmission
Gets the recipient node address.
- getTotal() - Method in DatagramProgressNtf
Gets the total number of bytes in datagram.
- getTrace() - Method in RouteTraceNtf
Gets the trace.
- getTransferred() - Method in DatagramProgressNtf
Gets the number of bytes transferred.
- getTransport() - Method in TransportShellExt
- getTtl() - Method in DatagramNtf
Gets the time-to-live for the datagram.
- getTtl() - Method in DatagramReq
Gets the time-to-live for the datagram.
- getTtl() - Method in ReservationReq
Gets the time-to-live for the reservation request.
- getTurnRate() - Method in NodeInfo
Gets the turn rate.
- getTxCount() - Method in Tracer
Gets the number of packets sent since warmup.
- getTxDuration() - Method in TxFrameStartNtf
Gets reception duration.
- getTxLocation() - Method in Transmission
Gets the location from which the transmission was made.
- getTxSchemeHash() - Method in Transmission
Gets the hash code for the scheme used for transmission.
- getTxTime() - Method in RxFrameNtf
Returns the frame transmission timestamp. indicates the start of transmission.
- getTxTime() - Method in Transmission
Gets the time in milliseconds when the transmission was made.
- getTxTime() - Method in TxBasebandSignalReq
Gets the time at which it needs to be transmitted.
- getTxTime() - Method in TxFrameNtf
Returns transmission timestamp.
- getTxTime() - Method in TxFrameReq
Gets the time at which it needs to be transmitted.
- getTxTime() - Method in TxFrameStartNtf
Gets transmission timestamp.
- getTxTime() - Method in TxRawFrameReq
Gets the time at which it needs to be transmitted.
- getType() - Method in BadFrameNtf
Gets the type of channel.
- getType() - Method in CollisionNtf
Gets the channel type Physical.DATA or Physical.CONTROL.
- getType() - Method in RxFrameNtf
Gets the channel type Physical.DATA or Physical.CONTROL.
- getType() - Method in RxFrameStartNtf
Gets the frame type.
- getType() - Method in Transmission
Gets the type (CONTROL/DATA) of the transmission frame.
- getType() - Method in TxFrameNtf
Gets the frame type.
- getType() - Method in TxFrameReq
Gets the type of channel.
- getType() - Method in TxFrameStartNtf
Gets the frame type.
- getType() - Method in TxRawFrameReq
Gets the type of channel.
- getUwlink() - Method in ECLinkShellExt
- getUwlink() - Method in ReliableLinkShellExt
- getVariable(String) - Method in ATScriptEngine
- getVersion() - Method in Simulator
- getVersion() - Method in UnetAgent
Gets a version string for the agent.
- getWakeup() - Method in TxBasebandSignalReq
Checks whether a wakeup signal should be sent before the frame.
- getWakeup() - Method in TxFrameReq
Checks whether a wakeup signal should be sent before the frame.
- getWakeup() - Method in TxRawFrameReq
Checks whether a wakeup signal should be sent before the frame.
- getWakeupTime() - Method in AddScheduledSleepReq
Gets the wakeup time.
- getWakeupTime() - Method in SleepCycle
Gets the wakeup time.
- getWarmup() - Method in Tracer
Gets the amount of time in seconds to ignore (for statistics computation)
at the beginning of each simulation.
- getXMax() - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
- getXMin() - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
- getYMax() - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
- getYMin() - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
- GpsLocalFrame - Class in org.arl.unet.utils
Utility class to convert GPS coordinates into a local coordinate frame and vice-versa.
- GpsLocalFrame(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor in GpsLocalFrame
Creates a local coordinate frame with specified GPS coordinates.
- GroovyExtensions - Class in org.arl.unet
Syntax extensions for Groovy agents.
- group(String, Closure) - Method in TestAgent
Define a group of tests.
- gunzip(byte[]) - Method in Utils
Uncompress byte array.
- gw - Field in UnetSocket
- gzip(byte[]) - Method in Utils
Compress byte array.
- range(Integer) - Method in RangingShellExt
- RANGE_TIMEOUT - Field in UnetGateway
- range(int) - Method in UnetGateway
Get range to node.
- RangeNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.localization
Range notification.
- RangeNtf(RangeReq, Performative) - Constructor in RangeNtf
- RangeReq - Class in org.arl.unet.localization
Request to measure range to specified node.
- RangeReq() - Constructor in RangeReq
- Ranging - Class in org.arl.unet.localization
Agent providing ranging services.
- RANGING - Field in Protocol
Protocol number for use by ranging agents.
- RangingNodeParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.localization
Parameters supported by the ranging agent to configure each
peer node.
- RangingParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.localization
Parameters supported by the ranging agent.
- RangingShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.localization
Ranging service shell extension.
- read16() - Method in InputPDU
Reads a signed 16-bit word from the PDU.
- read16u() - Method in InputPDU
Reads an unsigned 16-bit word from the PDU.
