A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


AbnormalTerminationManager - Class in org.arl.unet
Agent to handle abnormal termination of agents and perform appropriate action.
AbnormalTerminationNtf - Class in org.arl.unet
Notification message sent when an agent crashes unexpectedly.
AbnormalTerminationNtf(UnetAgent) - Constructor in AbnormalTerminationNtf
abort() - Method in ATScriptEngine
abort() - Method in TransportShellExt
AboutToSleepNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.scheduler
Notification to indicate that the modem plans to sleep shortly.
AboutToSleepNtf() - Constructor in AboutToSleepNtf
AbstractAcousticChannel - Class in org.arl.unet.sim.channels
Base class for implementing acoustic channel models.
ack - Field in RemoteExecReq
ack - Field in RemoteFilePutReq
ack(boolean) - Method in RemoteShellExt
ack - Field in RemoteTextReq
action() - Method in PhyTickerBehavior
This method calls onTick() once every specified period.
adc - Field in RecordBasebandSignalReq
adc - Field in RxBasebandSignalNtf
add(String, Map) - Method in SensorMetadata
Convenience method to enable syntax to add metadata easily.
addArrival(Reception) - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
addArrival(Reception) - Method in ChannelModel
Adds a signal arrival at a modem in the channel.
addArrival(Reception) - Method in ProtocolChannelModel
addCapability(Capability) - Method in UnetAgent
Adds capability the agent is capable of.
addFragment(byte[]) - Method in ECReassembler
addFragment(byte[]) - Method in Reassembler
Adds a fragment for reassembly.
addFragment(byte[]) - Method in SimpleReassembler
addnode(String, boolean, List<String>) - Method in C3ShellExt
addParameter(Parameter, int, Object) - Method in AgentParamState
Adds the parameter and value to state.
addr - Field in NodeAddressCache
addr - Field in NodeManager
addrCache - Field in Wormhole
Address - Class in org.arl.unet
Defined constants for addressing.
address - Field in AddressAllocRsp
address - Field in AddressResolutionRsp
AddressAllocReq - Class in org.arl.unet.addr
Request message for address allocation.
AddressAllocReq(String) - Constructor in AddressAllocReq
AddressAllocRsp - Class in org.arl.unet.addr
Response message for address allocation of this node.
AddressAllocRsp(Message, int) - Constructor in AddressAllocRsp
AddressResolution - Class in org.arl.unet.addr
Address Resolution agent to process address allocation and resolution requests.
AddressResolutionReq - Class in org.arl.unet.addr
Request message for address resolution for a given node name.
AddressResolutionReq(String) - Constructor in AddressResolutionReq
AddressResolutionRsp - Class in org.arl.unet.addr
Response message for address resolution request.
AddressResolutionRsp(Message, String, int) - Constructor in AddressResolutionRsp
addroute(Map) - Method in RouterShellExt
addrPattern2 - Field in Wormhole
addrPattern - Field in Wormhole
addrSize - Field in NodeAddressCache
AddScheduledSleepReq - Class in org.arl.unet.scheduler
Request to add a scheduled sleep.
AddScheduledSleepReq(long, long) - Constructor in AddScheduledSleepReq
Request sleep from a given time until a wakeup time.
addsleep(def, def) - Method in SchedulerShellExt
addToClasspath(File) - Method in UnetBoot
addTx(Transmission) - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
addTx(Transmission) - Method in ChannelModel
Adds a modem transmission in the channel.
addTx(Transmission) - Method in ProtocolChannelModel
agent - Field in NodeAddressCache
agent(String) - Method in UnetSocket
Gets a named AgentID for low-level access to UnetStack.
agentClass - Field in AgentLifecycleNtf
agentClassName - Field in AgentLifecycleNtf
agentForService(Enum<?>) - Method in UnetSocket
Gets an AgentID providing a specified service for low-level access to UnetStack.
agentID - Field in SaveStateReq
AgentLifecycleNtf - Class in org.arl.unet
Agent lifecycle notification is a base class for all events related to agent birth, death and service registration.
AgentLifecycleNtf(UnetAgent) - Constructor in AgentLifecycleNtf
AgentParam - Enum in org.arl.unet
Default parameters available for all agents, but not advertised in parameter list.
AgentParamState - Class in org.arl.unet.state
Representation class to capture state of an agent which can be stored in a file.
AgentParamState.ParamValues - Class in org.arl.unet.state
Representation class for param value index combination.
AgentParamState.ParamValues(Parameter, int, Object) - Constructor in AgentParamState.ParamValues
AgentParamState() - Constructor in AgentParamState
agentsForService(Enum<?>) - Method in UnetSocket
Gets a list of AgentIDs providing a specified service for low-level access to UnetStack.
AgentStartNtf - Class in org.arl.unet
Notification message sent when an agent is born.
AgentStartNtf(UnetAgent) - Constructor in AgentStartNtf
AgentTerminationNtf - Class in org.arl.unet
Notification message sent when an agent is born.
AgentTerminationNtf(UnetAgent) - Constructor in AgentTerminationNtf
allOf(Class) - Method in UnetAgent
Generate a list of parameters from a parameter enumeration.
API - Field in UnetShellExt
ArpShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.addr
Address resolution service shell extension.
async(Runnable) - Method in DBAgent
Runs a long-running task asynchronously in a non-agent thread.
ATScriptEngine - Class in org.arl.unet.shell
AT command processor.
auto - Field in TestAgent
Run test automatically on startup, and kill agent on completion.


BadFrameNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.phy
Notification message for reception of corrupted or bad physical frame.
BadFrameNtf() - Constructor in BadFrameNtf
BasebandCapability - Enum in org.arl.unet.bb
Capabilities of physical layer.
BasebandParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.bb
Parameters supported by an agent supporting the Services.BASEBAND service.
basebandRate - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Baseband sampling rate (Hz).
basebandRxDuration - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Baseband reception duration (s).
BasebandShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.bb
Baseband service shell extension.
BasebandSignal - Class in org.arl.unet.bb
Baseband signal for transmission/reception.
BasebandSignal(Message, Performative) - Constructor in BasebandSignal
BasebandSignalMonitor - Class in org.arl.unet.bb
BasebandSignalMonitor(String, int, boolean) - Constructor in BasebandSignalMonitor
BasebandSignalMonitorParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.bb
Parameters supported by the BasebandSignalMonitor agent.
BasebandSignalMonitorShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.bb
Baseband signal monitor shell extension.
BasicAcousticChannel - Class in org.arl.unet.sim.channels
A basic underwater communications channel model for simulation.
bbrec(int, Long) - Method in BasebandShellExt
bbtx(def, Long) - Method in BasebandShellExt
beacon() - Method in RangingShellExt
BeaconReq - Class in org.arl.unet.localization
Request to send out a ranging beacon.
BeaconReq() - Constructor in BeaconReq
begin(String) - Method in EventTracer
Marks the start of an event group.
begin(String) - Method in Tracer
Marks the beginning of a simulation.
bind(Shell) - Method in ATScriptEngine
bind(int) - Method in UnetSocket
Binds a socket to listen to a specific protocol datagrams.
bits - Field in RxDataNtf
bits - Field in RxFrameNtf
BlobMeasurement - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Binary data measurement.
BLOCKING - Field in UnetSocket
BPSKFadingModel - Class in org.arl.unet.sim.channels
A communication model based on a BPSK frame in an underwater channel modeled as a Rayleigh or Rician fading channel, with a LFM/DSSS detection preamble.
BPSKFadingModel(AbstractAcousticChannel) - Constructor in BPSKFadingModel
Creates the communication model.
BROADCAST - Field in Address
Broadcast address.
build(Closure) - Method in FSMBuilder
bytesToHexDump(byte[]) - Method in Utils
Convert a byte array into a formatted hex dump.
bytesToHexString(byte[]) - Method in Utils
Convert from a byte array into a hexadecimal string.


C3 - Field in Protocol
Protocol number for use by C3 agents.
C3PDU - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
C3 PDU formats.
C3ShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.c3.server
C3 server shell extension.
C3Utils - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
UnetC3 utilities.
call(String, Object) - Method in ATScriptEngine
call(String) - Method in Simulator
cancel() - Method in UnetSocket
Cancels an ongoing blocking receive().
cancelArrival(Reception) - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
cancelArrival(Reception) - Method in ChannelModel
Cancels a scheduled/ongoing signal arrival at the modem in the channel.
cancelArrival(Reception) - Method in ProtocolChannelModel
cancelTx(Transmission) - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
cancelTx(Transmission) - Method in ChannelModel
Cancels a scheduled/ongoing modem transmission in the channel.
cancelTx(Transmission) - Method in ProtocolChannelModel
canNeglect(Reception) - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
canNeglect(Reception) - Method in ChannelModel
Checks if a signal arrival is too weak to care about.
canNeglect(Reception) - Method in ProtocolChannelModel
cap - Field in CapabilityReq
Capability - Interface in org.arl.unet
Interface to tag capabilities.
CapabilityListRsp - Class in org.arl.unet
Response message for CapabilityReq message providing list of Capability of an agent.
CapabilityListRsp(Message, Set<Capability>) - Constructor in CapabilityListRsp
Constructs the response for CapabilityReq.
CapabilityReq - Class in org.arl.unet
Request message to query what agent is capable of.
CapabilityReq(AgentID, Capability) - Constructor in CapabilityReq
Constructs query message for given capability to recipient agent ID.
capSet - Field in CapabilityListRsp
carrierFrequency - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Carrier frequency (Hz).
cfo - Field in RxDataNtf
cfo - Field in RxFrameNtf
changeRoute(String) - Method in EditRouteReq
Creates a request to change a route by its unique route ID.
channel - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Channel model to use for simulating transmission, reception and interference.
ChannelModel - Interface in org.arl.unet.sim
Channel modeling interface for simulation.
channels - Field in BasebandSignal
Number of channels.
chars(String) - Method in PDU
Adds a string literal to the PDU.
charset(String) - Method in PDU
Specifies the character encoding of text in the PDU.
clear() - Method in ParamChangeNtf
Clears the values.
ClearReq - Class in org.arl.unet
Request to clear agent queues/buffers.
ClearReq() - Constructor in ClearReq
ClearStateReq - Class in org.arl.unet.state
Request message for clearing the current state of agent(s).
ClearStateReq() - Constructor in ClearStateReq
clock - Field in AbstractAcousticChannel
close() - Method in Tracer
Closes the trace file.
close() - Method in UnetSocket
Closes the socket.
closeQuietly(DatagramSocket) - Method in Utils
close multicast socket quietly.
clrlogs() - Method in UnetShellExt
clrstate() - Method in StateManagerShellExt
cmd - Field in RemoteExecReq
CollisionNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.phy
Notification message for collision of frames.
CollisionNtf() - Constructor in CollisionNtf
comma - Field in EventTracer
comment(String) - Method in Tracer
Logs a comment to the trace file.
communicationRange - Field in ProtocolChannelModel
Maximum distance for successful communication (meters).
compareTo(SleepCycle) - Method in SleepCycle
connect() - Method in DBAgent
Gets a connection to the database.
connect(int, int) - Method in UnetSocket
Sets the default destination address and destination protocol number for datagrams sent using this socket.
CONTROL - Field in Physical
Control frame.
CONTROL - Field in PhysicalShellExt
count - Field in ECFragmenter
count - Field in ECReassembler
count - Field in RouteDiscoveryReq
cplx - Field in DiagnosticsNtf
credentials - Field in RemoteExecReq
credentials - Field in RemoteFileGetReq
credentials - Field in RemoteFilePutReq
CSMA - Class in org.arl.unet.mac
Agent implements an carrier-sensing protocol to provide medium access control (MAC).
CSMAParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.mac
Parameters for CSMA MAC.
CSMAShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.mac
CSMA MAC agent shell extension.
cw(float, float, Float) - Method in BasebandShellExt
cycleID - Field in RemoveScheduledSleepReq
cycleID - Field in SleepCycle


dac - Field in TxBasebandSignalReq
dashboards() - Method in UnetShellExt
data - Field in ATScriptEngine
data - Field in BadFrameNtf
data - Field in DatagramNtf
data - Field in DatagramReq
data - Field in DiagnosticsNtf
DATA - Field in Physical
Data frame.
DATA - Field in PhysicalShellExt
DATA - Field in Protocol
Protocol number for user application data.
data - Field in RemoteFileNtf
data - Field in RemoteFilePutReq
data - Field in RxDataNtf
data - Field in TxRawFrameReq
DataCollator - Class in org.arl.unet.c3.client
UnetC3 node data collator.
DataCollator.Param - Enum in org.arl.unet.c3.client
DatagramCancelReq - Class in org.arl.unet
Request to cancel ongoing datagram transfer.
DatagramCancelReq(DatagramReq) - Constructor in DatagramCancelReq
Create a cancellation request for a specified datagram request.
DatagramCapability - Enum in org.arl.unet
Capabilities of datagram service providers.
DatagramDeliveryNtf - Class in org.arl.unet
Datagram delivery notifications are sent by an agent supporting reliable datagram delivery when a datagram is successfully delivered.
DatagramDeliveryNtf(DatagramReq) - Constructor in DatagramDeliveryNtf
Constructs a datagram delivery notification for a specified request.
DatagramFailureNtf - Class in org.arl.unet
Datagram failure notifications are sent by an agent supporting reliable datagram delivery when a datagram delivery is unsuccessful.
DatagramFailureNtf(DatagramReq) - Constructor in DatagramFailureNtf
Constructs a datagram failure notification for a specified request.
DatagramNtf - Class in org.arl.unet
Notification of received datagram message created by DatagramReq.
DatagramNtf(AgentID) - Constructor in DatagramNtf
DatagramParam - Enum in org.arl.unet
Parameters for agents supporting datagrams.
DatagramProgressNtf - Class in org.arl.unet
Notification of datagram transfer progress.
DatagramProgressNtf(Message) - Constructor in DatagramProgressNtf
Create a progress notification for a specified datagram.
DatagramReq - Class in org.arl.unet
Datagram request message to send across data to a destination.
DatagramReq(AgentID) - Constructor in DatagramReq
Constructs datagram with parameter.
DatagramTraceReq - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Special datagram request used for a network trace.
DataManager - Class in org.arl.unet.c3.server
UnetC3 data manager.
dataRate - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Communication link data rate (bps) for CONTROL and DATA channels.
DataSink - Class in org.arl.unet.c3.server
UnetC3 data sink.
DBAgent - Class in org.arl.unet.c3.server
UnetC3 database agent base class.
DBURL - Field in DBAgent
Database connection URL.
decode(Reception, double) - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
Simulates bit errors in a reception.
decode(Reception, double) - Method in BPSKFadingModel
Simulates bit errors in the received frame.
decode(byte[]) - Method in PDU
Decodes a PDU into a map of fieldname to field value.
decoder - Field in ECReassembler
decodeRx(Reception) - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
decodeRx(Reception) - Method in ChannelModel
Checks if the reception can be decoded by the modem.
decodeRx(Reception) - Method in ProtocolChannelModel
DEFAULT - Field in AbnormalTerminationManager
Setting the handling as DEFAULT uses the default behavior when an agent is abnormally terminated.
DEFAULT_DBURL - Field in DBAgent
Default database URL for all DBAgents.
DEFAULT_LIMIT - Field in DataManager
deleteRoute(String) - Method in EditRouteReq
Creates a request to delete a route by its unique route ID.
deliver(Message) - Method in ATScriptEngine
delroute(String) - Method in RouterShellExt
delroutes() - Method in RouterShellExt
delroutesto(int) - Method in RouterShellExt
deregister(Enum<?>) - Method in UnetAgent
DeregisterNodeReq - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Node deregistration request.
DeregisterNodeReq() - Constructor in DeregisterNodeReq
DeregisterSensorClassReq - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Sensor class deregistration request.
DeregisterSensorClassReq(String) - Constructor in DeregisterSensorClassReq
description - Field in AbnormalTerminationManager
description - Field in AddressResolution
description - Field in BasebandSignalMonitor
description - Field in CSMA
description - Field in GPIO
description - Field in HalfDuplexModem
description - Field in NodeInfo
description - Field in Physical
description - Field in UdpLink
detect(Reception, double) - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
Simulates detection for a reception.
detect(Reception, double) - Method in BPSKFadingModel
Simulates preamble detection (assuming pulse compression).
detectionRange - Field in ProtocolChannelModel
Maximum distance for detection of frame (meters).
detector - Field in CollisionNtf
detector - Field in RxFrameStartNtf
detectRx(Reception) - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
detectRx(Reception) - Method in ChannelModel
Checks if the reception can be detected by the modem.
detectRx(Reception) - Method in ProtocolChannelModel
DIAGNOSTICS - Field in Physical
DiagnosticsNtf - Class in org.arl.yoda
Diagnostics notification (internal use only).
DiagnosticsNtf() - Constructor in DiagnosticsNtf
die(Throwable) - Method in AbnormalTerminationManager
die(Throwable) - Method in UnetAgent
disable() - Method in EventTracer
Disables trace.
disconnect() - Method in UnetSocket
Resets the default destination address to undefined, and the default protocol number to Protocol.DATA.
distance(double[], double[]) - Method in MathUtils
Computes the distance between two points.
distance(def, def) - Method in UnetShellExt
done() - Method in PhyTickerBehavior
Returns true once stop() is called, false otherwise.
DROP - Field in Tracer
Event indicating that a packet has been dropped.
dropped(int, Transmission, String) - Method in Tracer
Indicates that a packet has been dropped.
dsp - Field in Wormhole
duration - Field in ReservationReq


