Request for events given a filter criterion.
Type | Name and description |
Timestamp |
after Timestamp after which to get events (null for no start time). |
float[] |
aoi Area of interest. |
Timestamp |
before Timestamp before which to get events (null for no end time). |
int |
maxEvents Maximum number of events to return (0 = auto). |
Long |
nodeID Node ID (null for any). |
Constructor and description |
() |
Methods inherited from class | Name |
class Message |
toString, setSender, getSender, setMessageID, getMessageID, setInReplyTo, getInReplyTo, setSentAt, getSentAt, setPerformative, getPerformative, setRecipient, getRecipient, wait, wait, wait, equals, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll |
Timestamp after which to get events (null for no start time).
Area of interest. Defined by a 4-tuple: (top latitude, left longitude, bottom latitude, right longitude).
Timestamp before which to get events (null for no end time).
Maximum number of events to return (0 = auto).
Node ID (null for any).
Copyright 2013-21, Acoustic Research Laboratory, National University of Singapore, and Subnero Pte Ltd