- read24() - Method in InputPDU
Reads a signed 24-bit word from the PDU.
- read24u() - Method in InputPDU
Reads an unsigned 24-bit word from the PDU.
- read32() - Method in InputPDU
Reads a signed 32-bit word from the PDU.
- read32u() - Method in InputPDU
Reads an unsigned 32-bit word from the PDU.
- read48() - Method in InputPDU
Reads a signed 48-bit word from the PDU.
- read48u() - Method in InputPDU
Reads an unsigned 48-bit word from the PDU.
- read8() - Method in InputPDU
Reads a signed byte from the PDU.
- read8u() - Method in InputPDU
Reads an unsigned byte from the PDU.
- read() - Method in BitBuffer
Reads one bit of data from the buffer.
- read(byte[]) - Method in InputPDU
Reads a byte buffer from the PDU.
- reason - Field in RemoteFailureNtf
- Reassembler - Interface in org.arl.unet.utils
Represents a reassembly engine that takes in a number of small fragment
byte arrays generated by a
Fragmenter, and reassembles the
large byte array that the fragments were generated from.
- REBOOT - Field in AbnormalTerminationManager
Setting the handling as RESPAWN causes the an abnormally termination of that agent
to cause the stack to terminate (and therefore reboot, assuming an external
watchdog for this).
- RECEIVE - Field in Tracer
Event indicating that a packet has been received.
- receive() - Method in UnetSocket
Receives a datagram sent to the local node and the bound protocol number.
- received(int, Reception, String) - Method in Tracer
Indicates that a packet has been received.
- Reception - Interface in org.arl.unet.sim
Modem reception details.
- recLength - Field in RecordBasebandSignalReq
- RecordBasebandSignalReq - Class in org.arl.unet.bb
Baseband recording request.
- RecordBasebandSignalReq(AgentID, int) - Constructor in RecordBasebandSignalReq
Create a recording request for a specified number of samples.
- recTime - Field in RecordBasebandSignalReq
- refPowerLevel - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Reference transmit power level (dB re uPa @ 1m).
- RefuseRsp - Class in org.arl.unet
Response message indicating a refusal to perform request.
- RefuseRsp(Message, String) - Constructor in RefuseRsp
Constructs a refusal response message.
- register(Enum<?>) - Method in UnetAgent
- reliability - Field in DatagramReq
- reliability - Field in RouteDiscoveryNtf
- reliable - Field in ReservationReq
- ReliableLink - Class in org.arl.unet.link
Link agent with support for reliability and fragementation-reassembly.
- ReliableLinkParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.link
Parameters supported by the ReliableLink agent.
- ReliableLinkShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.link
Reliable link agent shell extension.
- REMOTE - Field in Protocol
Protocol number for use by remote management agents.
- remoteAddress - Field in UnetSocket
- RemoteControl - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Agent to provide access to remote nodes.
- RemoteControlParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.remote
Parameters for remote service.
- RemoteControlShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Remote control agent shell extension.
- RemoteExecReq - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Request message to execute a common on a remote node.
- RemoteExecReq() - Constructor in RemoteExecReq
- RemoteFailureNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Notification to indicate remote command failed.
- RemoteFailureNtf(Message, String) - Constructor in RemoteFailureNtf
- RemoteFileGetReq - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Request to get a file from a remote node.
- RemoteFileGetReq() - Constructor in RemoteFileGetReq
- RemoteFileNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Notification of completion of file transfer from a remote node.
- RemoteFileNtf(Message) - Constructor in RemoteFileNtf
- RemoteFilePutReq - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Request to transfer a file to a remote node.
- RemoteFilePutReq() - Constructor in RemoteFilePutReq
- remoteProtocol - Field in UnetSocket
- RemoteShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Remote service shell extension.
- RemoteSuccessNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Notification to indicate remote command was successful.
- RemoteSuccessNtf(Message) - Constructor in RemoteSuccessNtf
- RemoteTextNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Notification of arrival of text message from remote node.
- RemoteTextNtf() - Constructor in RemoteTextNtf
- RemoteTextReq - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Request to send a text message to a remote node.
- RemoteTextReq() - Constructor in RemoteTextReq
- removeParameter(Parameter) - Method in AgentParamState
Removes parameter from the state.
- RemoveScheduledSleepReq - Class in org.arl.unet.scheduler
Request to remove a specified sleep/wake schedule entry.
- RemoveScheduledSleepReq(String) - Constructor in RemoveScheduledSleepReq
Creates a request to remove a specified sleep/wake schedule entry.
- req - Field in RemoteFailureNtf
- req - Field in RemoteSuccessNtf
- request(String, String, Object) - Method in ATScriptEngine
- REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Field in UnetGateway
- REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Field in UnetSocket
- requestID - Field in TxAckReq
- ReservationAcceptReq - Class in org.arl.unet.mac
Request message that is sent from the client agent at the RX node, to the mac
- ReservationAcceptReq(AgentID) - Constructor in ReservationAcceptReq
Constructor to set recipient.