ECFragmenter - Class in org.arl.unet.utils
An erasure correction code based fragmentation engine.
ECFragmenter(byte[], int) - Constructor in ECFragmenter
Creates a fragmenter that will fragment the given data into smaller fragments of a specified length.
echo - Field in ATScriptEngine
ECLink - Class in org.arl.unet.link
Erasure coded link.
ECLinkParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.link
Parameters for Erasure coded link agent.
ECLinkProgressParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.link
ECLinkShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.link
ECLink agent shell extension.
ECReassembler - Class in org.arl.unet.utils
An erasure correction code based reassembly engine.
ECReassembler(long, int) - Constructor in ECReassembler
Creates a reassembler that will recreate a large data chunk from smaller fragments of a specified length.
editroute(Map, String) - Method in RouterShellExt
EditRouteReq - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Request to update the routing table.
EditRouteReq() - Constructor in EditRouteReq
enable(File) - Method in EventTracer
Enables trace to file.
enable() - Method in GroovyExtensions
Enable syntax extensions for use by Groovy agents.
enabled() - Method in EventTracer
Checks if trace is currently enabled.
encode(Map<String, Object>) - Method in PDU
Encodes a PDU from a map of fieldname to field value.
encoder - Field in ECFragmenter
end() - Method in EventTracer
Marks the end of an event group.
end(String) - Method in Tracer
Marks the end of a simulation.
ENQUEUE - Field in Tracer
Event indicating a packet has been queued.
enqueued(Transmission, String) - Method in Tracer
Indicates that a packet has been queued for transmission.
equals(Preamble) - Method in Preamble
erf(double) - Method in MathUtils
Error function.
erfc(double) - Method in MathUtils
Complementary error function.
erfcinv(double) - Method in MathUtils
Inverse complementary error function.
erfinv(double) - Method in MathUtils
Inverse error function.
ERROR() - Method in ATScriptEngine
errors - Field in RxDataNtf
errors - Field in RxFrameNtf
estimatedStartTime - Field in ReservationRsp
eternity - Field in SchedulerShellExt
event(EventNtf) - Method in DataCollator
EventNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Event notification.
EventNtf() - Constructor in EventNtf
events(Map) - Method in C3ShellExt
EventsRsp - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Event list.
EventsRsp.Event - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Event in an event list.
EventsRsp(Message) - Constructor in EventsRsp
EventTracer - Class in org.arl.unet
Event tracer.
exception - Field in AbnormalTerminationNtf
exec(Reader, String, List<String>) - Method in ATScriptEngine
exec(String, Map) - Method in UnetBoot
executor - Field in DBAgent
Executor to process blocking operations.


FailureNtf - Class in org.arl.unet
Failure notification related to a request, optionally indicating a reason for failure.
FailureNtf(Message, String) - Constructor in FailureNtf
Constructs a failure notification message.
fc - Field in ProtocolChannelModel
Carrier frequency (kHz).
FecDecodeReq - Class in org.arl.unet.phy
Forward error correction (FEC) decode request.
FecDecodeReq(AgentID) - Constructor in FecDecodeReq
fget(int, String) - Method in RemoteShellExt
fhbfsk - Field in Modulation
FhbfskParam - Enum in org.arl.yoda
Parameters for FH-BFSK modulation.
fields - Field in ATScriptEngine
file(def) - Method in UnetShellExt
filename - Field in RemoteFileGetReq
filename - Field in RemoteFileNtf
filename - Field in RemoteFilePutReq
filler(int) - Method in PDU
Adds filler bytes to PDU.
finalize() - Method in Tracer
forever - Field in SchedulerShellExt
format() - Method in PDU
Defines the format of the PDU.
formatMessage(Message, Object) - Method in Utils
Convenience method for pretty printing of messages.
fput(int, String, def) - Method in RemoteShellExt
Fragmenter - Interface in org.arl.unet.utils
Represents a fragmentation engine that takes in a large byte array and generates a number of smaller fragment byte arrays.
fragmentLen - Field in ECFragmenter
fragmentLen - Field in ECReassembler
frameLength - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Frame length (bytes) for CONTROL and DATA channels.
free() - Method in UnetShellExt
from - Field in DatagramNtf
from - Field in RemoteFileNtf
from - Field in RemoteTextNtf
from - Field in ReservationStatusNtf
fromByteArray(byte[]) - Method in ATScriptEngine
fromFloatArray(float[]) - Method in ATScriptEngine
fromList(List) - Method in MotionModel
Creates a motion model from a list of hashmaps.
fs - Field in BasebandSignal
Sampling frequency (Hz), -1 if unknown.
FSMBuilder - Class in org.arl.unet
Finite state machine (FSM) builder.


