Request for sensor list given a filter criterion.
Type | Name and description |
Timestamp |
after Timestamp after which to get data (null for no start time). |
float[] |
aoi Area of interest. |
Timestamp |
before Timestamp before which to get data (null for no end time). |
Long |
nodeID Node ID (null for any). |
String |
sensorClass Sensor class (null for any). |
String |
sensorID Sensor ID (null for any). |
Constructor and description |
() |
Methods inherited from class | Name |
class Message |
toString, setSender, getSender, setMessageID, getMessageID, setInReplyTo, getInReplyTo, setSentAt, getSentAt, setPerformative, getPerformative, setRecipient, getRecipient, wait, wait, wait, equals, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll |
Timestamp after which to get data (null for no start time).
Area of interest. Defined by a 4-tuple: (top latitude, left longitude, bottom latitude, right longitude).
Timestamp before which to get data (null for no end time).
Node ID (null for any).
Sensor class (null for any).
Sensor class specification ending in a "/" are considered to be
requiring only a partial match.
Sensor ID (null for any).
Copyright 2013-21, Acoustic Research Laboratory, National University of Singapore, and Subnero Pte Ltd