- ReservationCancelReq - Class in org.arl.unet.mac
Request message to cancel a particular instance of channel reservation.
- ReservationCancelReq(AgentID) - Constructor in ReservationCancelReq
Constructor to specify the agent which provides
- ReservationReq - Class in org.arl.unet.mac
Request message sent by a client agent, to reserve the
channel for a certain duration of time.
- ReservationReq(AgentID) - Constructor in ReservationReq
Constructor to specify the agent which provides
- ReservationRsp - Class in org.arl.unet.mac
Reservation response message.
- ReservationRsp(Message, long) - Constructor in ReservationRsp
Creates a reservation response with an estimated start time.
- ReservationStatus - Enum in org.arl.unet.mac
Status indicator for a particular request during the reservation process.
- ReservationStatusNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.mac
Notification message to indicate the status of channel reservation
for a particular request.
- ReservationStatusNtf(ReservationReq) - Constructor in ReservationStatusNtf
Constructor to specify the original request associated with this message.
- reset() - Method in BitBuffer
Resets the read/write position of the buffer to the start of the buffer.
- reset() - Method in PhyTickerBehavior
Resets the behavior, allowing it to be used again.
- resetStats() - Method in Tracer
Resets all statistics.
- resolve(String) - Method in ATScriptEngine
- RESPAWN - Field in AbnormalTerminationManager
Setting the handling as RESPAWN causes the an agent that is abnormally terminated
to be respawned.
- RespondReq - Class in org.arl.unet.localization
Request to respond to a ranging interrogation.
- RespondReq(InterrogationNtf, byte[]) - Constructor in RespondReq
Create a response request from an interrogation notification,
with piggyback payload data.
- rmessages - Field in ATScriptEngine
- rmsleep(def) - Method in SchedulerShellExt
- round(Double, int) - Method in Utils
Round off to n decimal places.
- ROUTE_MAINTENANCE - Field in Protocol
Protocol number for use by route maintenance agents.
- route - Field in RouteDiscoveryNtf
- RouteChangeNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Route change notification.
- RouteChangeNtf() - Constructor in RouteChangeNtf
- RouteDiscoveryNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Notification sent to inform other agents of newly discovered route.
- RouteDiscoveryNtf() - Constructor in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Create a new route dicovery notification.
- RouteDiscoveryProtocol - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Route discovery/maintenance agent.
- RouteDiscoveryReq - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Request to discover route to specified node.
- RouteDiscoveryReq(int) - Constructor in RouteDiscoveryReq
Create a route discovery request to a specified node.
- RouteInfo - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Base class with routing table information.
- RouteInfo.Operation - Enum in org.arl.unet.net
- RouteInfo(Message, Performative) - Constructor in RouteInfo
- Router - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Routing agent that routes datagrams using a routing table.
- RouterParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.net
Parameters supported by the Router agent.
- RouterShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Routing and route discovery agent shell extension.
- RouteRsp - Class in org.arl.unet.net
- RouteRsp(Message) - Constructor in RouteRsp
- routes(int) - Method in RouterShellExt
- RouteTraceNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Route trace notification.
- RouteTraceNtf(Message) - Constructor in RouteTraceNtf
Creates a route trace notification in response to a specified request.
- RouteTraceReq - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Request to trace route to a specified destination node.
- RouteTraceReq(int) - Constructor in RouteTraceReq
Create a route trace request.
- ROUTING - Field in Protocol
Protocol number for use by routing agents.
- RQ_OVERHEAD - Field in ECFragmenter
- RQ_OVERHEAD - Field in ECReassembler
- rreq(int, int, int, float) - Method in RouterShellExt
- rsh(int, String) - Method in RemoteShellExt
- rssi - Field in BadFrameNtf
- rssi - Field in RxBasebandSignalNtf
- rssi - Field in RxDataNtf
- rssi - Field in RxFrameNtf
- run(File) - Method in Simulator
- RxBasebandSignalNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.bb
Baseband reception/recording notification.
- RxBasebandSignalNtf(Message) - Constructor in RxBasebandSignalNtf
- RxBasebandSignalReq - Class in org.arl.yoda
Baseband reception request.
- RxBasebandSignalReq(AgentID) - Constructor in RxBasebandSignalReq
- RxDataNtf - Class in org.arl.yoda
Notification message for received raw data frame from C PHY.
- RxDataNtf(AgentID) - Constructor in RxDataNtf
- rxDuration - Field in RxFrameStartNtf
- RxFrameNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.phy
Notification message for received frame.
- RxFrameNtf(AgentID) - Constructor in RxFrameNtf
- RxFrameStartNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.phy
Notification message for start of reception.
- RxFrameStartNtf(Message) - Constructor in RxFrameStartNtf
- RxJanusFrameNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.phy
Received JANUS frame notification.
- RxJanusFrameNtf() - Constructor in RxJanusFrameNtf
- rxSensitivity - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Reference receive sensitivity (dB re uPa).