get(Parameter) - Method in ParamChangeNtf
Gets the parameter value.
get(List<? extends Parameter>) - Method in ParameterReq
get(AgentID, int, Parameter) - Method in UnetAgent
Requests value of indexed parameter from another agent.
getAck() - Method in RemoteExecReq
Gets if acknowledgement is required.
getAck() - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
Gets if acknowledgement is required.
getAck() - Method in RemoteTextReq
Gets if acknowledgement is required.
getAckPayloadSize() - Method in CSMA
getAdc() - Method in KeplerADC
getAdc() - Method in RecordBasebandSignalReq
Gets the source ADC.
getAdc() - Method in RxBasebandSignalNtf
Gets the source ADC.
getAddress() - Method in AddressAllocRsp
Returns the node address.
getAddress() - Method in AddressResolutionRsp
Gets the node address.
getAddress() - Method in NodeAddressCache
Gets node address.
getAddress() - Method in NodeInfo
Gets the node address.
getAddress(int) - Method in Ranging
getAddress() - Method in Reception
Gets the address of the receiving node (not necessarily the same as the destination node).
getAddress(int) - Method in UdpLink
Gets the IP address of a peer Unet node.
getAddressSize() - Method in NodeAddressCache
Gets node address size.
getAddressSize() - Method in NodeInfo
Gets the node address size in bits.
getAdvertise() - Method in UdpLink
Gets the advertisement interval.
getAgentClass() - Method in AgentLifecycleNtf
Gets the class of the agent.
getAgentClassName() - Method in AgentLifecycleNtf
Gets the name of the class of the agent.
getAgentID() - Method in AgentLifecycleNtf
Gets the ID of the agent.
getAgentID() - Method in SaveStateReq
Gets the agent ID.
getAllnodes() - Method in C3ShellExt
getArp() - Method in ArpShellExt
getBandwidth() - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
Gets the bandwidth of the communication signal.
getBasebandRate() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the baseband sampling rate.
getBasebandRate() - Method in KeplerADC
getBasebandRxDuration() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the baseband recording duration when baseband preamble is received.
getBb() - Method in BasebandShellExt
getBbmon() - Method in BasebandSignalMonitorShellExt
getBitCount() - Method in Transmission
Gets the number of bits in the packet.
getBits() - Method in RxDataNtf
Gets the number of bits in the data frame.
getBits() - Method in RxFrameNtf
Gets the number of bits in the data frame.
getBroadcastAddress() - Method in UdpLink
Gets the network broadcast address.
getBuildInfo() - Method in DBAgent
Gets the build string for a given class.
getBuildInfo() - Method in UnetAgent
Gets the build string for a given class.
getBusy() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Checks if modem is busy transmitting/receiving.
getCachedAddress() - Method in NodeAddressCache
Gets node address from cache.
getCanForward() - Method in NodeInfo
return true if node has forwarding capability.
getCapabilities() - Method in CapabilityListRsp
Gets capabilities.
getCapability() - Method in CapabilityReq
Gets the capability to be queried.
getCarrierFrequency() - Method in BasebandSignal
Gets the carrier frequency for the passband signal represented by this baseband signal.
getCarrierFrequency() - Method in ChannelModel
Gets the carrier frequency (kHz) in the channel.
getCarrierFrequency() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the default carrier frequency.
getCarrierFrequency() - Method in KeplerADC
getCarrierFrequency() - Method in ProtocolChannelModel
getCfo() - Method in RxDataNtf
Gets the carrier frequency offset.
getCfo() - Method in RxFrameNtf
Gets the carrier frequency offset.
getChannel(int) - Method in Ranging
getChannelBusy() - Method in CSMA
getChannels() - Method in BasebandSignal
Gets the number of channels.
getClockOffset() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets time offset of this node's clock.
getCommand() - Method in RemoteExecReq
Gets the command to execute.
getconfig(def) - Method in C3ShellExt
getConnections() - Method in SWTransport
getCount() - Method in RouteDiscoveryReq
Gets the number of discovery attempts.
getCredentials() - Method in RemoteExecReq
Gets the user credentials for authentication.
getCredentials() - Method in RemoteFileGetReq
Gets the user credentials for authentication.
getCredentials() - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
Gets the user credentials for authentication.
getCycleID() - Method in RemoveScheduledSleepReq
Gets the id of the sleep/wake entry to remove.
getCycleID() - Method in SleepCycle
Gets the id of the schedule.
getDac() - Method in TxBasebandSignalReq
Gets destination DAC number.
getData() - Method in BadFrameNtf
Gets the data as byte array.
getdata(Map) - Method in C3ShellExt
getData() - Method in DatagramNtf
Gets the data as byte array.
getData() - Method in DatagramReq
Gets the data in bytes.
getData() - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
getData() - Method in ECReassembler
getData(int) - Method in Ranging
getData() - Method in Reassembler
Gets the reassembled data, if reassembly is complete.
getData() - Method in RemoteFileNtf
Gets the data transferred.
getData() - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
Gets the data to be transferred.
getData() - Method in RxDataNtf
Gets the data as byte array.
getData() - Method in SimpleReassembler
getData() - Method in TxRawFrameReq
Gets the data in bytes.
getDataLength() - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
getDataLength() - Method in ECFragmenter
getDataLength() - Method in ECReassembler
getDataLength() - Method in Fragmenter
Gets length of the data array to fragment.
getDataLength() - Method in Reassembler
Gets length of the data array to reassemble.
getDataLength() - Method in SimpleFragmenter
getDataLength() - Method in SimpleReassembler
getDataRate() - Method in ECLink
getDataRate(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the frame data rate for data or control channel.
getDataRate() - Method in ReliableLink
getDataRate() - Method in Transmission
Gets the data rate of the packet in bits/second.
getDataRate() - Method in UdpLink
Get data rate.
getDefaultLink() - Method in Router
getDescription() - Method in KeplerADC
getDescription() - Method in TestAgent
Gets help information on using the test.
getDetails() - Method in Simulator
getDetector() - Method in CollisionNtf
Gets the detector output.
getDetector() - Method in RxFrameStartNtf
Gets the detector output.
getDiveRate() - Method in NodeInfo
Gets the dive rate.
getDropCount() - Method in Tracer
Gets the number of packets dropped since warmup.
getDsp() - Method in NodeManager
getDsp() - Method in Portal
getDsp() - Method in RemoteControl
getDsp() - Method in SWTransport
getDsp() - Method in UdpPortal
getDsp() - Method in Wormhole
getDuration() - Method in ReservationReq
Gets the duration for which the channel will be reserved (in seconds).
getDuration() - Method in Transmission
Gets the duration of the transmission (including preamble) in milliseconds.
getEnable() - Method in BasebandSignalMonitor
getEnable() - Method in KeplerADC
getEnqueueCount() - Method in Tracer
Gets the number of packets queued since warmup.
getEnqueueTime() - Method in Transmission
Gets the time in milliseconds when the transmission was queued.
getErrorDetection(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Get error detection.
getErrorDetection(int) - Method in Physical
getErrors() - Method in RxDataNtf
Gets the number of erroneous bits corrected in the data frame.
getErrors() - Method in RxFrameNtf
Gets the number of erroneous bits corrected in the data frame.
getEstimatedStartTime() - Method in ReservationRsp
Gets the estimated start time for the reservation.
GetEventsReq - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Request for events given a filter criterion.
GetEventsReq() - Constructor in GetEventsReq
getException() - Method in AbnormalTerminationNtf
Gets the exception thrown.
getFanctl() - Method in Physical
getFc() - Method in BasebandSignal
Gets the carrier frequency for the passband signal represented by this baseband signal.
getFec(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Get FEC.
getFecList(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Get FEC list.
getFecList(int) - Method in Physical
getFilename() - Method in RemoteFileGetReq
Gets the name of the remote file.
getFilename() - Method in RemoteFileNtf
Gets the name of the remote file.
getFilename() - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
Gets the name of the remote file.
getFragmentCount() - Method in ECFragmenter
getFragmentCount() - Method in ECReassembler
getFragmentCount() - Method in Fragmenter
Gets the number of fragments already generated by this fragmenter.
getFragmentCount() - Method in Reassembler
Gets the number of fragments successfully added during reassembly.
getFragmentCount() - Method in SimpleFragmenter
getFragmentCount() - Method in SimpleReassembler
getFragmentID() - Method in ECFragmenter
getFragmentID() - Method in Fragmenter
Gets the fragment ID of the next fragment to be generated.
getFragmentID() - Method in SimpleFragmenter
getFragmentLength() - Method in ECFragmenter
getFragmentLength() - Method in ECReassembler
getFragmentLength() - Method in Fragmenter
Gets length of each fragment.
getFragmentLength() - Method in Reassembler
Gets length of each fragment.
getFragmentLength() - Method in SimpleFragmenter
getFragmentLength() - Method in SimpleReassembler
getFrameDuration(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Get frame duration.
getFrameLength(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the frame length for data or control channel.
getFrom() - Method in DatagramNtf
Gets the from/source node address.
getFrom(int) - Method in ECLink
getFrom() - Method in RemoteFileNtf
Gets the source node address.
getFrom() - Method in RemoteTextNtf
Gets the source node address.
getFrom() - Method in ReservationStatusNtf
Gets the address of the source node.
getFrom() - Method in Transmission
Gets the sender's node address.
getFs() - Method in BasebandSignal
Gets the sampling rate of the signal.
getGains() - Method in KeplerADC
getGateway() - Method in UnetSocket
Gets a Gateway to provide low-level access to UnetStack.
getHeading() - Method in NodeInfo
Gets the heading.
getHops() - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Gets the hop count to destination.
getId() - Method in DatagramCancelReq
Gets the datagram request ID.
getID() - Method in DatagramDeliveryNtf
Gets the datagram request ID.
getID() - Method in DatagramFailureNtf
Gets the datagram request ID.
getID() - Method in DatagramProgressNtf
Gets the transfer ID.
getId() - Method in ReservationAcceptReq
Gets the unique identifier associated with a reservation request.
getId() - Method in ReservationCancelReq
Gets the unique identifier associated with a reservation request, which is to be cancelled.
getID() - Method in Transmission
Gets a unique identifier for the transmission.
getIface() - Method in UnetShellExt
getIgnore() - Method in SaveStateReq
Gets the ignored parameters list.
getIndex() - Method in ParamChangeNtf
Gets the index of parameter.
getInterval() - Method in RouteDiscoveryReq
Gets the interval between discovery attempts.
getIpreamble(int) - Method in Ranging
getIrreduciblePER() - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
Gets the irreducible packet error rate (PER).
getIsignal(int) - Method in Ranging
getIterations() - Method in TestAgent
Stops periodic tests.
getJanus(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Checks for support for JANUS frames.
getLastSync(int) - Method in Ranging
getLatLonDepth() - Method in DataCollator
getLifetime(int) - Method in Ranging
getLimit(String) - Method in Thermal
Gets critical temperature limit based on thermal domain name.
getLink() - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Gets the next hop link to use.
getLlr() - Method in BadFrameNtf
Gets the log likelihood ratios (LLR).
getLlr(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Checks for support for log-likelihood ratio reporting.
getLlr() - Method in RxDataNtf
Gets the log likelihood ratios (LLR).
getLoad() - Method in Tracer
Gets the normalized actual network load.
getLocalAddress() - Method in UnetSocket
Gets the local node address.
getLocalProtocol() - Method in UnetSocket
Gets the protocol number that the socket is bound to.
getLocation() - Method in BadFrameNtf
Gets the location where this frame was received.
getLocation() - Method in NodeInfo
Gets the node location.
getLocation() - Method in RxBasebandSignalNtf
Gets the location where this frame was received.
getLocation() - Method in RxFrameNtf
Gets the location where this frame was received.
getLocation() - Method in TxFrameNtf
Gets the location where this frame was received.
getLogLevel() - Method in UnetAgent
Gets the current log level for the agent.
getMac() - Method in ECLink
getMac() - Method in MacShellExt
getMac() - Method in Ranging
getMac() - Method in ReliableLink
getMaxBackoff() - Method in CSMA
getMaxFragmentCount() - Method in ECFragmenter
getMaxFragmentCount() - Method in ECReassembler
getMaxFragmentCount() - Method in Fragmenter
Gets the maximum number of fragments that can be generated from the data.
getMaxFragmentCount() - Method in Reassembler
Gets the maximum number of fragments possible.
getMaxFragmentCount() - Method in SimpleFragmenter
getMaxFragmentCount() - Method in SimpleReassembler
getMaxFrameLength(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the maximum possible frame length.
getMaxHops() - Method in RouteDiscoveryReq
Gets the maximum number of hops allowed.
getMaxPowerLevel(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets maximum possible power level.
getMaxPreambleID() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the number of preambles supported.
getMaxPreambleID() - Method in KeplerADC
getMaxRange(int) - Method in Ranging
getMaxReservationDuration() - Method in CSMA
getMaxSignalLength() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the maximum length of a baseband signal.
getMaxSignalLength() - Method in KeplerADC
getMeanDelay() - Method in Tracer
Gets the mean delay between queuing and reception.
getMinBackoff() - Method in CSMA
getMinFragmentCount() - Method in ECFragmenter
getMinFragmentCount() - Method in ECReassembler
getMinFragmentCount() - Method in Fragmenter
Gets the minimum number of fragments required to reassemble the data.
getMinFragmentCount() - Method in Reassembler
Gets the minimum number of fragments required to reassemble the data.
getMinFragmentCount() - Method in SimpleFragmenter
getMinFragmentCount() - Method in SimpleReassembler
getMinPowerLevel(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets minimum possible power level.
getMobility() - Method in NodeInfo
Checks if it is a mobile node.
getMonitorTimeout() - Method in UdpLink
Gets the monitor socket timeout in ms.
getMTU() - Method in ECLink
getMTU(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Get maximum frame size.
getMTU(int) - Method in Physical
getMTU() - Method in ReliableLink
getMTU() - Method in Router
getMTU() - Method in SWTransport
getMTU() - Method in UdpLink
Get maximum frame size.
getName() - Method in AddressAllocReq
Returns the node name.
getName() - Method in AddressResolutionReq
Returns the node name.
getName() - Method in AddressResolutionRsp
Gets the node name.
getNames() - Method in Thermal
Gets a list of thermal domain names.
getNetwork() - Method in C3ShellExt
getNextHop() - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Gets the next hop node address.
getNode() - Method in NodeInfoShellExt
GetNodeConfigReq - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Request for node/component configuration.
GetNodeConfigReq() - Constructor in GetNodeConfigReq
getNodeID() - Method in NodeManager
GetNodeInfoReq - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Node information request.
GetNodeInfoReq() - Constructor in GetNodeInfoReq
GetNodeListReq - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Get list of all nodes request.
GetNodeListReq() - Constructor in GetNodeListReq
getNodeName() - Method in NodeInfo
Get the Node name.
getNodeName() - Method in NodeManager
getNodes() - Method in C3ShellExt
GetNodeStatusReq - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Node status request.
GetNodeStatusReq() - Constructor in GetNodeStatusReq
getNoise() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the noise power.
getNoisePower() - Method in ChannelModel
Computes total noise power.
getNoisePower() - Method in ProtocolChannelModel
getNoisePower() - Method in UrickAcousticModel
Computes total noise power in communication band.
getNone() - Method in Preamble
Create a preamble with an empty user-defined signal.
getOfferedLoad() - Method in Tracer
Gets the normalized offered network load.
getOffset(int) - Method in Ranging
getOrigin() - Method in NodeInfo
Get the origin of the coordinate system.
getParam(Parameter, int) - Method in GPIO
getParam(Parameter, int) - Method in Physical
getParam(Parameter, int) - Method in UnetAgent
Agents providing dynamic parameters may override this method to provide a value for a given parameter.
getParameter(String, String, int) - Method in ATScriptEngine
getParameterClasses(int) - Method in UnetAgent
Gets a list of indexed parameter classes supported by this agent.
getParameterList() - Method in BasebandSignalMonitor
getParameterList() - Method in CSMA
getParameterList() - Method in DataCollator
getParameterList(int) - Method in ECLink
getParameterList(int) - Method in GPIO
getParameterList(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
getParameterList() - Method in NodeInfo
getParameterList() - Method in NodeManager
getParameterList(int) - Method in Physical
getParameterList() - Method in Portal
getParameterList(int) - Method in Ranging
getParameterList() - Method in ReliableLink
getParameterList() - Method in RemoteControl
getParameterList() - Method in Router
getParameterList() - Method in SWTransport
getParameterList(int) - Method in UdpLink
getParameterList() - Method in UdpPortal
getParameterList(int) - Method in UnetAgent
An agent supporting indexed parameters should return a list of indexed parameters by overriding this method.
getParameterList() - Method in Unity
getParameterList() - Method in Wormhole
getParameters(String, int, Closure) - Method in ATScriptEngine
getParamValues() - Method in AgentParamState
Gets all changed parameters value (state).
getParamValues() - Method in ParamChangeNtf
Gets the parameter and values map.
getPayload() - Method in ReservationAcceptReq
Gets the payload information in the form of byte[].
getPayload() - Method in ReservationReq
Gets the payload information in byte[].
getPayload() - Method in ReservationStatusNtf
Gets payload information in byte[] format.
getPayload() - Method in TxAckReq
Gets the payload information as a byte[].
getPeer() - Method in DatagramProgressNtf
Gets the peer node address.
getPhy() - Method in CSMA
getPhy() - Method in ECLink
getPhy() - Method in PhysicalShellExt
getPhy() - Method in Ranging
getPhy() - Method in ReliableLink
getPhy() - Method in Unity
getPhyTime() - Method in Physical
getPhyTime() - Method in PhyTickerBehavior
getPitch() - Method in NodeInfo
Gets the pitch angle of the node.
getPort(int) - Method in UdpLink
Gets the UDP port number used by UdpLink on a peer Unet node.
getPost() - Method in Physical
getPowerLevel(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets power level for data or control channel.
getPreamble() - Method in BasebandSignal
Gets the preamble identifier.
getPreamble() - Method in GetPreambleSignalReq
Gets the preamble number for this request.
getPreambleDuration() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the preamble duration in seconds.
getPreambleDuration() - Method in Transmission
Gets the preamble duration in milliseconds.
getPreambleID() - Method in BasebandSignal
Gets the preamble identifier.
GetPreambleSignalReq - Class in org.arl.unet.bb
Request to get a copy of the baseband preamble signal.
GetPreambleSignalReq(int) - Constructor in GetPreambleSignalReq
Create a preamble signal request with the specified preamble.
getPriority() - Method in DatagramNtf
Gets the priority of the datagram.
getPriority() - Method in DatagramReq
Gets the priority of the datagram.
getPriority() - Method in ReservationReq
Gets the priority of the reservation request.
getPriority() - Method in TxRawFrameReq
Gets the priority of the datagram.
getProbabilityDecoding(Reception) - Method in Mission2012a
getProbabilityDecoding(Reception) - Method in Mission2013a
getProbabilityDecoding(Reception) - Method in Mission2013b
getProbabilityDecoding(Reception) - Method in ProtocolChannelModel
Returns the probability of decoding for a given reception.
getProbabilityDetection(Reception) - Method in Mission2012a
getProbabilityDetection(Reception) - Method in Mission2013a
getProbabilityDetection(Reception) - Method in Mission2013b
getProbabilityDetection(Reception) - Method in ProtocolChannelModel
Returns the probability of detection for a given reception.
getProgress(int) - Method in ECLink
getPrompt(boolean) - Method in ATScriptEngine
getPropagationSpeed() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Get signal propagation speed.
getPropagationSpeed() - Method in Physical
getProtocol() - Method in DatagramNtf
Gets the protocol number.
getProtocol() - Method in DatagramReq
Gets the protocol number.
getProtocol() - Method in Transmission
Gets the protocol of the transmission frame.
getPublish() - Method in Wormhole
getRange() - Method in Reception
Gets the range at which the reception occurred.
getRanging() - Method in RangingShellExt
getRdelay(int) - Method in Ranging
getRdp() - Method in RouterShellExt
getReason() - Method in FailureNtf
Gets the reason why the request failed.
getReason() - Method in RefuseRsp
Gets the reason why the request was refused.
getRecLength() - Method in RecordBasebandSignalReq
Gets the length of the recording in samples.
getRecommendedReservationDuration() - Method in CSMA
getRecTime() - Method in RecordBasebandSignalReq
Gets the time at which recording should start.
getRefPowerLevel() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets reference power level.
getReliability() - Method in DatagramReq
Gets the reliability.
getReliability() - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Gets the reliability of the next hop link.
getRemote() - Method in RemoteShellExt
getRemoteAddress() - Method in UnetSocket
Gets the default destination node address for a connected socket.
getRemoteProtocol() - Method in UnetSocket
Gets the default transmission protocol number.
getReport() - Method in TestAgent
Gets the last test report.
getRequestID() - Method in TxAckReq
Gets the unique identifier associated with a reservation request.
getReservationPayloadSize() - Method in CSMA
getReservationsPending() - Method in CSMA
getRetries() - Method in UdpLink
Gets the maximum number of retries for delivery.
getRoll() - Method in NodeInfo
Gets the roll angle of the node.
getRoute() - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Gets the detailed route to destination.
getRouter() - Method in RouterShellExt
GetRouteReq - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Request to get a route or a list of routes.
GetRouteReq(AgentID) - Constructor in GetRouteReq
getRoutes() - Method in RouterShellExt
getRpreamble(int) - Method in Ranging
getRsignal(int) - Method in Ranging
getRssi() - Method in BadFrameNtf
Gets the received signal strength.
getRssi() - Method in RxBasebandSignalNtf
Gets the received signal strength.
getRssi() - Method in RxDataNtf
Gets the received signal strength.
getRssi() - Method in RxFrameNtf
Gets the received signal strength.
getRtc() - Method in Physical
getRTU() - Method in ECLink
getRTU(int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Get recommended frame size.
getRTU(int) - Method in Physical
getRTU() - Method in ReliableLink
getRTU() - Method in Router
getRTU() - Method in SWTransport
getRTU() - Method in UdpLink
Get recommended frame size.
getRun() - Method in TestAgent
Runs the test once.
getRunning() - Method in Simulator
getRxCount() - Method in Tracer
Gets the number of packets received since warmup.
getRxDuration() - Method in RxFrameStartNtf
Gets reception duration.
getRxEnable() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Checks if reception is enabled.
getRxLocation() - Method in Reception
Gets the location at which the reception occurred.
getRxPower(Reception) - Method in ChannelModel
Computes received signal power in a reception.
getRxPower(Reception) - Method in ProtocolChannelModel
getRxPower(Reception) - Method in UrickAcousticModel
Computes received signal power (Urick 3rd ed, p111).
getRxSchemeHash() - Method in Reception
Gets the hash code for the scheme used for reception.
getRxSensitivity() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets reference receive sensitivity.
getRxTime() - Method in BadFrameNtf
Gets the reception timestamp of frame in us.
getRxTime() - Method in CollisionNtf
Gets the rx timestamp in us.
getRxTime() - Method in Reception
Gets the time in milliseconds when the reception occurred.
getRxTime() - Method in RxBasebandSignalNtf
Gets the time at which the signal was received.
getRxTime() - Method in RxDataNtf
Gets the time of reception.
getRxTime() - Method in RxFrameNtf
Returns timestamp in us at which frame was received (indicates the start of reception).
getRxTime() - Method in RxFrameStartNtf
Gets reception timestamp.
getSamplingRate() - Method in BasebandSignal
Gets the sampling rate of the signal.
getScheduler() - Method in SchedulerShellExt
getScheme() - Method in RxDataNtf
Gets the scheme.
GetSensorClassesReq - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Request to get list of sensor classes.
GetSensorClassesReq() - Constructor in GetSensorClassesReq
GetSensorClassMetadataReq - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Request to get metadata for sensor class.
GetSensorClassMetadataReq(def) - Constructor in GetSensorClassMetadataReq
GetSensorDataReq - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Request for sensor data given a filter criterion.
GetSensorDataReq() - Constructor in GetSensorDataReq
GetSensorListReq - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Request for sensor list given a filter criterion.
GetSensorListReq() - Constructor in GetSensorListReq
getSensors() - Method in DataCollator
getServices() - Method in AgentStartNtf
Gets the list of services provided by the agent.
getServices() - Method in UnetAgent
Gets a list of services provided by the agent.
getShell() - Method in RemoteControl
getShortcircuit() - Method in DatagramReq
Gets whether the datagram may be short circuited.
getSignal(int) - Method in BasebandSignal
Gets the signal for a given channel.
getSignal() - Method in Preamble
Gets the user-defined signal.
getSignalAsBase64() - Method in BasebandSignal
Gets a base64 representation of the baseband signal.
getSignalLength() - Method in BasebandSignal
Gets the signal length per channel in samples.
getSignalPowerLevel() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets power level for baseband signal transmission.
getSignalPowerLevel() - Method in KeplerADC
getSink() - Method in C3ShellExt
getSize(int) - Method in ECLink
getSleepCycle() - Method in AddScheduledSleepReq
Gets the sleep/wakeup times.
getSleepSchedule() - Method in SleepScheduleRsp
Gets all the scheduled sleep/wake times.
GetSleepScheduleReq - Class in org.arl.unet.scheduler
Request to get sleep schedule.
GetSleepScheduleReq() - Constructor in GetSleepScheduleReq
getSleepTime() - Method in AddScheduledSleepReq
Gets the sleep time.
getSleepTime() - Method in SleepCycle
Gets the sleep time.
getSoundSpeed() - Method in ChannelModel
Gets the mean sound speed in the channel.
getSoundSpeed() - Method in ProtocolChannelModel
getSoundSpeed() - Method in UrickAcousticModel
Computes sound speed in water (Mackenzie, JASA, 1981).
getSourceLevel() - Method in Transmission
Gets the source level of the transmission in dB re uPa @ 1m.
getSpeed() - Method in NodeInfo
Gets the speed.
getStart() - Method in TestAgent
Starts the test periodically.
getStartTime() - Method in ReservationReq
Gets the starting time for the reservation request.
getState(int) - Method in ECLink
getStatemanager() - Method in StateManagerShellExt
getStateName() - Method in SaveStateReq
Gets the state name.
getstatus(def) - Method in C3ShellExt
getStatus() - Method in ECLink
getStatus() - Method in ReservationStatusNtf
Gets the current status of channel reservation for a particular reservation request.
getStop() - Method in Simulator
getStop() - Method in TestAgent
Stops periodic tests.
getSync(int) - Method in Ranging
getTags() - Method in DataCollator
getTemperature(String) - Method in Thermal
Gets temperature based on thermal domain name.
getter(String) - Method in ATScriptEngine
getText() - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
getText() - Method in RemoteTextNtf
Gets the text message.
getText() - Method in RemoteTextReq
Gets the text message.
getThreshold(int) - Method in Ranging
getThroughput() - Method in Tracer
Gets the normalized network throughput.
getTickCount() - Method in PhyTickerBehavior
Returns the number of times the onTick() method of this behavior has been called (including any ongoing call).
getTime() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Get current physical layer clock.
getTime() - Method in NodeInfo
Gets the node time.
getTime() - Method in Tracer
Gets the current time as per the timestamp provider.
getTimeout() - Method in UdpLink
Gets the delivery timeout in seconds.
getTimeout() - Method in UnetSocket
Gets the timeout for datagram reception.
getTimestampedTxDelay() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Get transmission delay incurred for a timestamped transmission.
getTimestampedTxDelay() - Method in Physical
getTitle() - Method in KeplerADC
getTitle() - Method in UnetAgent
Gets a descriptive name for the agent.
getTo() - Method in DatagramDeliveryNtf
Returns the destination node address.
getTo() - Method in DatagramFailureNtf
Returns the destination node address.
getTo() - Method in DatagramNtf
Gets to or destination address.
getTo() - Method in DatagramReq
Gets to/destination node address.
getTo(int) - Method in ECLink
getTo() - Method in RemoteExecReq
Gets the destination node address.
getTo() - Method in RemoteFileGetReq
Gets the destination node address.
getTo() - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
Gets the destination node address.
getTo() - Method in RemoteTextReq
Gets the destination node address.
getTo() - Method in ReservationReq
Gets the NodeInfoParam.address of the destination node.
getTo() - Method in ReservationStatusNtf
Gets the address (NodeInfoParam.address) of the destination node.
getTo() - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Gets the destination node address.
getTo() - Method in RouteDiscoveryReq
Gets the destination node address.
getTo() - Method in RouteTraceNtf
Gets to/destination node address.
getTo() - Method in RouteTraceReq
Gets to/destination node address.
getTo() - Method in Transmission
Gets the recipient node address.
getTotal() - Method in DatagramProgressNtf
Gets the total number of bytes in datagram.
getTrace() - Method in RouteTraceNtf
Gets the trace.
getTransferred() - Method in DatagramProgressNtf
Gets the number of bytes transferred.
getTransport() - Method in TransportShellExt
getTtl() - Method in DatagramNtf
Gets the time-to-live for the datagram.
getTtl() - Method in DatagramReq
Gets the time-to-live for the datagram.
getTtl() - Method in ReservationReq
Gets the time-to-live for the reservation request.
getTurnRate() - Method in NodeInfo
Gets the turn rate.
getTxCount() - Method in Tracer
Gets the number of packets sent since warmup.
getTxDuration() - Method in TxFrameStartNtf
Gets reception duration.
getTxLocation() - Method in Transmission
Gets the location from which the transmission was made.
getTxSchemeHash() - Method in Transmission
Gets the hash code for the scheme used for transmission.
getTxTime() - Method in RxFrameNtf
Returns the frame transmission timestamp. indicates the start of transmission.
getTxTime() - Method in Transmission
Gets the time in milliseconds when the transmission was made.
getTxTime() - Method in TxBasebandSignalReq
Gets the time at which it needs to be transmitted.
getTxTime() - Method in TxFrameNtf
Returns transmission timestamp.
getTxTime() - Method in TxFrameReq
Gets the time at which it needs to be transmitted.
getTxTime() - Method in TxFrameStartNtf
Gets transmission timestamp.
getTxTime() - Method in TxRawFrameReq
Gets the time at which it needs to be transmitted.
getType() - Method in BadFrameNtf
Gets the type of channel.
getType() - Method in CollisionNtf
Gets the channel type Physical.DATA or Physical.CONTROL.
getType() - Method in RxFrameNtf
Gets the channel type Physical.DATA or Physical.CONTROL.
getType() - Method in RxFrameStartNtf
Gets the frame type.
getType() - Method in Transmission
Gets the type (CONTROL/DATA) of the transmission frame.
getType() - Method in TxFrameNtf
Gets the frame type.
getType() - Method in TxFrameReq
Gets the type of channel.
getType() - Method in TxFrameStartNtf
Gets the frame type.
getType() - Method in TxRawFrameReq
Gets the type of channel.
getUntil() - Method in AboutToSleepNtf
Gets wake up time (if available).
getUwlink() - Method in ECLinkShellExt
getUwlink() - Method in ReliableLinkShellExt
getVariable(String) - Method in ATScriptEngine
getVersion() - Method in Simulator
getVersion() - Method in UnetAgent
Gets a version string for the agent.
getWakeup() - Method in TxBasebandSignalReq
Checks whether a wakeup signal should be sent before the frame.
getWakeup() - Method in TxFrameReq
Checks whether a wakeup signal should be sent before the frame.
getWakeup() - Method in TxRawFrameReq
Checks whether a wakeup signal should be sent before the frame.
getWakeupTime() - Method in AddScheduledSleepReq
Gets the wakeup time.
getWakeupTime() - Method in SleepCycle
Gets the wakeup time.
getWarmup() - Method in Tracer
Gets the amount of time in seconds to ignore (for statistics computation) at the beginning of each simulation.
getXMax() - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
getXMin() - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
getYMax() - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
getYMin() - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
GPIO - Class in org.arl.yoda.io
GPIO Agent which allows access to Linux GPIO subsystem (sysfs).
GPIO(ArrayList<Integer>) - Constructor in GPIO
GPIOParam - Enum in org.arl.yoda.io
GPIOShellExt - Class in org.arl.yoda.io
GPIO agent shell extension.
GpsLocalFrame - Class in org.arl.unet.utils
Utility class to convert GPS coordinates into a local coordinate frame and vice-versa.
GpsLocalFrame(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor in GpsLocalFrame
Creates a local coordinate frame with specified GPS coordinates.
GroovyExtensions - Class in org.arl.unet
Syntax extensions for Groovy agents.
group(String, Closure) - Method in TestAgent
Define a group of tests.
gson - Field in DataCollator
gson - Field in DataManager
gson - Field in DataSink
gson - Field in EventTracer
gunzip(byte[]) - Method in Utils
Uncompress byte array.
gw - Field in UnetSocket
gzip(byte[], int) - Method in DataCollator
gzip(byte[]) - Method in Utils
Compress byte array.


