- org.arl.unet.net.DatagramTraceReq
Special datagram request used for a network trace. When a trace datagram
is transmitted over a route, the route details are appended to the datagram
at each node, and the final node generates a RouteTraceNtf.
Inherited Methods Summary
Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class |
Name |
class DatagramReq |
getData, getPriority, getProtocol, getReliability, getShortcircuit, getTo, getTtl, setData, setPriority, setProtocol, setReliability, setShortcircuit, setTo, setTtl, toString |
- Summary:
Nested Field Constructor Method
- | Detail:
Field Constructor Method
Copyright 2013-19, Acoustic Research Laboratory, National University of Singapore, and Subnero Pte Ltd