- rxTime - Field in BadFrameNtf
- rxTime - Field in CollisionNtf
- rxTime - Field in RxBasebandSignalNtf
- rxTime - Field in RxFrameNtf
- rxTime - Field in RxFrameStartNtf
- save(String, def, def) - Method in BasebandShellExt
- savestate(String, def) - Method in StateManagerShellExt
- SaveStateReq - Class in org.arl.unet.state
Request message for storing the current state of agent(s).
- SaveStateReq() - Constructor in SaveStateReq
- SchedulerParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.scheduler
- SchedulerShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.scheduler
Scheduler service shell extension.
- scheme - Field in RxDataNtf
- SEND - Field in Tracer
Event indicating that a packet has been sent.
- send(DatagramReq) - Method in UnetSocket
Transmits a datagram to the specified node address using the specified protocol.
- sent(Transmission, String) - Method in Tracer
Indicates that a packet has been sent.
- Services - Enum in org.arl.unet
Services provided by agents.
- services - Field in AgentStartNtf
- set16BitTS(boolean) - Method in RxFrameNtf
Sets 16 bit timestamp.
- set16BitTS(boolean) - Method in TxFrameReq
Configure requested transmitting frame to contain 16 bit timestamp value.
- set(Parameter, Object) - Method in ParamChangeNtf
Sets the changed parameter and value.
- set(Parameter, Object) - Method in ParameterReq
- set(AgentID, int, Parameter, Object) - Method in UnetAgent
Requests value of indexed parameter to be changed in another agent.
- setAck(boolean) - Method in RemoteExecReq
Sets true if acknowledgement is required.
- setAck(boolean) - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
Sets true if acknowledgement is required.
- setAck(boolean) - Method in RemoteTextReq
Sets true if acknowledgement is required.
- setAcks(int) - Method in ReliableLink
- setAdc(int) - Method in RecordBasebandSignalReq
Sets the source ADC number.
- setAdc(Integer) - Method in RxBasebandSignalNtf
Sets the source ADC number.
- setAddress(int) - Method in AddressAllocRsp
Sets the address.
- setAddress(int) - Method in AddressResolutionRsp
Sets the node address.
- setAddress(int) - Method in NodeInfo
Sets the node address.
- setAddressSize(int) - Method in NodeInfo
Sets the node address size in bits.
- setAdvertise(int) - Method in UdpLink
Sets the advertisement interval.
- setAgentID(AgentID) - Method in SaveStateReq
Sets the Agent ID.
- setAssisters(List<Integer>) - Method in Unity
- setBandwidth(double) - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
Sets the bandwidth of the communication signal.
- setBasebandRxDuration(float) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Sets the baseband recording duration when baseband preamble is
- setBits(int) - Method in RxDataNtf
Sets the number of bits in the data frame.
- setBits(int) - Method in RxFrameNtf
Sets the number of bits in the data frame.
- setBroadcastAddress(String) - Method in UdpLink
Sets the network broadcast address.
- setCanForward(boolean) - Method in NodeInfo
Set forwarding capability of the node.
- setCarrierFrequency(int) - Method in BasebandSignal
Sets the carrier frequency for the passband signal represented by this
baseband signal.
- setCfo(float) - Method in RxDataNtf
Sets the carrier frequency offset.
- setCfo(float) - Method in RxFrameNtf
Sets the carrier frequency offset.
- setChannel(int, int) - Method in Ranging
- setChannels(int) - Method in BasebandSignal
Sets the number of channels.
- setClientIP(String) - Method in UdpPortal
- setClockOffset(float) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Sets time offset of this node's clock.
- setCommand(String) - Method in RemoteExecReq
Sets the command to execute.
- setComplex(boolean) - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
- setCount(int) - Method in RouteDiscoveryReq
Sets the number of discovery attempts.
- setCredentials(String) - Method in RemoteExecReq
Sets the user credentials for authentication.
- setCredentials(String) - Method in RemoteFileGetReq
Sets the user credentials for authentication.
- setCredentials(String) - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
Sets the user credentials for authentication.
- setDac(int) - Method in TxBasebandSignalReq
Sets destination DAC number.
- setData(byte[]) - Method in BadFrameNtf
Sets the data as byte array.
- setData(byte[]) - Method in DatagramNtf
Sets the data as byte array.
- setData(byte[]) - Method in DatagramReq
Sets data to be send across.
- setData(float[]) - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
- setData(int, Object) - Method in Ranging
- setData(byte[]) - Method in RemoteFileNtf
Sets the data transferred.
- setData(byte[]) - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
Sets the data to be transferred.
- setData(byte[]) - Method in RxDataNtf
Sets the data as byte array.
- setData(byte[]) - Method in TxRawFrameReq
Sets data to be send across.
- setDataRate(int, int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Sets the frame data rate for data or control channel.
- setDataRate(float) - Method in UdpLink
Set data rate.