HalfDuplexModem - Class in org.arl.unet.sim
Generic modem physical layer agent for simulation.
HalfDuplexModem() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
HalfDuplexModemParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.sim
Parameters for simulation agent.
hasFinishedReassembly() - Method in ECReassembler
hasFinishedReassembly() - Method in Reassembler
Checks if the reassemble is complete.
hasFinishedReassembly() - Method in SimpleReassembler
hash(String) - Method in C3Utils
Converts node name to node ID.
hasMoreFragments() - Method in ECFragmenter
hasMoreFragments() - Method in Fragmenter
Checks if more fragments can be generated.
hasMoreFragments() - Method in SimpleFragmenter
headerLength - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Frame header length in bytes.
hex(String, float) - Method in ATScriptEngine
hexStringToBytes(String) - Method in Utils
Convert from a hexadecimal string to a byte array.
hfmDownSweep(int, int, float) - Method in Preamble
Create a preamble with a hyperbolic frequency modulated down-sweep.
hfmUpSweep(int, int, float) - Method in Preamble
Create a preamble with a hyperbolic frequency modulated up-sweep.
hops - Field in RouteDiscoveryNtf
host(def) - Method in ArpShellExt
host(String) - Method in UnetSocket
Resolve node name to node address.


id - Field in DatagramCancelReq
id - Field in DatagramProgressNtf
id - Field in ReservationAcceptReq
id - Field in ReservationCancelReq
iface(def, def, int, String) - Method in UnetShellExt
IGNORE - Field in AbnormalTerminationManager
Setting the handling as IGNORE ignores the abnormal termination of the agent.
ignore - Field in SaveStateReq
importClasses(String) - Method in ATScriptEngine
incoming - Field in DatagramProgressNtf
incomingData(float[], int, float) - Method in KeplerADC
index - Field in AgentParamState.ParamValues
Index or scheme or channel.
index - Field in ParamChangeNtf
init() - Method in DBAgent
Initialize the C3 database agent and its behaviors.
init() - Method in KeplerADC
init() - Method in StateManager
Initialize the state manager.
init() - Method in UnetAgent
Initialize the unet agent and its behaviors.
init() - Method in UnetSocket
initrc - Script in org.arl.unet.sim
input() - Method in ATScriptEngine
InputPDU - Class in org.arl.unet
A utility class to help decode PDUs.
InputPDU(byte[]) - Constructor in InputPDU
Constructs a PDU from byte buffer.
int16(int) - Method in PDU
Adds a signed 16-bit integer literal to the PDU.
int32(int) - Method in PDU
Adds a signed 32-bit integer literal to the PDU.
int64(long) - Method in PDU
Adds a signed 64-bit integer literal to the PDU.
int8(int) - Method in PDU
Adds a signed byte literal to the PDU.
interferenceRange - Field in ProtocolChannelModel
Maximum distance for interference from a source (meters).
InterrogationNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.localization
Notification that a ranging interrogation frame was received.
InterrogationNtf() - Constructor in InterrogationNtf
interval - Field in RouteDiscoveryReq
is16BitTS - Field in RxFrameNtf
is16BitTS - Field in TxFrameReq
isBound() - Method in UnetSocket
Checks if a socket is bound.
isBusy() - Method in ATScriptEngine
isCapableOf(Capability) - Method in CapabilityListRsp
Checks if agent is capable of.
isClosed() - Method in UnetSocket
Checks if a socket is closed.
isComplete(String) - Method in ATScriptEngine
isComplex() - Method in BasebandSignal
Checks if the signal is complex or real.
isComplex() - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
isConnected() - Method in UnetSocket
Checks if a socket is connected, i.e., has a default destination address and protocol number.
isCritical() - Method in Thermal
Checks if any of the thermal domains have temperatures above critical limit.
isIncoming() - Method in DatagramProgressNtf
Checks if the datagram transfer is incoming.
isMoreThan(float) - Method in Thermal
Checks if any of the thermal domains have temperatures above a given limit.
isNearCritical() - Method in Thermal
Checks if any of the thermal domains have temperatures close to critical limit.
isOpen() - Method in Tracer
Check if trace file is open.
isReadOnly(Parameter, int) - Method in GPIO
isReadOnly(Parameter, int) - Method in Physical
isReadOnly(Parameter, int) - Method in UnetAgent
Agents providing dynamic parameters may override this method to specify whether a parameter is read-only or read-write.
isReliable() - Method in ReservationReq
Gets the value of reliable.
isTestFrame() - Method in RxDataNtf
Checks if the frame is a test frame.
isTimestamped() - Method in TxFrameReq
Checks if transmission request needs to be timestamped PhysicalCapability.TIMESTAMPED_TX.
isValid() - Method in SleepCycle
Checks sleep validity.


janus - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Support for JANUS frames.
JANUS - Field in Physical
JANUS frame.
janus() - Method in Preamble
Create a JANUS preamble.
JsonDataContainer - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
JSON format for data transfer.


KeplerADC - Class in org.arl.yoda
Secondary ADC driver for Subnero's Kepler DAM.
KeplerADC(String, int, String, String) - Constructor in KeplerADC
Create ADC support agent connecting to specified DAM.
KeplerParam - Enum in org.arl.yoda
Kepler ADC agent parameters.


lastCmd - Field in ATScriptEngine
lawnmower(def) - Method in MotionModel
Creates a lawnmower patterned motion model from a description.
length() - Method in InputPDU
Gets the length of PDU.
length(int) - Method in PDU
Specifies the length of the PDU.
LINK2 - Field in Protocol
Secondary protocol number for use by link agents.
LINK - Field in Protocol
Protocol number for use by link agents.
link - Field in RouteDiscoveryNtf
LinkCapability - Enum in org.arl.unet.link
Capabilities of link agent.
LinkParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.link
Parameters for agents offering the Link service.
LinkStatusNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.link
LinkStatusNtf() - Constructor in LinkStatusNtf
llr - Field in BadFrameNtf
llr - Field in RxDataNtf
load - Field in ATScriptEngine
load(String) - Method in BasebandShellExt
localProtocol - Field in UnetSocket
location - Field in BadFrameNtf
location - Field in DataCollator
location - Field in RxBasebandSignalNtf
location - Field in RxFrameNtf
location - Field in TxFrameNtf
locationToString(double[]) - Method in Utils
Convert location array into a printable string.
log - Field in AbstractAcousticChannel
log - Field in ATScriptEngine
LOGFMT_VERSION - Field in EventTracer
logs() - Method in UnetShellExt
longValue(Object) - Method in UnetAgent
Returns the value of any given object as a Long. null objects have a null value.
loopback - Field in Modulation
ls() - Method in UnetShellExt


MAC - Field in Protocol
Protocol number for use by MAC protocol agents.
MacCapability - Enum in org.arl.unet.mac
Capabilities of MAC agent.
MacParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.mac
Parameters for MAC layer.
MacShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.mac
Medium access control (MAC) service shell extension.
main(String) - Method in initrc
Implicit main method for Groovy Scripts
main(String) - Method in UnetBoot
Implicit main method for Groovy Scripts
MathUtils - Class in org.arl.unet.utils
Math utilities.
MAX_DATA_LEN - Field in SimpleFragmenter
MAX - Field in Protocol
Largest protocol number allowable.
maxFrameLength - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Maximum frame length (bytes) for CONTROL and DATA channels.
maxHops - Field in RouteDiscoveryReq
maxPowerLevel - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Maximum allowable transmit power level (dB re refPowerLevel).
maxSignalLength - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Maximum allowable baseband signal length.
messages - Field in ATScriptEngine
metadata(def) - Method in C3ShellExt
methods - Field in ATScriptEngine
minPowerLevel - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Minimum allowable transmit power level (dB re refPowerLevel).
Mission2012a - Class in org.arl.unet.sim.channels
MISSION 2012a channel model.
Mission2013a - Class in org.arl.unet.sim.channels
MISSION 2013a channel model.
Mission2013b - Class in org.arl.unet.sim.channels
MISSION 2013b channel model.
Mission2013b() - Constructor in Mission2013b
mobility - Field in NodeManager
ModemChannelParam - Enum in org.arl.yoda
Modem-specific channel parameters.
ModemParam - Enum in org.arl.yoda
Modem-specific parameters.
Modulation - Class in org.arl.yoda
Modulations supported in Yoda.
MotionModel - Class in org.arl.unet.sim
Motion models.
moved(int, double[], String) - Method in Tracer
Indicates that a node has moved to a new location.
mseq(int, int, float) - Method in Preamble
Create a preamble with a m-sequence.


