UnetStack 3.3.0 API

Package Description
org.arl.unet UnetStack core messages, parameters and classes.
org.arl.unet.addr Address allocation and resolution interface and agents.
org.arl.unet.api Easy-to-use API for application programming.
org.arl.unet.bb Baseband service interface.
org.arl.unet.c3 UnetC3 framework.
org.arl.unet.c3.client UnetC3 client agents.
org.arl.unet.c3.server UnetC3 server agents.
org.arl.unet.diversity Spatial diversity exploiting agents.
org.arl.unet.link Link interface and agents.
org.arl.unet.localization Ranging and localization interface and agents.
org.arl.unet.mac Medium access control (MAC) interface and agents.
org.arl.unet.net Multi-hop routing interface and agents.
org.arl.unet.nodeinfo Node information interface and agents.
org.arl.unet.phy Physical layer interface definition.
org.arl.unet.portal Portal agents.
org.arl.unet.remote Remote node control interface and agents.
org.arl.unet.scheduler Scheduler interface and agents.
org.arl.unet.shell Shell support scripts.
org.arl.unet.sim Network and channel simulator.
org.arl.unet.sim.channels Network simluator channel models.
org.arl.unet.state Agent state manager.
org.arl.unet.transport End-to-end data transport interface and agents.
org.arl.unet.utils Utility classes.
org.arl.unet.wormhole Wormhole agent.
org.arl.yoda Software defined modem.
org.arl.yoda.io Modem hardware IO support.