- setDefaultLink(String) - Method in Router
- setDefaultTerminationHandling(int) - Method in AbnormalTerminationManager
Sets the default handling of abormally terminated agents.
- setDetector(float) - Method in CollisionNtf
Sets the detector output.
- setDetector(float) - Method in RxFrameStartNtf
Sets the detector output.
- setDiveRate(double) - Method in NodeInfo
Sets the dive rate.
- setDsp(String) - Method in Portal
- setDsp(AgentID) - Method in RemoteControl
- setDsp(AgentID) - Method in SWTransport
- setDsp(String) - Method in UdpPortal
- setDsp(String) - Method in Wormhole
- setDuration(float) - Method in ReservationReq
Sets the duration for which the channel will be reserved, with the destination (in seconds).
- setEnable(boolean) - Method in BasebandSignalMonitor
- setErrors(int) - Method in RxDataNtf
Sets the number of erroneous bits corrected in the data frame.
- setErrors(int) - Method in RxFrameNtf
Sets the number of erroneous bits corrected in the data frame.
- setException(Throwable) - Method in AbnormalTerminationNtf
Sets the exception.
- setFanctl(float) - Method in Physical
- setFc(float) - Method in BasebandSignal
Sets the carrier frequency for the passband signal represented by this
baseband signal.
- setFilename(String) - Method in RemoteFileGetReq
Sets the name of the remote file.
- setFilename(String) - Method in RemoteFileNtf
Sets the name of the remote file.
- setFilename(String) - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
Sets the name of the remote file.
- setFrameLength(int, int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Sets the frame length for data or control channel.
- setFrom(int) - Method in DatagramNtf
Sets from or source address.
- setFrom(int) - Method in RemoteFileNtf
Sets the source.
- setFrom(int) - Method in RemoteTextNtf
Sets the source.
- setFrom(int) - Method in ReservationStatusNtf
Sets the address of the source node.
- setFs(float) - Method in BasebandSignal
Sets the sampling rate of the signal.
- setHeading(double) - Method in NodeInfo
Sets the heading.
- setHops(int) - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Sets the hop count to destination.
- setId(String) - Method in DatagramCancelReq
Sets datagram request ID.
- setID(int) - Method in DatagramProgressNtf
Sets transfer ID.
- setId(String) - Method in ReservationAcceptReq
Sets the unique identifier associated with a reservation request.
- setId(String) - Method in ReservationCancelReq
Sets the identifier of the reservation request to a unique value, which is to be cancelled.
- setIgnore(List<Parameter>) - Method in SaveStateReq
Sets the parameters to be ignored from persisting.
- setIncoming(boolean) - Method in DatagramProgressNtf
Sets the datagram transfer direction.
- setIndex(int) - Method in ParamChangeNtf
Sets the index.
- setInterval(float) - Method in RouteDiscoveryReq
Sets the interval between discovery attempts.
- setIpreamble(int, int) - Method in Ranging
- setIrreduciblePER(double) - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
Sets the irreducible packet error rate (PER).
- setIsignal(int, Object) - Method in Ranging
- setJanus(int, boolean) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Enables/disables support for JANUS frames.
- setLifetime(int, long) - Method in Ranging
- setLink(AgentID) - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Sets the next hop link to use.
- setLlr(float[]) - Method in BadFrameNtf
Sets the log likelihood ratios (LLR).
- setLlr(float[]) - Method in RxDataNtf
Sets the log likelihood ratios (LLR).
- setLocation(double[]) - Method in BadFrameNtf
Sets the location where this frame was received.
- setLocation(ArrayList<?>) - Method in NodeInfo
Sets the location.
- setLocation(double[]) - Method in RxBasebandSignalNtf
Sets the location where this frame was received.
- setLocation(double[]) - Method in RxFrameNtf
Sets the location where this frame was received.
- setLocation(double[]) - Method in TxFrameNtf
Sets the location where this frame was received.
- setLogLevel(Level) - Method in Physical
- setLogLevel(Level) - Method in UnetAgent
Sets the current log level for the agent.
- setMac(String) - Method in ECLink
- setMac(String) - Method in Ranging
- setMac(String) - Method in ReliableLink
- setMaxAssisterRange(float) - Method in Unity
- setMaxBackoff(float) - Method in CSMA
- setMaxFrameLength(int, int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the maximum possible frame length.
- setMaxHops(int) - Method in RouteDiscoveryReq
Sets the maximum number of hops allowed.
- setMaxRange(int, float) - Method in Ranging
- setMaxReservationDuration(float) - Method in CSMA
- setMinBackoff(float) - Method in CSMA
- setMobility(boolean) - Method in NodeInfo
Sets the mobility.
- setMonitorTimeout(int) - Method in UdpLink
Sets monitor socket timeout in ms.
- setMTU(int) - Method in Router
- setName(String) - Method in AddressAllocReq
Sets the node name.
- setName(String) - Method in AddressResolutionReq
Sets the node name.
- setName(String) - Method in AddressResolutionRsp
Sets the node name.