name - Field in AddressAllocReq
name - Field in AddressResolutionReq
name - Field in AddressResolutionRsp
NamTracer - Class in org.arl.unet.sim
NS2 NAM format tracer.
nest - Field in EventTracer
netstat() - Method in SWTransportShellExt
network - Field in DataSink
NetworkManager - Class in org.arl.unet.c3.server
UnetC3 network manager.
newRoute() - Method in EditRouteReq
Creates a request to add a new route.
nextFragment() - Method in ECFragmenter
nextFragment() - Method in Fragmenter
Generates the next fragment.
nextFragment() - Method in SimpleFragmenter
nextHop - Field in RouteDiscoveryNtf
node - Field in NodeAddressCache
NodeAddressCache - Class in org.arl.unet
Utility class to cache node address and address size.
NodeAddressCache(Agent, boolean) - Constructor in NodeAddressCache
Creates a node address cache.
NodeCommandNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Node command notification.
NodeCommandNtf() - Constructor in NodeCommandNtf
NodeConfigNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Node command notification.
NodeConfigNtf() - Constructor in NodeConfigNtf
NodeConfigRsp - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Node/component configuration.
NodeConfigRsp(Message) - Constructor in NodeConfigRsp
nodeID - Field in NodeManager
NodeInfo - Class in org.arl.unet.nodeinfo
Node-info agent to manage and maintain node's attribute such as address, location, speed etc.
nodeinfo(def) - Method in C3ShellExt
NodeInfo(String) - Constructor in NodeInfo
nodeinfo - Field in NodeManager
NodeInfoParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.nodeinfo
Node information available as parameters.
NodeInfoRsp - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Node information response.
NodeInfoRsp(GetNodeStatusReq) - Constructor in NodeInfoRsp
NodeInfoShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.nodeinfo
Node information service shell extension.
NodeListRsp - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
List of nodes.
NodeListRsp.NodeInfo - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Node information in a list of nodes.
NodeListRsp(GetNodeListReq) - Constructor in NodeListRsp
NodeManager - Class in org.arl.unet.c3.client
UnetC3 node manager.
NodeManager.Param - Enum in org.arl.unet.c3.client
nodename - Field in NodeManager
NodeStatusRsp - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Node status notification.
NodeStatusRsp(Message) - Constructor in NodeStatusRsp
NON_BLOCKING - Field in UnetSocket
none - Field in Modulation
none() - Method in Preamble
Create a preamble with an empty user-defined signal.
none - Field in UnetShellExt


obtimestamp - Field in DataCollator
ofdm - Field in Modulation
OfdmParam - Enum in org.arl.yoda
Parameters for OFDM modulation.
off - Field in UnetShellExt
offer(String) - Method in ATScriptEngine
OK() - Method in ATScriptEngine
on - Field in UnetShellExt
onReceive(Message) - Method in Wormhole
onStart() - Method in PhyTickerBehavior
Computes the wakeup time for the first execution of this behavior.
onTick() - Method in PhyTickerBehavior
This method is called once every specified period.
open(File) - Method in Tracer
Opens a trace file to write to.
order(ByteOrder) - Method in PDU
Specifies the byte ordering of multi-byte numbers.
origin - Field in DataCollator
out - Field in Tracer
The output stream to write trace file output to.
outbuf - Field in DataCollator
OutputPDU - Class in org.arl.unet
A utility class to help compose PDUs.
OutputPDU(int) - Constructor in OutputPDU
Constructs a PDU of a given initial size.


padding(int) - Method in PDU
Adds padding bytes at the end of the PDU.
ParamChangeNtf - Class in org.arl.unet
Notification message of changed parameters by any agent.
ParamChangeNtf(AgentID) - Constructor in ParamChangeNtf
parameter - Field in AgentParamState.ParamValues
Parameter type.
ParameterReq - Class in org.arl.unet
Request one or more parameters of an agent.
ParameterReq(AgentID) - Constructor in ParameterReq
ParameterRsp - Class in org.arl.unet
Response message for ParameterReq.
ParameterRsp(Message) - Constructor in ParameterRsp
parameters() - Method in ParamChangeNtf
Gets set of all requested parameters.
paramValues - Field in ParamChangeNtf
parseArgs(String) - Method in ATScriptEngine
pass - Field in TestAgent
payload - Field in ReservationAcceptReq
payload - Field in ReservationReq
payload - Field in ReservationStatusNtf
payload - Field in TxAckReq
pbsblk - Field in KeplerADC
pbscnt - Field in KeplerADC
pbtx(def, Long) - Method in BasebandShellExt
pclr() - Method in PhysicalShellExt
pDecoding - Field in ProtocolChannelModel
Probability of successful decoding of frame, when within communication range.
pDetection - Field in ProtocolChannelModel
Probability of frame detection, when within detection range.
PDU - Class in org.arl.unet
Base class for easy encoding and decoding of PDUs.
peer - Field in DatagramProgressNtf
period - Field in PhyTickerBehavior
phy - Field in PhyTickerBehavior
Physical - Class in org.arl.yoda
Yoda's physical agent implementation.
Physical(String, File, String) - Constructor in Physical
PhysicalCapability - Enum in org.arl.unet.phy
Capabilities of physical layer.
PhysicalChannelParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.phy
Index or channel parameters for physical interface.
PhysicalParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.phy
Parameters for physical interface.
PhysicalShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.phy
Physical service shell extension.
PhyTickerBehavior - Class in org.arl.unet.phy
A behavior that is executed every specified period based on the physical layer clock.
PhyTickerBehavior(long) - Constructor in PhyTickerBehavior
Creates a behavior that is executed every specified period.
ping(int, int, long) - Method in RouterShellExt
plvl(float) - Method in PhysicalShellExt
Portal - Class in org.arl.unet.portal
Portal provides a transparent transport for TCP or serial connections through a Unet.
Portal(String, int) - Constructor in Portal
PortalParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.portal
Portal agent parameters.
POST - Class in org.arl.yoda
POST() - Constructor in POST
powerLevel - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Transmit power level (dB re refPowerLevel) for CONTROL and DATA channels.
Preamble - Class in org.arl.yoda
Preamble definition.
preamble - Field in BasebandSignal
Preamble identifier.
Preamble(int, int, int, float[], float) - Constructor in Preamble
preambleDuration - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Frame detection preamble duration in seconds.
print(String) - Method in NamTracer
print(String) - Method in Tracer
Log a comment.
printUsage() - Method in UnetBoot
Priority - Enum in org.arl.unet
Priority of tranmission or reservation requests.
priority - Field in DatagramNtf
priority - Field in DatagramReq
priority - Field in ReservationReq
priority - Field in TxRawFrameReq
processMessage(Message) - Method in AbnormalTerminationManager
processMessage(Message) - Method in AddressResolution
processMessage(Message) - Method in BasebandSignalMonitor
processMessage(Message) - Method in CSMA
processMessage(Message) - Method in DataCollator
processMessage(Message) - Method in DataSink
processMessage(Message) - Method in DBAgent
An agent wishing to process all messages other than requests and queries may override this method to handle incoming messages.
processMessage(Message) - Method in ECLink
processMessage(Message) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
processMessage(Message) - Method in KeplerADC
processMessage(Message) - Method in NetworkManager
processMessage(Message) - Method in NodeManager
processMessage(Message) - Method in Physical
processMessage(Message) - Method in Portal
processMessage(Message) - Method in Ranging
processMessage(Message) - Method in ReliableLink
processMessage(Message) - Method in RemoteControl
processMessage(Message) - Method in RouteDiscoveryProtocol
processMessage(Message) - Method in Router
processMessage(Message) - Method in SWTransport
processMessage(Message) - Method in UdpLink
processMessage(Message) - Method in UdpPortal
processMessage(Message) - Method in UnetAgent
An agent wishing to process all messages other than requests and queries may override this method to handle incoming messages.
processMessage(Message) - Method in Unity
processMessage(Message) - Method in Wormhole
processQuery(Message) - Method in UnetAgent
An agent supporting queries should override this method to handle incoming queries.
processRequest(Message) - Method in AddressResolution
processRequest(Message) - Method in CSMA
processRequest(Message) - Method in DataManager
processRequest(Message) - Method in DBAgent
An agent supporting requests should override this method to handle incoming requests.
processRequest(Message) - Method in ECLink
processRequest(Message) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
processRequest(Message) - Method in KeplerADC
processRequest(Message) - Method in NetworkManager
processRequest(Message) - Method in Physical
processRequest(Message) - Method in Ranging
processRequest(Message) - Method in ReliableLink
processRequest(Message) - Method in RemoteControl
processRequest(Message) - Method in RouteDiscoveryProtocol
processRequest(Message) - Method in Router
processRequest(Message) - Method in SWTransport
processRequest(Message) - Method in UdpLink
processRequest(Message) - Method in UnetAgent
An agent supporting requests should override this method to handle incoming requests.
Protocol - Class in org.arl.unet
Well-known protocol number assignments.
protocol - Field in DatagramNtf
protocol - Field in DatagramReq
ProtocolChannelModel - Class in org.arl.unet.sim.channels
Protocol channel model.
provider - Field in UnetSocket
provides(Enum<?>) - Method in AgentStartNtf
Checks if the agent provides a specified service.
publish - Field in Wormhole


quiet - Field in ATScriptEngine
quit - Field in PhyTickerBehavior


range(Integer) - Method in RangingShellExt
RANGE_TIMEOUT - Field in UnetGateway
range(int) - Method in UnetGateway
Get range to node.
RangeNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.localization
Range notification.
RangeNtf(RangeReq, Performative) - Constructor in RangeNtf
RangeReq - Class in org.arl.unet.localization
Request to measure range to specified node.
RangeReq() - Constructor in RangeReq
Ranging - Class in org.arl.unet.localization
Agent providing ranging services.
RANGING - Field in Protocol
Protocol number for use by ranging agents.
RangingNodeParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.localization
Parameters supported by the ranging agent to configure each peer node.
RangingParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.localization
Parameters supported by the ranging agent.
RangingShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.localization
Ranging service shell extension.
read16() - Method in InputPDU
Reads a signed 16-bit word from the PDU.
read16u() - Method in InputPDU
Reads an unsigned 16-bit word from the PDU.
read24() - Method in InputPDU
Reads a signed 24-bit word from the PDU.
read24u() - Method in InputPDU
Reads an unsigned 24-bit word from the PDU.
read32() - Method in InputPDU
Reads a signed 32-bit word from the PDU.
read32u() - Method in InputPDU
Reads an unsigned 32-bit word from the PDU.
read48() - Method in InputPDU
Reads a signed 48-bit word from the PDU.
read48u() - Method in InputPDU
Reads an unsigned 48-bit word from the PDU.
read8() - Method in InputPDU
Reads a signed byte from the PDU.
read8u() - Method in InputPDU
Reads an unsigned byte from the PDU.
read(byte[]) - Method in InputPDU
Reads a byte buffer from the PDU.
reason - Field in RemoteFailureNtf
Reassembler - Interface in org.arl.unet.utils
Represents a reassembly engine that takes in a number of small fragment byte arrays generated by a Fragmenter, and reassembles the large byte array that the fragments were generated from.
REBOOT - Field in AbnormalTerminationManager
Setting the handling as RESPAWN causes the an abnormally termination of that agent to cause the stack to terminate (and therefore reboot, assuming an external watchdog for this).
RECEIVE - Field in Tracer
Event indicating that a packet has been received.
receive() - Method in UnetSocket
Receives a datagram sent to the local node and the bound protocol number.
received(int, Reception, String) - Method in Tracer
Indicates that a packet has been received.
Reception - Interface in org.arl.unet.sim
Modem reception details.
recLength - Field in RecordBasebandSignalReq
RecordBasebandSignalReq - Class in org.arl.unet.bb
Baseband recording request.
RecordBasebandSignalReq(AgentID, int) - Constructor in RecordBasebandSignalReq
Create a recording request for a specified number of samples.
recTime - Field in RecordBasebandSignalReq
refPowerLevel - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Reference transmit power level (dB re uPa @ 1m).
RefuseRsp - Class in org.arl.unet
Response message indicating a refusal to perform request.
RefuseRsp(Message, String) - Constructor in RefuseRsp
Constructs a refusal response message.
register(Enum<?>) - Method in UnetAgent
RegisterNodeReq - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Node registration request.
RegisterNodeReq() - Constructor in RegisterNodeReq
RegisterNodeRsp - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Node registration response.
RegisterNodeRsp(RegisterNodeReq, long) - Constructor in RegisterNodeRsp
RegisterSensorClassReq - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Register sensor class request.
RegisterSensorClassReq() - Constructor in RegisterSensorClassReq
reliability - Field in DatagramReq
reliability - Field in RouteDiscoveryNtf
reliable - Field in ReservationReq
ReliableLink - Class in org.arl.unet.link
Link agent with support for reliability and fragementation-reassembly.
ReliableLinkParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.link
Parameters supported by the ReliableLink agent.
ReliableLinkShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.link
Reliable link agent shell extension.
REMOTE - Field in Protocol
Protocol number for use by remote management agents.
remoteAddress - Field in UnetSocket
RemoteControl - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Agent to provide access to remote nodes.
RemoteControlParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.remote
Parameters for remote service.
RemoteControlShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Remote control agent shell extension.
RemoteExecReq - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Request message to execute a common on a remote node.
RemoteExecReq() - Constructor in RemoteExecReq
RemoteFailureNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Notification to indicate remote command failed.
RemoteFailureNtf(Message, String) - Constructor in RemoteFailureNtf
RemoteFileGetReq - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Request to get a file from a remote node.
RemoteFileGetReq() - Constructor in RemoteFileGetReq
RemoteFileNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Notification of completion of file transfer from a remote node.
RemoteFileNtf(Message) - Constructor in RemoteFileNtf
RemoteFilePutReq - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Request to transfer a file to a remote node.
RemoteFilePutReq() - Constructor in RemoteFilePutReq
remoteProtocol - Field in UnetSocket
RemoteShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Remote service shell extension.
RemoteSuccessNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Notification to indicate remote command was successful.
RemoteSuccessNtf(Message) - Constructor in RemoteSuccessNtf
RemoteTextNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Notification of arrival of text message from remote node.
RemoteTextNtf() - Constructor in RemoteTextNtf
RemoteTextReq - Class in org.arl.unet.remote
Request to send a text message to a remote node.
RemoteTextReq() - Constructor in RemoteTextReq
removeParameter(Parameter) - Method in AgentParamState
Removes parameter from the state.
RemoveScheduledSleepReq - Class in org.arl.unet.scheduler
Request to remove a specified sleep/wake schedule entry.
RemoveScheduledSleepReq(String) - Constructor in RemoveScheduledSleepReq
Creates a request to remove a specified sleep/wake schedule entry.
req - Field in RemoteFailureNtf
req - Field in RemoteSuccessNtf
request(String, String, Object) - Method in ATScriptEngine
REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Field in UnetGateway
REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Field in UnetSocket
requestID - Field in TxAckReq
ReservationAcceptReq - Class in org.arl.unet.mac
Request message that is sent from the client agent at the RX node, to the mac agent.
ReservationAcceptReq(AgentID) - Constructor in ReservationAcceptReq
Constructor to set recipient.
ReservationCancelReq - Class in org.arl.unet.mac
Request message to cancel a particular instance of channel reservation.
ReservationCancelReq(AgentID) - Constructor in ReservationCancelReq
Constructor to specify the agent which provides Services.MAC.
ReservationReq - Class in org.arl.unet.mac
Request message sent by a client agent, to reserve the channel for a certain duration of time.
ReservationReq(AgentID) - Constructor in ReservationReq
Constructor to specify the agent which provides Services.MAC.
ReservationRsp - Class in org.arl.unet.mac
Reservation response message.
ReservationRsp(Message, long) - Constructor in ReservationRsp
Creates a reservation response with an estimated start time.
ReservationStatus - Enum in org.arl.unet.mac
Status indicator for a particular request during the reservation process.
ReservationStatusNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.mac
Notification message to indicate the status of channel reservation for a particular request.
ReservationStatusNtf(ReservationReq) - Constructor in ReservationStatusNtf
Constructor to specify the original request associated with this message.
reset() - Method in PhyTickerBehavior
Resets the behavior, allowing it to be used again.
resetStats() - Method in Tracer
Resets all statistics.
resolve(String) - Method in ATScriptEngine
RESPAWN - Field in AbnormalTerminationManager
Setting the handling as RESPAWN causes the an agent that is abnormally terminated to be respawned.
RespondReq - Class in org.arl.unet.localization
Request to respond to a ranging interrogation.
RespondReq(InterrogationNtf, byte[]) - Constructor in RespondReq
Create a response request from an interrogation notification, with piggyback payload data.
RETRY_TIMEOUT - Field in NodeAddressCache
rmessages - Field in ATScriptEngine
rmnode(def, boolean) - Method in C3ShellExt
rmsleep(def) - Method in SchedulerShellExt
round(Double, int) - Method in Utils
Round off to n decimal places.
ROUTE_MAINTENANCE - Field in Protocol
Protocol number for use by route maintenance agents.
route - Field in RouteDiscoveryNtf
RouteChangeNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Route change notification.
RouteChangeNtf() - Constructor in RouteChangeNtf
RouteDiscoveryNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Notification sent to inform other agents of newly discovered route.
RouteDiscoveryNtf() - Constructor in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Create a new route dicovery notification.
RouteDiscoveryProtocol - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Route discovery/maintenance agent.
RouteDiscoveryReq - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Request to discover route to specified node.
RouteDiscoveryReq(int) - Constructor in RouteDiscoveryReq
Create a route discovery request to a specified node.
RouteInfo - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Base class with routing table information.
RouteInfo.Operation - Enum in org.arl.unet.net
RouteInfo(Message, Performative) - Constructor in RouteInfo
Router - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Routing agent that routes datagrams using a routing table.
RouterParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.net
Parameters supported by the Router agent.
RouterShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Routing and route discovery agent shell extension.
RouteRsp - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Routing information sent in response to a GetRouteReq.
RouteRsp(Message) - Constructor in RouteRsp
routes(int) - Method in RouterShellExt
RouteTraceNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Route trace notification.
RouteTraceNtf(Message) - Constructor in RouteTraceNtf
Creates a route trace notification in response to a specified request.
RouteTraceReq - Class in org.arl.unet.net
Request to trace route to a specified destination node.
RouteTraceReq(int) - Constructor in RouteTraceReq
Create a route trace request.
ROUTING - Field in Protocol
Protocol number for use by routing agents.
RQ_OVERHEAD - Field in ECFragmenter
RQ_OVERHEAD - Field in ECReassembler
rreq(int, int, int, float) - Method in RouterShellExt
rsh(int, String) - Method in RemoteShellExt
rssi - Field in BadFrameNtf
rssi - Field in RxBasebandSignalNtf
rssi - Field in RxDataNtf
rssi - Field in RxFrameNtf
run(File) - Method in Simulator
RxBasebandSignalNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.bb
Baseband reception/recording notification.
RxBasebandSignalNtf(Message) - Constructor in RxBasebandSignalNtf
RxBasebandSignalReq - Class in org.arl.yoda
Baseband reception request.
RxBasebandSignalReq(AgentID) - Constructor in RxBasebandSignalReq
RxDataNtf - Class in org.arl.yoda
Notification message for received raw data frame from C PHY.
RxDataNtf(AgentID) - Constructor in RxDataNtf
rxDuration - Field in RxFrameStartNtf
RxFrameNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.phy
Notification message for received frame.
RxFrameNtf(AgentID) - Constructor in RxFrameNtf
RxFrameStartNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.phy
Notification message for start of reception.
RxFrameStartNtf(Message) - Constructor in RxFrameStartNtf
RxJanusFrameNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.phy
Received JANUS frame notification.
RxJanusFrameNtf() - Constructor in RxJanusFrameNtf
rxSensitivity - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Reference receive sensitivity (dB re uPa).
rxTime - Field in BadFrameNtf
rxTime - Field in CollisionNtf
rxTime - Field in RxBasebandSignalNtf
rxTime - Field in RxFrameNtf
rxTime - Field in RxFrameStartNtf


