Base class with routing table information.
Modifiers | Name | Description |
enum |
RouteInfo.Operation |
Type | Name and description |
Boolean |
enabled Route enabled. |
Integer |
hops Number of hops (if known, null otherwise). |
AgentID |
link Link agent ID. |
Float |
metric Route metric (higher the metric, better the route). |
Integer |
nextHop Next hop node address. |
RouteInfo.Operation |
op Route add/change/delete operation |
Boolean |
reliability Link reliability. |
Integer |
to Destination node address. |
String |
uuid Unique ID for routing table entry. |
Constructor and description |
() |
(Performative perf) |
(Message msg) |
(Message msg, Performative perf) |
Methods inherited from class | Name |
class Message |
toString, setRecipient, setPerformative, getPerformative, getRecipient, setSender, getSender, setMessageID, getMessageID, setInReplyTo, getInReplyTo, setSentAt, getSentAt, wait, wait, wait, equals, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll |
Route enabled.
Number of hops (if known, null otherwise).
Link agent ID.
Route metric (higher the metric, better the route).
Next hop node address.
Route add/change/delete operation
Link reliability.
Destination node address.
Unique ID for routing table entry.
Copyright 2013-19, Acoustic Research Laboratory, National University of Singapore, and Subnero Pte Ltd