- setNextHop(int) - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Sets the next hop node address.
- setNodeName(String) - Method in NodeInfo
Sets the node name.
- setOffset(int, long) - Method in Ranging
- setOrigin(ArrayList<?>) - Method in NodeInfo
Set the origin of the coordinate system.
- setParam(Parameter, int, Object) - Method in Physical
- setParam(Parameter, int, Object) - Method in UnetAgent
Agents providing dynamic parameters may override this method to set
a value for a given parameter.
- setParameter(String, String, String, int) - Method in ATScriptEngine
- setPayload(byte[]) - Method in ReservationAcceptReq
Sets the value with payload information with a byte[].
- setPayload(byte[]) - Method in ReservationReq
Sets payload with meta information(in a byte[]), that the TX client agent communicates with RX node.
- setPayload(byte[]) - Method in ReservationStatusNtf
Sets payload information using a byte[].
- setPayload(byte[]) - Method in TxAckReq
Sets payload with information using a byte[], any information that is to be communicated with the Tx client agent.
- setPeer(int) - Method in DatagramProgressNtf
Sets peer node address.
- setPfa(float) - Method in BPSKFadingModel
Set acceptable probability of false alarm for preamble detection.
- setPhy(String) - Method in CSMA
- setPhy(String) - Method in ECLink
- setPhy(String) - Method in Ranging
- setPhy(String) - Method in ReliableLink
- setPhy(String) - Method in Unity
- setPlvl(float) - Method in PhysicalShellExt
- setPort(int) - Method in UdpLink
Sets port number.
- setPort(int) - Method in UdpPortal
- setPost(int) - Method in Physical
- setPowerLevel(int, float) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Sets power level for data or control channel.
- setPreamble(int) - Method in BasebandSignal
Sets the preamble identifier (default is 0).
- setPreamble(int, Preamble) - Method in Physical
- setPreambleID(int) - Method in BasebandSignal
Sets the preamble identifier (default is 0).
- setPriority(Priority) - Method in DatagramNtf
Sets the priority of the datagram.
- setPriority(Priority) - Method in DatagramReq
Sets the priority of the datagram.
- setPriority(Priority) - Method in ReservationReq
Sets the priority of the reservation request.
- setPriority(Priority) - Method in TxRawFrameReq
Sets the priority of the datagram.
- setPropagationSpeed(float) - Method in Physical
- setProtocol(int) - Method in DatagramNtf
Sets protocol number.
- setProtocol(int) - Method in DatagramReq
Sets the protocol number.
- setPublish(List) - Method in Wormhole
- setRdelay(int, float) - Method in Ranging
- setRecLength(Integer) - Method in RecordBasebandSignalReq
Sets recording length in samples.
- setRecommendedReservationDuration(float) - Method in CSMA
- setRecTime(Long) - Method in RecordBasebandSignalReq
Sets recording time.
- setReliability(Boolean) - Method in DatagramReq
Sets the reliability.
- setReliability(boolean) - Method in RemoteControl
- setReliability(boolean) - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Sets the reliability of the next hop link.
- setReliable(boolean) - Method in ReservationReq
Sets value to specify if current reservation requires reliability (in the
form of mac layer acknowledgements), if supported by the underlying MAC
- setRequestID(Object) - Method in TxAckReq
Sets the identifier of the reservation request to a unique value.
- setRespawnDelay(int) - Method in AbnormalTerminationManager
Sets the delay before an agent is respawned or a custom handler is invoked.
- setRetries(int) - Method in UdpLink
Sets the maximum number of retries for delivery.
- setRicianK(float) - Method in BPSKFadingModel
Set Rician specular component (parameter K).
- setRoute(List<Integer>) - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Sets the detailed route to destination.
- setRpreamble(int, int) - Method in Ranging
- setRsignal(int, Object) - Method in Ranging
- setRssi(float) - Method in BadFrameNtf
Sets the received signal strength.
- setRssi(float) - Method in RxBasebandSignalNtf
Sets the received signal strength.
- setRssi(float) - Method in RxDataNtf
Sets the received signal strength.
- setRssi(float) - Method in RxFrameNtf
Sets the received signal strength.
- setRtc(Date) - Method in Physical
- setRTU(int) - Method in Router
- setRxDuration(int) - Method in RxFrameStartNtf
Sets the reception duration in us.
- setRxEnable(boolean) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Enables or disables reception.
- setRxTime(long) - Method in BadFrameNtf
Sets the reception timestamp of frame.
- setRxTime(long) - Method in CollisionNtf
Sets the rx timestamp in us.
- setRxTime(long) - Method in RxBasebandSignalNtf
Sets reception timestamp.
- setRxTime(long) - Method in RxDataNtf
Sets the time of reception.
- setRxTime(Long) - Method in RxFrameNtf
Sets the reception timestamp in us.
- setRxTime(long) - Method in RxFrameStartNtf
Sets the reception timestamp in us.
- setSamplingRate(int) - Method in BasebandSignal
Sets the sampling rate of the signal.
- setScheme(int) - Method in RxDataNtf
Sets the scheme.
- setShell(AgentID) - Method in RemoteControl
- setShortcircuit(boolean) - Method in DatagramReq
Sets whether the datagram may be short circuited.
- setSignal(float[]) - Method in BasebandSignal
Sets the signal contents from an array of floats.
- setSignal(float[]) - Method in Preamble
Sets a user-defined signal.
- setSignalFromBase64(String) - Method in BasebandSignal
Sets the signal from a base64 representation of the baseband signal.
- setSignalPowerLevel(float) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Sets power level for baseband signal transmission.
- setSpeed(double) - Method in NodeInfo
Sets the speed.
- setStartTime(Long) - Method in ReservationReq
Sets the starting time for the reservation request.
- setStateName(String) - Method in SaveStateReq
Sets the state name.
- setStatus(ReservationStatus) - Method in ReservationStatusNtf
Sets the current status of channel reservation for a particular reservation request.
- setter(String) - Method in ATScriptEngine
- setTerminationHandling(String, Runnable) - Method in AbnormalTerminationManager
Sets how an agent abnormal termination should be handled.
- setTestFrame(boolean) - Method in RxDataNtf
Sets the test frame flag for the frame.
- setText(String) - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
- setText(String) - Method in RemoteTextNtf
Sets the text message.
- setText(String) - Method in RemoteTextReq
Sets the text message.
- setThreshold(int, int) - Method in Ranging
- setTimeout(float) - Method in UdpLink
Sets delivery timeout in seconds.
- setTimeout(long) - Method in UnetSocket
Sets the timeout for datagram reception.
- setTimestamped(boolean) - Method in TxFrameReq
Sets true if transmission request needs to be timestamped.
- setTimestampedTxDelay(float) - Method in Physical
- setTimestampProvider(TimestampProvider) - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
- setTimestampProvider(TimestampProvider) - Method in ChannelModel
Sets the time provider used to get current time.
- setTimestampProvider(TimestampProvider) - Method in ProtocolChannelModel
- setTimestampProvider(TimestampProvider) - Method in Tracer
Sets the time provider used to get current time for logging.
- setTo(int) - Method in DatagramNtf
Sets the to address.
- setTo(int) - Method in DatagramReq
Sets the to/destination node address.
- setTo(int) - Method in RemoteExecReq
Sets the destination.
- setTo(int) - Method in RemoteFileGetReq
Sets the destination.
- setTo(int) - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
Sets the destination.
- setTo(int) - Method in RemoteTextReq
Sets the destination.
- setTo(int) - Method in ReservationReq
Sets the address of the destination node.
- setTo(int) - Method in ReservationStatusNtf
Sets the address of the destination node.
- setTo(int) - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Sets the destination node address.
- setTo(int) - Method in RouteDiscoveryReq
Sets the destination node address.
- setTo(int) - Method in RouteTraceNtf
Sets the to/destination node address.
- setTo(int) - Method in RouteTraceReq
Sets the to/destination node address.
- setTotal(int) - Method in DatagramProgressNtf
Sets total number of bytes in datagram.
- setTrace(List<Integer>) - Method in RouteTraceNtf
Sets the trace.
- setTransferred(int) - Method in DatagramProgressNtf
Sets number of bytes transferred.
- setTtl(float) - Method in DatagramNtf
Sets the time-to-live for the datagram.
- setTtl(float) - Method in DatagramReq
Sets the time-to-live for the datagram.
- setTtl(float) - Method in ReservationReq
Sets the time-to-live for the reservation request.
- setTurnRate(double) - Method in NodeInfo
Sets the turn rate.
- setTxDuration(int) - Method in TxFrameStartNtf
Sets the reception duration in us.
- setTxTime(Long) - Method in RxFrameNtf
Sets the transmission timestamp.
- setTxTime(Long) - Method in TxBasebandSignalReq
Sets transmission timestamp.
- setTxTime(long) - Method in TxFrameNtf
Sets the transmission timestamp in us.
- setTxTime(Long) - Method in TxFrameReq
Sets transmission timestamp. transmission will be triggered at the specified time.
- setTxTime(long) - Method in TxFrameStartNtf
Sets the transmission timestamp in us.
- setTxTime(long) - Method in TxRawFrameReq
Sets transmission timestamp. transmission will be triggered at the specified time.
- setType(int) - Method in BadFrameNtf
Sets the channel type.
- setType(int) - Method in CollisionNtf
Sets the channel type.
- setType(int) - Method in RxFrameNtf
Sets the channel type.
- setType(int) - Method in RxFrameStartNtf
Sets the frame type.
- setType(int) - Method in TxFrameNtf
Sets the frame type.
- setType(int) - Method in TxFrameReq
Sets the channel type.
- setType(int) - Method in TxFrameStartNtf
Sets the frame type.