save(String, def, def) - Method in BasebandShellExt
savestate(String, def) - Method in StateManagerShellExt
SaveStateReq - Class in org.arl.unet.state
Request message for storing the current state of agent(s).
SaveStateReq() - Constructor in SaveStateReq
SchedulerParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.scheduler
SchedulerShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.scheduler
Scheduler service shell extension.
scheme - Field in RxDataNtf
selectAgentID(ScriptEngine, Enum, String) - Method in ShellExtUtils
SEND - Field in Tracer
Event indicating that a packet has been sent.
send(DatagramReq) - Method in UnetSocket
Transmits a datagram to the specified node address using the specified protocol.
sendcmd(def, def) - Method in C3ShellExt
SendNodeCommandReq - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Request to send node/component command.
SendNodeCommandReq() - Constructor in SendNodeCommandReq
SensorClassesRsp - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
List of sensor classes.
SensorClassesRsp(Message) - Constructor in SensorClassesRsp
SensorClassMetadataRsp - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Sensor class metadata.
SensorClassMetadataRsp(Message) - Constructor in SensorClassMetadataRsp
sensorData(Measurement) - Method in DataCollator
SensorDataRsp - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Table of sensor data.
SensorDataRsp.SensorData - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Sensor data entry.
SensorDataRsp(Message) - Constructor in SensorDataRsp
SensorListRsp - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
List of sensors.
SensorListRsp.Sensor - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Sensor information.
SensorListRsp(Message) - Constructor in SensorListRsp
SensorMetadata - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Sensor metadata base class.
SensorMetadata.Metadata - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Sensor metadata by quantity name.
SensorMetadata.QuantityMetadata - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Quantity metadata for each quantity that a sensor can measure.
SensorMetadata(Message, Performative) - Constructor in SensorMetadata
sensors(Map) - Method in C3ShellExt
sensors - Field in DataCollator
sent(Transmission, String) - Method in Tracer
Indicates that a packet has been sent.
Services - Enum in org.arl.unet.c3
Services provided by Unet C3 agents.
services - Field in AgentStartNtf
set16BitTS(boolean) - Method in RxFrameNtf
Sets 16 bit timestamp.
set16BitTS(boolean) - Method in TxFrameReq
Configure requested transmitting frame to contain 16 bit timestamp value.
set(Parameter, Object) - Method in ParamChangeNtf
Sets the changed parameter and value.
set(Parameter, Object) - Method in ParameterReq
set(AgentID, int, Parameter, Object) - Method in UnetAgent
Requests value of indexed parameter to be changed in another agent.
setAck(boolean) - Method in RemoteExecReq
Sets true if acknowledgement is required.
setAck(boolean) - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
Sets true if acknowledgement is required.
setAck(boolean) - Method in RemoteTextReq
Sets true if acknowledgement is required.
setAcks(int) - Method in ReliableLink
setAdc(int) - Method in RecordBasebandSignalReq
Sets the source ADC number.
setAdc(Integer) - Method in RxBasebandSignalNtf
Sets the source ADC number.
setAddress(int) - Method in AddressAllocRsp
Sets the address.
setAddress(int) - Method in AddressResolutionRsp
Sets the node address.
setAddress(int) - Method in NodeInfo
Sets the node address.
setAddress(int, String) - Method in UdpLink
Sets the IP address of a peer Unet node.
setAddressSize(int) - Method in NodeInfo
Sets the node address size in bits.
setAdvertise(int) - Method in UdpLink
Sets the advertisement interval.
setAgentID(AgentID) - Method in SaveStateReq
Sets the Agent ID.
setAssisters(List<Integer>) - Method in Unity
setBandwidth(double) - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
Sets the bandwidth of the communication signal.
setBasebandRxDuration(float) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Sets the baseband recording duration when baseband preamble is received.
setBits(int) - Method in RxDataNtf
Sets the number of bits in the data frame.
setBits(int) - Method in RxFrameNtf
Sets the number of bits in the data frame.
setBroadcastAddress(String) - Method in UdpLink
Sets the network broadcast address.
setCanForward(boolean) - Method in NodeInfo
Set forwarding capability of the node.
setCarrierFrequency(int) - Method in BasebandSignal
Sets the carrier frequency for the passband signal represented by this baseband signal.
setCfo(float) - Method in RxDataNtf
Sets the carrier frequency offset.
setCfo(float) - Method in RxFrameNtf
Sets the carrier frequency offset.
setChannel(int, int) - Method in Ranging
setChannels(int) - Method in BasebandSignal
Sets the number of channels.
setClientIP(String) - Method in UdpPortal
setClockOffset(float) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Sets time offset of this node's clock.
setCommand(String) - Method in RemoteExecReq
Sets the command to execute.
setComplex(boolean) - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
setconfig(def, def) - Method in C3ShellExt
setCount(int) - Method in RouteDiscoveryReq
Sets the number of discovery attempts.
setCredentials(String) - Method in RemoteExecReq
Sets the user credentials for authentication.
setCredentials(String) - Method in RemoteFileGetReq
Sets the user credentials for authentication.
setCredentials(String) - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
Sets the user credentials for authentication.
setDac(int) - Method in TxBasebandSignalReq
Sets destination DAC number.
setData(byte[]) - Method in BadFrameNtf
Sets the data as byte array.
setData(byte[]) - Method in DatagramNtf
Sets the data as byte array.
setData(byte[]) - Method in DatagramReq
Sets data to be send across.
setData(float[]) - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
setData(int, Object) - Method in Ranging
setData(byte[]) - Method in RemoteFileNtf
Sets the data transferred.
setData(byte[]) - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
Sets the data to be transferred.
setData(byte[]) - Method in RxDataNtf
Sets the data as byte array.
setData(byte[]) - Method in TxRawFrameReq
Sets data to be send across.
setDataRate(int, int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Sets the frame data rate for data or control channel.
setDataRate(float) - Method in UdpLink
Set data rate.
setDefaultLink(String) - Method in Router
setDefaultTerminationHandling(int) - Method in AbnormalTerminationManager
Sets the default handling of abormally terminated agents.
setDetector(float) - Method in CollisionNtf
Sets the detector output.
setDetector(float) - Method in RxFrameStartNtf
Sets the detector output.
setDiveRate(double) - Method in NodeInfo
Sets the dive rate.
setDsp(AgentID) - Method in NodeManager
setDsp(String) - Method in Portal
setDsp(AgentID) - Method in RemoteControl
setDsp(AgentID) - Method in SWTransport
setDsp(String) - Method in UdpPortal
setDsp(String) - Method in Wormhole
setDuration(float) - Method in ReservationReq
Sets the duration for which the channel will be reserved, with the destination (in seconds).
setEnable(boolean) - Method in BasebandSignalMonitor
setEnable(boolean) - Method in KeplerADC
setErrors(int) - Method in RxDataNtf
Sets the number of erroneous bits corrected in the data frame.
setErrors(int) - Method in RxFrameNtf
Sets the number of erroneous bits corrected in the data frame.
setException(Throwable) - Method in AbnormalTerminationNtf
Sets the exception.
setFanctl(float) - Method in Physical
setFc(float) - Method in BasebandSignal
Sets the carrier frequency for the passband signal represented by this baseband signal.
setFilename(String) - Method in RemoteFileGetReq
Sets the name of the remote file.
setFilename(String) - Method in RemoteFileNtf
Sets the name of the remote file.
setFilename(String) - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
Sets the name of the remote file.
setFrameLength(int, int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Sets the frame length for data or control channel.
setFrom(int) - Method in DatagramNtf
Sets from or source address.
setFrom(int) - Method in RemoteFileNtf
Sets the source.
setFrom(int) - Method in RemoteTextNtf
Sets the source.
setFrom(int) - Method in ReservationStatusNtf
Sets the address of the source node.
setFs(float) - Method in BasebandSignal
Sets the sampling rate of the signal.
setGains(ArrayList<Integer>) - Method in KeplerADC
setHeading(double) - Method in NodeInfo
Sets the heading.
setHops(int) - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Sets the hop count to destination.
setId(String) - Method in DatagramCancelReq
Sets datagram request ID.
setID(int) - Method in DatagramProgressNtf
Sets transfer ID.
setId(String) - Method in ReservationAcceptReq
Sets the unique identifier associated with a reservation request.
setId(String) - Method in ReservationCancelReq
Sets the identifier of the reservation request to a unique value, which is to be cancelled.
setIgnore(List<Parameter>) - Method in SaveStateReq
Sets the parameters to be ignored from persisting.
setIncoming(boolean) - Method in DatagramProgressNtf
Sets the datagram transfer direction.
setIndex(int) - Method in ParamChangeNtf
Sets the index.
setInterval(float) - Method in RouteDiscoveryReq
Sets the interval between discovery attempts.
setIpreamble(int, int) - Method in Ranging
setIrreduciblePER(double) - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
Sets the irreducible packet error rate (PER).
setIsignal(int, Object) - Method in Ranging
setJanus(int, boolean) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Enables/disables support for JANUS frames.
setLifetime(int, long) - Method in Ranging
setLink(AgentID) - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Sets the next hop link to use.
setLlr(float[]) - Method in BadFrameNtf
Sets the log likelihood ratios (LLR).
setLlr(float[]) - Method in RxDataNtf
Sets the log likelihood ratios (LLR).
setLocation(double[]) - Method in BadFrameNtf
Sets the location where this frame was received.
setLocation(ArrayList<?>) - Method in NodeInfo
Sets the location.
setLocation(double[]) - Method in RxBasebandSignalNtf
Sets the location where this frame was received.
setLocation(double[]) - Method in RxFrameNtf
Sets the location where this frame was received.
setLocation(double[]) - Method in TxFrameNtf
Sets the location where this frame was received.
setLogLevel(Level) - Method in Physical
setLogLevel(Level) - Method in UnetAgent
Sets the current log level for the agent.
setMac(String) - Method in ECLink
setMac(String) - Method in Ranging
setMac(String) - Method in ReliableLink
setMaxAssisterRange(float) - Method in Unity
setMaxBackoff(float) - Method in CSMA
setMaxFrameLength(int, int) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Gets the maximum possible frame length.
setMaxHops(int) - Method in RouteDiscoveryReq
Sets the maximum number of hops allowed.
setMaxRange(int, float) - Method in Ranging
setMaxReservationDuration(float) - Method in CSMA
setMinBackoff(float) - Method in CSMA
setMobility(boolean) - Method in NodeInfo
Sets the mobility.
setMonitorTimeout(int) - Method in UdpLink
Sets monitor socket timeout in ms.
setMTU(int) - Method in Router
setName(String) - Method in AddressAllocReq
Sets the node name.
setName(String) - Method in AddressResolutionReq
Sets the node name.
setName(String) - Method in AddressResolutionRsp
Sets the node name.
setNextHop(int) - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Sets the next hop node address.
SetNodeConfigReq - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Request to set node/component configuration.
SetNodeConfigReq() - Constructor in SetNodeConfigReq
SetNodeInfoReq - Class in org.arl.unet.c3
Request to update node information.
SetNodeInfoReq() - Constructor in SetNodeInfoReq
setNodeName(String) - Method in NodeInfo
Sets the node name.
setOffset(int, long) - Method in Ranging
setOrigin(ArrayList<?>) - Method in NodeInfo
Set the origin of the coordinate system.
setParam(Parameter, int, Object) - Method in GPIO
setParam(Parameter, int, Object) - Method in Physical
setParam(Parameter, int, Object) - Method in UnetAgent
Agents providing dynamic parameters may override this method to set a value for a given parameter.
setParameter(String, String, String, int) - Method in ATScriptEngine
setPayload(byte[]) - Method in ReservationAcceptReq
Sets the value with payload information with a byte[].
setPayload(byte[]) - Method in ReservationReq
Sets payload with meta information(in a byte[]), that the TX client agent communicates with RX node.
setPayload(byte[]) - Method in ReservationStatusNtf
Sets payload information using a byte[].
setPayload(byte[]) - Method in TxAckReq
Sets payload with information using a byte[], any information that is to be communicated with the Tx client agent.
setPeer(int) - Method in DatagramProgressNtf
Sets peer node address.
setPfa(float) - Method in BPSKFadingModel
Set acceptable probability of false alarm for preamble detection.
setPhy(String) - Method in CSMA
setPhy(String) - Method in ECLink
setPhy(String) - Method in Ranging
setPhy(String) - Method in ReliableLink
setPhy(String) - Method in Unity
setPitch(double) - Method in NodeInfo
Sets the pitch angle of the node.
setPlvl(float) - Method in PhysicalShellExt
setPort(int, int) - Method in UdpLink
Sets the UDP port number used by UdpLink on a peer Unet node.
setPort(int) - Method in UdpPortal
setPost(int) - Method in Physical
setPowerLevel(int, float) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Sets power level for data or control channel.
setPreamble(int) - Method in BasebandSignal
Sets the preamble identifier (default is 0).
setPreamble(int) - Method in GetPreambleSignalReq
Sets the preamble number for this request.
setPreamble(int, Preamble) - Method in Physical
setPreambleID(int) - Method in BasebandSignal
Sets the preamble identifier (default is 0).
setPriority(Priority) - Method in DatagramNtf
Sets the priority of the datagram.
setPriority(Priority) - Method in DatagramReq
Sets the priority of the datagram.
setPriority(Priority) - Method in ReservationReq
Sets the priority of the reservation request.
setPriority(Priority) - Method in TxRawFrameReq
Sets the priority of the datagram.
setPropagationSpeed(float) - Method in Physical
setProtocol(int) - Method in DatagramNtf
Sets protocol number.
setProtocol(int) - Method in DatagramReq
Sets the protocol number.
setPublish(List) - Method in Wormhole
setRdelay(int, float) - Method in Ranging
setRecLength(Integer) - Method in RecordBasebandSignalReq
Sets recording length in samples.
setRecommendedReservationDuration(float) - Method in CSMA
setRecTime(Long) - Method in RecordBasebandSignalReq
Sets recording time.
setReliability(Boolean) - Method in DatagramReq
Sets the reliability.
setReliability(boolean) - Method in RemoteControl
setReliability(boolean) - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Sets the reliability of the next hop link.
setReliable(boolean) - Method in ReservationReq
Sets value to specify if current reservation requires reliability (in the form of mac layer acknowledgements), if supported by the underlying MAC agent.
setRequestID(Object) - Method in TxAckReq
Sets the identifier of the reservation request to a unique value.
setRespawnDelay(int) - Method in AbnormalTerminationManager
Sets the delay before an agent is respawned or a custom handler is invoked.
setRetries(int) - Method in UdpLink
Sets the maximum number of retries for delivery.
setRicianK(float) - Method in BPSKFadingModel
Set Rician specular component (parameter K).
setRoll(double) - Method in NodeInfo
Sets the roll angle of the node.
setRoute(List<Integer>) - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Sets the detailed route to destination.
setRpreamble(int, int) - Method in Ranging
setRsignal(int, Object) - Method in Ranging
setRssi(float) - Method in BadFrameNtf
Sets the received signal strength.
setRssi(float) - Method in RxBasebandSignalNtf
Sets the received signal strength.
setRssi(float) - Method in RxDataNtf
Sets the received signal strength.
setRssi(float) - Method in RxFrameNtf
Sets the received signal strength.
setRtc(Date) - Method in Physical
setRTU(int) - Method in Router
setRxDuration(int) - Method in RxFrameStartNtf
Sets the reception duration in us.
setRxEnable(boolean) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Enables or disables reception.
setRxTime(long) - Method in BadFrameNtf
Sets the reception timestamp of frame.
setRxTime(long) - Method in CollisionNtf
Sets the rx timestamp in us.
setRxTime(long) - Method in RxBasebandSignalNtf
Sets reception timestamp.
setRxTime(long) - Method in RxDataNtf
Sets the time of reception.
setRxTime(Long) - Method in RxFrameNtf
Sets the reception timestamp in us.
setRxTime(long) - Method in RxFrameStartNtf
Sets the reception timestamp in us.
setSamplingRate(int) - Method in BasebandSignal
Sets the sampling rate of the signal.
setScheme(int) - Method in RxDataNtf
Sets the scheme.
setSensors(List) - Method in DataCollator
setShell(AgentID) - Method in RemoteControl
setShortcircuit(boolean) - Method in DatagramReq
Sets whether the datagram may be short circuited.
setSignal(float[]) - Method in BasebandSignal
Sets the signal contents from an array of floats.
setSignal(float[]) - Method in Preamble
Sets a user-defined signal.
setSignalFromBase64(String) - Method in BasebandSignal
Sets the signal from a base64 representation of the baseband signal.
setSignalPowerLevel(float) - Method in HalfDuplexModem
Sets power level for baseband signal transmission.
setSpeed(double) - Method in NodeInfo
Sets the speed.
setStartTime(Long) - Method in ReservationReq
Sets the starting time for the reservation request.
setStateName(String) - Method in SaveStateReq
Sets the state name.
setStatus(ReservationStatus) - Method in ReservationStatusNtf
Sets the current status of channel reservation for a particular reservation request.
setTags(List) - Method in DataCollator
setter(String) - Method in ATScriptEngine
setTerminationHandling(String, Runnable) - Method in AbnormalTerminationManager
Sets how an agent abnormal termination should be handled.
setTestFrame(boolean) - Method in RxDataNtf
Sets the test frame flag for the frame.
setText(String) - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
setText(String) - Method in RemoteTextNtf
Sets the text message.
setText(String) - Method in RemoteTextReq
Sets the text message.
setThreshold(int, int) - Method in Ranging
setTimeout(float) - Method in UdpLink
Sets delivery timeout in seconds.
setTimeout(long) - Method in UnetSocket
Sets the timeout for datagram reception.
setTimestamped(boolean) - Method in TxFrameReq
Sets true if transmission request needs to be timestamped.
setTimestampedTxDelay(float) - Method in Physical
setTimestampProvider(TimestampProvider) - Method in AbstractAcousticChannel
setTimestampProvider(TimestampProvider) - Method in ChannelModel
Sets the time provider used to get current time.
setTimestampProvider(TimestampProvider) - Method in EventTracer
Sets the timestamp provider for trace event time.
setTimestampProvider(TimestampProvider) - Method in ProtocolChannelModel
setTimestampProvider(TimestampProvider) - Method in Tracer
Sets the time provider used to get current time for logging.
setTo(int) - Method in DatagramNtf
Sets the to address.
setTo(int) - Method in DatagramReq
Sets the to/destination node address.
setTo(int) - Method in RemoteExecReq
Sets the destination.
setTo(int) - Method in RemoteFileGetReq
Sets the destination.
setTo(int) - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
Sets the destination.
setTo(int) - Method in RemoteTextReq
Sets the destination.
setTo(int) - Method in ReservationReq
Sets the address of the destination node.
setTo(int) - Method in ReservationStatusNtf
Sets the address of the destination node.
setTo(int) - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
Sets the destination node address.
setTo(int) - Method in RouteDiscoveryReq
Sets the destination node address.
setTo(int) - Method in RouteTraceNtf
Sets the to/destination node address.
setTo(int) - Method in RouteTraceReq
Sets the to/destination node address.
setTotal(int) - Method in DatagramProgressNtf
Sets total number of bytes in datagram.
setTrace(List<Integer>) - Method in RouteTraceNtf
Sets the trace.
setTransferred(int) - Method in DatagramProgressNtf
Sets number of bytes transferred.
setTtl(float) - Method in DatagramNtf
Sets the time-to-live for the datagram.
setTtl(float) - Method in DatagramReq
Sets the time-to-live for the datagram.
setTtl(float) - Method in ReservationReq
Sets the time-to-live for the reservation request.
setTurnRate(double) - Method in NodeInfo
Sets the turn rate.
setTxDuration(int) - Method in TxFrameStartNtf
Sets the reception duration in us.
setTxTime(Long) - Method in RxFrameNtf
Sets the transmission timestamp.
setTxTime(Long) - Method in TxBasebandSignalReq
Sets transmission timestamp.
setTxTime(long) - Method in TxFrameNtf
Sets the transmission timestamp in us.
setTxTime(Long) - Method in TxFrameReq
Sets transmission timestamp. transmission will be triggered at the specified time.
setTxTime(long) - Method in TxFrameStartNtf
Sets the transmission timestamp in us.
setTxTime(long) - Method in TxRawFrameReq
Sets transmission timestamp. transmission will be triggered at the specified time.
setType(int) - Method in BadFrameNtf
Sets the channel type.
setType(int) - Method in CollisionNtf
Sets the channel type.
setType(int) - Method in RxFrameNtf
Sets the channel type.
setType(int) - Method in RxFrameStartNtf
Sets the frame type.
setType(int) - Method in TxFrameNtf
Sets the frame type.
setType(int) - Method in TxFrameReq
Sets the channel type.
setType(int) - Method in TxFrameStartNtf
Sets the frame type.
setType(int) - Method in TxRawFrameReq
Sets the channel type.
setUntil(long) - Method in AboutToSleepNtf
Sets wake up time.
setup() - Method in AddressResolution
setup() - Method in CSMA
setup() - Method in DataCollator
setup() - Method in DataManager
setup() - Method in DataSink
setup() - Method in DBAgent
Called by DBAgent when the agent is being initialized.
setup() - Method in ECLink
setup() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
setup() - Method in NetworkManager
setup() - Method in NodeInfo
setup() - Method in Physical
setup() - Method in Ranging
setup() - Method in ReliableLink
setup() - Method in RemoteControl
setup() - Method in RouteDiscoveryProtocol
setup() - Method in Router
setup() - Method in SWTransport
setup() - Method in TestAgent
setup() - Method in UdpLink
setup() - Method in UdpPortal
setup() - Method in UnetAgent
Called by UnetAgent when the agent is being initialized.
setup() - Method in Wormhole
setupParams() - Method in KeplerADC
setVariable(String, Object) - Method in ATScriptEngine
setWakeup(boolean) - Method in TxBasebandSignalReq
Enables/disables sending of wakeup signal before frame.
setWakeup(boolean) - Method in TxFrameReq
Enables/disables sending of wakeup signal before frame.
setWakeup(boolean) - Method in TxRawFrameReq
Enables/disables sending of wakeup signal before frame.
setWarmup(double) - Method in Tracer
Sets the amount of time in seconds to ignore (for statistics computation) at the beginning of each simulation.
setXMax(float) - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
setXMin(float) - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
setXRange(float, float) - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
setYMax(float) - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
setYMin(float) - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
setYRange(float, float) - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
shell - Field in ATScriptEngine
ShellExtUtils - Class in org.arl.unet
shortcircuit - Field in DatagramReq
showsleep() - Method in SchedulerShellExt
shutdown() - Method in ATScriptEngine
shutdown() - Method in BasebandSignalMonitor
shutdown() - Method in DBAgent
shutdown() - Method in KeplerADC
shutdown() - Method in Physical
shutdown() - Method in Portal
shutdown() - Method in POST
shutdown() - Method in UdpLink
shutdown() - Method in UdpPortal
shutdown() - Method in UnetAgent
shutdown() - Method in Wormhole
signal - Field in BasebandSignal
Signal time series.
signalPowerLevel - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Transmit power level (dB re refPowerLevel) for baseband signals.
SimpleFragmenter - Class in org.arl.unet.utils
SimpleFragmenter(byte[], int) - Constructor in SimpleFragmenter
SimpleReassembler - Class in org.arl.unet.utils
SimpleReassembler(int, int) - Constructor in SimpleReassembler
SimulationStateNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.sim
Simulator state notification.
Simulator - Class in org.arl.unet.sim
Simulator(Shell, AgentID) - Constructor in Simulator
SleepCycle - Class in org.arl.unet.scheduler
Sleep cycle specifying a start/end time for a scheduled sleep.
sleepCycle - Field in AddScheduledSleepReq
SleepCycle(String, Date, Date) - Constructor in SleepCycle
Creates a sleep cycle given an id, start time and end time for the scheduled sleep.
sleepSchedule - Field in SleepScheduleRsp
SleepScheduleRsp - Class in org.arl.unet.scheduler
Response with sleep schedule.
SleepScheduleRsp(Message, List<SleepCycle>) - Constructor in SleepScheduleRsp
sleepTime - Field in SleepCycle
SNOOP - Field in Physical
Snoop notification topic name.
socket() - Method in UnetGateway
Creates a socket for transmission/reception of datagrams.
soundSpeed - Field in ProtocolChannelModel
Sound speed (m/s).
startTime - Field in PhyTickerBehavior
startTime - Field in ReservationReq
startup() - Method in BasebandSignalMonitor
startup() - Method in CSMA
startup() - Method in DataCollator
startup() - Method in DataSink
startup() - Method in DBAgent
Called by DBAgent after all agents are fully initialized.
startup() - Method in ECLink
startup() - Method in HalfDuplexModem
startup() - Method in NetworkManager
startup() - Method in NodeInfo
startup() - Method in NodeManager
startup() - Method in Physical
startup() - Method in Portal
startup() - Method in Ranging
startup() - Method in ReliableLink
startup() - Method in RemoteControl
startup() - Method in RouteDiscoveryProtocol
startup() - Method in Router
startup() - Method in SWTransport
startup() - Method in TestAgent
startup() - Method in UdpLink
startup() - Method in UdpPortal
startup() - Method in UnetAgent
Called by UnetAgent after all agents are fully initialized.
startup() - Method in Unity
startup() - Method in Wormhole
StateManager - Class in org.arl.unet.state
Agents state persistence manager.
StateManagerShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.state
State manager shell extension.
stateName - Field in SaveStateReq
status - Field in ReservationStatusNtf
stop() - Method in PhyTickerBehavior
Terminates the behavior.
stop() - Method in Simulator
subscribeForService(Enum<?>) - Method in DBAgent
Subscribe to all agents providing a specified service.
subscribeForService(Enum<?>) - Method in UnetAgent
Subscribe to all agents providing a specified service.
sweep(float, float, float, Float) - Method in BasebandShellExt
SWTransport - Class in org.arl.unet.transport
Stop-and-wait multi-hop transport agent.
SWTransportParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.transport
Stop-and-wait multi-hop transport agent (SWTransport) parameters.
SWTransportShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.transport
Stop-and-wait transport agent shell extension.


tableExists(String) - Method in DBAgent
Checks if a table exists in the database.
tags(def, List<String>) - Method in C3ShellExt
tail(int) - Method in UnetShellExt
tell(int, String) - Method in RemoteShellExt
test - Field in RxDataNtf
test(String, Closure, int, int) - Method in TestAgent
Define a test.
TestAgent - Class in org.arl.unet
Base agent for developing functional tests.
TestReportNtf - Class in org.arl.unet
Test report notification.
tests() - Method in POST
tests() - Method in TestAgent
Defines the tests to run.
text - Field in DiagnosticsNtf
text - Field in RemoteTextNtf
text - Field in RemoteTextReq
Thermal - Class in org.arl.yoda
Thermal information.
ticks - Field in PhyTickerBehavior
TIME16_MULT - Field in Physical
Multiplier for 16-bit timestamp to get time in microseconds.
time - Field in RxDataNtf
time() - Method in UnetShellExt
timeout - Field in UnetAgent
Timeout used in request messages.
timeout - Field in UnetSocket
timestamp - Field in RxFrameNtf
timestamp - Field in TxFrameReq
timestampedTxDelay - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Transmission delay in seconds when scheduling transmission of a timestamped packet.
timestampLength - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Timestamp length in bytes, for timestamped frames.
title - Field in AbnormalTerminationManager
title - Field in AddressResolution
title - Field in BasebandSignalMonitor
title - Field in CSMA
title - Field in GPIO
title - Field in HalfDuplexModem
title - Field in NodeInfo
title - Field in Physical
title - Field in UdpLink
to - Field in DatagramDeliveryNtf
to - Field in DatagramFailureNtf
to - Field in DatagramNtf
to - Field in DatagramReq
to - Field in RemoteExecReq
to - Field in RemoteFileGetReq
to - Field in RemoteFilePutReq
to - Field in RemoteTextReq
to - Field in ReservationReq
to - Field in ReservationStatusNtf
to - Field in RouteDiscoveryNtf
to - Field in RouteDiscoveryReq
to - Field in RouteTraceNtf
to - Field in RouteTraceReq
toByteArray(String) - Method in ATScriptEngine
toFloatArray(String) - Method in ATScriptEngine
toGps(double, double) - Method in GpsLocalFrame
Converts from local coordinates to GPS (decimal degrees).
toGpsDM(double, double) - Method in GpsLocalFrame
Converts from local coordinates to GPS (degrees, minutes).
toGpsDMS(double, double) - Method in GpsLocalFrame
Converts from local coordinates to GPS (degrees, minutes, seconds).
toInitString() - Method in Preamble
Creates a Java-like string representation of the preamble.
toLocal(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in GpsLocalFrame
Converts from GPS to local coordinates.
Topics - Enum in org.arl.unet.sim
Simulator topics that can be subscribed to.
toString() - Method in AbnormalTerminationNtf
toString() - Method in AboutToSleepNtf
toString() - Method in AddressAllocReq
toString() - Method in AddressAllocRsp
toString() - Method in AddressResolutionReq
toString() - Method in AddressResolutionRsp
toString() - Method in AddScheduledSleepReq
toString() - Method in AgentLifecycleNtf
toString() - Method in BadFrameNtf
Gets a string representation of the bad frame.
toString() - Method in BasebandSignal
toString() - Method in BeaconReq
toString() - Method in BlobMeasurement
toString() - Method in CapabilityListRsp
toString() - Method in CapabilityReq
toString() - Method in ClearReq
toString() - Method in ClearStateReq
toString() - Method in CollisionNtf
toString() - Method in DatagramCancelReq
toString() - Method in DatagramDeliveryNtf
toString() - Method in DatagramFailureNtf
toString() - Method in DatagramNtf
toString() - Method in DatagramProgressNtf
toString() - Method in DatagramReq
toString() - Method in DeregisterNodeReq
toString() - Method in DeregisterSensorClassReq
toString() - Method in DiagnosticsNtf
toString() - Method in EventNtf
toString() - Method in EventsRsp
toString() - Method in EventsRsp.Event
toString() - Method in FailureNtf
toString() - Method in FecDecodeReq
toString() - Method in GetEventsReq
toString() - Method in GetNodeConfigReq
toString() - Method in GetNodeInfoReq
toString() - Method in GetNodeListReq
toString() - Method in GetNodeStatusReq
toString() - Method in GetPreambleSignalReq
toString() - Method in GetRouteReq
toString() - Method in GetSensorClassesReq
toString() - Method in GetSensorClassMetadataReq
toString() - Method in GetSensorDataReq
toString() - Method in GetSensorListReq
toString() - Method in GetSleepScheduleReq
toString() - Method in InterrogationNtf
toString() - Method in LinkStatusNtf
toString() - Method in NodeCommandNtf
toString() - Method in NodeConfigNtf
toString() - Method in NodeConfigRsp
toString() - Method in NodeInfoRsp
toString() - Method in NodeListRsp
toString() - Method in NodeListRsp.NodeInfo
toString() - Method in NodeStatusRsp
toString() - Method in ParamChangeNtf
Gets the string representation of notification message.
toString() - Method in Preamble
toString() - Method in RangeNtf
toString() - Method in RangeReq
toString() - Method in RecordBasebandSignalReq
toString() - Method in RefuseRsp
toString() - Method in RegisterNodeReq
toString() - Method in RegisterNodeRsp
toString() - Method in RegisterSensorClassReq
toString() - Method in RemoteExecReq
toString() - Method in RemoteFailureNtf
toString() - Method in RemoteFileGetReq
toString() - Method in RemoteFileNtf
toString() - Method in RemoteFilePutReq
toString() - Method in RemoteSuccessNtf
toString() - Method in RemoteTextNtf
toString() - Method in RemoteTextReq
toString() - Method in RemoveScheduledSleepReq
toString() - Method in ReservationAcceptReq
toString() - Method in ReservationCancelReq
toString() - Method in ReservationReq
toString() - Method in ReservationRsp
toString() - Method in ReservationStatusNtf
toString() - Method in RespondReq
toString() - Method in RouteDiscoveryNtf
toString() - Method in RouteDiscoveryReq
toString() - Method in RouteInfo
toString() - Method in RouteTraceNtf
toString() - Method in RouteTraceReq
toString() - Method in RxBasebandSignalNtf
toString() - Method in RxDataNtf
toString() - Method in RxFrameNtf
toString() - Method in RxFrameStartNtf
toString() - Method in RxJanusFrameNtf
toString() - Method in SaveStateReq
toString() - Method in SendNodeCommandReq
toString() - Method in SensorClassesRsp
toString() - Method in SensorDataRsp
toString() - Method in SensorDataRsp.SensorData
toString() - Method in SensorListRsp
toString() - Method in SensorListRsp.Sensor
toString() - Method in SensorMetadata
toString() - Method in SensorMetadata.QuantityMetadata
toString() - Method in SetNodeConfigReq
toString() - Method in SetNodeInfoReq
toString() - Method in SimulationStateNtf
toString() - Method in Simulator
toString() - Method in SleepCycle
toString() - Method in SleepScheduleRsp
toString() - Method in TestReportNtf
toString() - Method in Thermal
toString() - Method in TxAckReq
toString() - Method in TxBasebandSignalReq
toString() - Method in TxFrameNtf
toString() - Method in TxFrameReq
toString() - Method in TxFrameStartNtf
toString() - Method in TxJanusFrameReq
toString() - Method in TxRawFrameReq
toString() - Method in WakeFromSleepNtf
total - Field in DatagramProgressNtf
toTopic(String) - Method in ATScriptEngine
trace - Field in EventTracer
trace(int, int, Transmission, String) - Method in NamTracer
trace(int, int) - Method in RouterShellExt
trace - Field in RouteTraceNtf
trace(int, int, Transmission, String) - Method in Tracer
Log a trace event.
trace(Message, Message, Object) - Method in UnetAgent
Log event trace.
Tracer - Class in org.arl.unet.sim
A superclass that should be extended by tracers.
tracer - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Tracer to use for logging events.
track(int, double[], String) - Method in NamTracer
track(int, double[], String) - Method in Tracer
Log a location of a node.
transferred - Field in DatagramProgressNtf
Transmission - Interface in org.arl.unet.sim
Modem transmission details.
TRANSPORT - Field in Protocol
Protocol number for use by transport agents.
TransportShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet.transport
Transport service shell extension.
tsp - Field in EventTracer
ttl - Field in DatagramNtf
ttl - Field in DatagramReq
ttl - Field in ReservationReq
TxAckReq - Class in org.arl.unet.mac
ACK request message at the RX node.
TxAckReq(AgentID) - Constructor in TxAckReq
Constructor to set the recipient agentID
TxBasebandSignalReq - Class in org.arl.unet.bb
Baseband transmission request.
TxBasebandSignalReq(AgentID) - Constructor in TxBasebandSignalReq
txDelay - Field in HalfDuplexModem
Transmission delay in seconds when switching from receive to transmit mode.
txDuration - Field in TxFrameStartNtf
TxFrameNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.phy
Notification of a successfully transmitted frame with tx timestamp.
TxFrameNtf(Message) - Constructor in TxFrameNtf
TxFrameReq - Class in org.arl.unet.phy
Request message to transmit a frame using physical agent.
TxFrameReq(DatagramReq) - Constructor in TxFrameReq
Constructs TxFrameReq from a DatagramReq.
TxFrameStartNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.phy
Notification message for start of transmission.
TxFrameStartNtf(AgentID, Message) - Constructor in TxFrameStartNtf
TxJanusFrameReq - Class in org.arl.unet.phy
Request to transmit JANUS frame.
TxJanusFrameReq(DatagramReq) - Constructor in TxJanusFrameReq
TxRawFrameReq - Class in org.arl.unet.phy
Raw frame transmission request.
TxRawFrameReq(AgentID) - Constructor in TxRawFrameReq
Constructs empty raw frame request for given agent id.
txTime - Field in TxBasebandSignalReq
txTime - Field in TxFrameNtf
txTime - Field in TxFrameReq
txTime - Field in TxFrameStartNtf
txTime - Field in TxRawFrameReq
type - Field in BadFrameNtf
type - Field in CollisionNtf
type - Field in RxFrameNtf
type - Field in RxFrameStartNtf
type - Field in TxFrameNtf
type - Field in TxFrameReq
type - Field in TxFrameStartNtf
type - Field in TxRawFrameReq
typeToString(int) - Method in Utils
Convert frame type into a printable string.