- setType(int) - Method in TxRawFrameReq
Sets the channel type.
- setup() - Method in AddressResolution
- setup() - Method in CSMA
- setup() - Method in ECLink
- setup() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
- setup() - Method in NodeInfo
- setup() - Method in Physical
- setup() - Method in Ranging
- setup() - Method in ReliableLink
- setup() - Method in RemoteControl
- setup() - Method in RouteDiscoveryProtocol
- setup() - Method in Router
- setup() - Method in SWTransport
- setup() - Method in TestAgent
- setup() - Method in UdpLink
- setup() - Method in UdpPortal
- setup() - Method in UnetAgent
Called by UnetAgent when the agent is being initialized.
- setup() - Method in Wormhole
- setVariable(String, Object) - Method in ATScriptEngine
- setWakeup(boolean) - Method in TxBasebandSignalReq
Enables/disables sending of wakeup signal before frame.
- setWakeup(boolean) - Method in TxFrameReq
Enables/disables sending of wakeup signal before frame.
- setWakeup(boolean) - Method in TxRawFrameReq
Enables/disables sending of wakeup signal before frame.
- setWarmup(double) - Method in Tracer
Sets the amount of time in seconds to ignore (for statistics computation)
at the beginning of each simulation.
- setXMax(float) - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
- setXMin(float) - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
- setXRange(float, float) - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
- setYMax(float) - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
- setYMin(float) - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
- setYRange(float, float) - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
- shell - Field in ATScriptEngine
- shortcircuit - Field in DatagramReq
- showsleep() - Method in SchedulerShellExt
- shutdown() - Method in ATScriptEngine
- shutdown() - Method in BasebandSignalMonitor
- shutdown() - Method in Physical
- shutdown() - Method in Portal
- shutdown() - Method in POST
- shutdown() - Method in UdpLink
- shutdown() - Method in UdpPortal
- shutdown() - Method in UnetAgent
- shutdown() - Method in Wormhole
- signal - Field in BasebandSignal
Signal time series.
- signalPowerLevel - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Transmit power level (dB re refPowerLevel) for baseband signals.
- SimpleFragmenter - Class in org.arl.unet.utils
- SimpleFragmenter(byte[], int) - Constructor in SimpleFragmenter
- SimpleReassembler - Class in org.arl.unet.utils
- SimpleReassembler(int, int) - Constructor in SimpleReassembler
- SimulationStateNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.sim
Simulator state notification.
- Simulator - Class in org.arl.unet.sim
- Simulator(Shell, AgentID) - Constructor in Simulator
- SleepCycle - Class in org.arl.unet.scheduler
Sleep cycle specifying a start/end time for a scheduled sleep.
- sleepCycle - Field in AddScheduledSleepReq
- SleepCycle(String, Date, Date) - Constructor in SleepCycle
Creates a sleep cycle given an id, start time and end time for the
scheduled sleep.
- sleepSchedule - Field in SleepScheduleRsp
- SleepScheduleRsp - Class in org.arl.unet.scheduler
Response with sleep schedule.
- SleepScheduleRsp(Message, List<SleepCycle>) - Constructor in SleepScheduleRsp
- sleepTime - Field in SleepCycle
- SNOOP - Field in Physical
Snoop notification topic name.
- socket() - Method in UnetGateway
Creates a socket for transmission/reception of datagrams.
- soundSpeed - Field in ProtocolChannelModel
Sound speed (m/s).
- startTime - Field in PhyTickerBehavior
- startTime - Field in ReservationReq
- startup() - Method in BasebandSignalMonitor
- startup() - Method in CSMA
- startup() - Method in ECLink
- startup() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
- startup() - Method in NodeInfo
- startup() - Method in Physical
- startup() - Method in Portal
- startup() - Method in Ranging
- startup() - Method in ReliableLink
- startup() - Method in RemoteControl
- startup() - Method in RouteDiscoveryProtocol
- startup() - Method in Router
- startup() - Method in SWTransport
- startup() - Method in TestAgent
- startup() - Method in UdpLink
- startup() - Method in UdpPortal
- startup() - Method in UnetAgent
Called by UnetAgent after all agents are fully initialized.
- startup() - Method in Unity
- startup() - Method in Wormhole
- StateManager - Class in org.arl.unet.state
Agents state persistence manager.
- StateManagerShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.state
State manager shell extension.
- stateName - Field in SaveStateReq
- status - Field in ReservationStatusNtf
- stop() - Method in PhyTickerBehavior
Terminates the behavior.
- stop() - Method in Simulator
- subscribeForService(Enum<?>) - Method in UnetAgent
Subscribe to all agents providing a specified service.
- sweep(float, float, float, Float) - Method in BasebandShellExt
- SWTransport - Class in org.arl.unet.transport
Stop-and-wait multi-hop transport agent.
- SWTransportParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.transport
Stop-and-wait multi-hop transport agent (SWTransport) parameters.
- SWTransportShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.transport
Stop-and-wait transport agent shell extension.