UdpLink - Class in org.arl.unet.link
UDP link agent provides UDP based link implementation.
UdpLinkNodeParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.link
Indexed parameters for UDP based Link interface.
UdpLinkParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.link
Parameters for UDP based Link interface.
UdpPortal - Class in org.arl.unet.portal
UDP portal provides a transparent transport for UDP frames through a Unet.
UdpPortalParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.portal
UdpPortal agent parameters.
uint16(int) - Method in PDU
Adds an unsigned 16-bit integer literal to the PDU.
uint32(long) - Method in PDU
Adds an unsigned 32-bit integer literal to the PDU.
uint8(int) - Method in PDU
Adds an unsigned byte literal to the PDU.
unbind() - Method in UnetSocket
Unbinds a socket so that it listens to all unreserved protocols.
UnetAgent - Class in org.arl.unet
Underwater networking stack framework API agent.
UnetBoot - Script in org.arl.unet
UnetException - Class in org.arl.unet
Unet stack exception.
UnetException(String) - Constructor in UnetException
Constructs a unchecked exception for the UnetStack.
UnetGateway - Class in org.arl.unet.api
Unet gateway to connect to UnetStack from external applications.
UnetGateway(String, int, String) - Constructor in UnetGateway
Creates a connection to a specified UnetStack over RS232.
UnetShellExt - Class in org.arl.unet
Unet basic commands/documentation.
UnetSocket - Class in org.arl.unet.api
Unet socket for transmission/reception of datagrams.
UnetSocket(BaseGroovyScript) - Constructor in UnetSocket
Creates a socket connected to a local container running the shell from which the base script runs.
Unity - Class in org.arl.unet.diversity
Unity agent.
UnityParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.diversity
Unity agent parameters.
unsubscribeForService(Enum<?>) - Method in DBAgent
Unsubscribe from all agents providing a specified service.
unsubscribeForService(Enum<?>) - Method in UnetAgent
Unsubscribe from all agents providing a specified service.
update() - Method in NodeAddressCache
UrickAcousticModel - Class in org.arl.unet.sim.channels
An acoustic channel model loosely based on Urick's book.
UrickAcousticModel(AbstractAcousticChannel) - Constructor in UrickAcousticModel
Creates the acoustic channel model.
usage() - Method in UnetBoot
USER - Field in Protocol
Lowest protocol number allowable for user protocols.
UserInterrupt - Class in org.arl.unet.sim
User simulation termination exception.
UserInterrupt(String) - Constructor in UserInterrupt
Utils - Class in org.arl.unet
Utility class.


validity - Field in NodeManager
value - Field in AgentParamState.ParamValues
Value of the parameter.
varbytes(String) - Method in PDU
Adds a variable length byte byffer using wire encoding to the PDU.
varchars(String) - Method in PDU
Adds a variable length string using wire encoding to the PDU.
vars - Field in ATScriptEngine
ver() - Method in UnetShellExt


waiting - Field in UnetSocket
WakeFromSleepNtf - Class in org.arl.unet.scheduler
Notification to indicate that the modem has just woken up from a sleep.
WakeFromSleepNtf() - Constructor in WakeFromSleepNtf
wakeup - Field in TxBasebandSignalReq
wakeup - Field in TxFrameReq
wakeup - Field in TxRawFrameReq
wakeupTime - Field in PhyTickerBehavior
wakeupTime - Field in SleepCycle
wantsToExec(File) - Method in UnetBoot
wav(String) - Method in BasebandShellExt
withFormat(Closure) - Method in PDU
Groovy builder method.
Wormhole - Class in org.arl.unet.wormhole
Wormholes allow fjage messages to be sent between containers over a Unet link.
WORMHOLE - Field in Protocol
Protocol number for wormholes.
WormholeParam - Enum in org.arl.unet.wormhole
Wormhole parameters.
write16(int) - Method in OutputPDU
Writes a 16-bit word to the PDU.
write24(int) - Method in OutputPDU
Writes a 24-bit word to the PDU.
write32(long) - Method in OutputPDU
Writes a 32-bit word to the PDU.
write48(long) - Method in OutputPDU
Writes a 48-bit word to the PDU.
write8(int) - Method in OutputPDU
Writes a byte to the PDU.
write(byte[]) - Method in OutputPDU
Writes a byte buffer to the PDU.


xmax - Field in DiagnosticsNtf
xmin - Field in DiagnosticsNtf
xmitData(boolean) - Method in DataCollator


ymax - Field in DiagnosticsNtf
ymin - Field in DiagnosticsNtf



__doc__ - Field in ArpShellExt
__doc__ - Field in BasebandShellExt
__doc__ - Field in BasebandSignalMonitorShellExt
__doc__ - Field in C3ShellExt
__doc__ - Field in CSMAShellExt
__doc__ - Field in ECLinkShellExt
__doc__ - Field in GPIOShellExt
__doc__ - Field in MacShellExt
__doc__ - Field in NodeInfoShellExt
__doc__ - Field in PhysicalShellExt
__doc__ - Field in RangingShellExt
__doc__ - Field in ReliableLinkShellExt
__doc__ - Field in RemoteControlShellExt
__doc__ - Field in RemoteShellExt
__doc__ - Field in RouterShellExt
__doc__ - Field in SchedulerShellExt
__doc__ - Field in StateManagerShellExt
__doc__ - Field in SWTransportShellExt
__doc__ - Field in TransportShellExt
__doc__ - Field in UnetShellExt
__init__(ScriptEngine) - Method in ArpShellExt
__init__(ScriptEngine) - Method in BasebandShellExt
__init__(ScriptEngine) - Method in BasebandSignalMonitorShellExt
__init__(ScriptEngine) - Method in C3ShellExt
__init__(ScriptEngine) - Method in ECLinkShellExt
__init__(ScriptEngine) - Method in MacShellExt
__init__(ScriptEngine) - Method in NodeInfoShellExt
__init__(ScriptEngine) - Method in PhysicalShellExt
__init__(ScriptEngine) - Method in RangingShellExt
__init__(ScriptEngine) - Method in ReliableLinkShellExt
__init__(ScriptEngine) - Method in RemoteShellExt
__init__(ScriptEngine) - Method in RouterShellExt
__init__(ScriptEngine) - Method in SchedulerShellExt
__init__(ScriptEngine) - Method in StateManagerShellExt
__init__(ScriptEngine) - Method in SWTransportShellExt
__init__(ScriptEngine) - Method in TransportShellExt
__init__(ScriptEngine) - Method in UnetShellExt
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _