Appendix C: Command reference

C.1. fjåge commands

shell — basic shell commands

  • help — provide help on a specified topic


help [topic]


help                            // get help index
help shell                      // get help on 'shell'
help('shell')                   // alternative syntax
  • ps — list all the agents

  • services — list all services provided by agents

  • who — display list of variables in workspace

  • shutdown — shutdown the local platform

  • run — run a Groovy script

Scripts are stored in a folder defined by the 'scripts' variable in the workspace. If no such variable is defined, they are in the current folder.


run 'myscript'                   // run a script called myscript.groovy
myscript                         // alternative syntax for running myscript
run 'res://myscript.groovy'      // run a script from resources (in jar)
run 'cls://myscript'             // run a precompiled script from class
  • println — display message on console


println output, [type]


println 'hello there!'
println 'that failed!',
  • href — make a clickable URL (on terminals that support URLs)


href(url, text)


println href('')
println href('', 'Search...')
  • delay — delay execution by the specified number of milliseconds


delay 1000                      // delay for 1000 ms
  • logLevel — set loglevel (optionally for a named logger)


logLevel [name],level


logLevel INFO                  // set loglevel to INFO
logLevel 'org.arl', ALL        // set loglevel for logger org.arl to ALL
  • subscribe — subscribe to notifications from a named topic


subscribe topic('MyTopic')     // subscribe to notifications from MyTopic
subscribe agent('abc')         // subscribe to notifications from agent abc
  • unsubscribe — unsubscribe from notifications for a named topic


unsubscribe topic('MyTopic')   // unsubscribe notifications from MyTopic
unsubscribe agent('abc')       // unsubscribe notifications from agent abc
  • export — add specified package/classes to list of default imports


export 'org.arl.fjage.*'            // import package org.arl.fjage
export 'mypackage.MyClass'          // import class mypackage.MyClass

At the shell prompt (but not in a script), export can be abbreviated to import. For example:

import org.arl.fjage.*             // import package org.arl.fjage
  • agent — return an agent id for the named agent




a = agent('shell')
  • agentForService — find an agent id providing the specified service


a = agentForService Services.SHELL  // find agents providing shell service
  • agentsForService — get a list of all agent ids providing a service


a = agentsForService Services.SHELL // list all agents providing a service
  • send — send the given message


send new Message(agent('shell'))    // send a message to agent shell
  • request — send the given request and wait for a response


request req,[timeout]


rsp = request req     // send req and wait for response for default timeout
rsp = request req,100 // send req and wait for response for 100 ms
  • receive — wait for a message


receive [filter], [timeout]
receive [msg], [timeout]


msg = receive                     // get any message with default timeout
msg = receive 100                 // get any message within 100 ms
msg = receive req                 // get a response message for request req
msg = receive A                   // get message that of class A
msg = receive { it instanceof A } // get message that of class A
msg = receive req                 // get message response to req
  • input — get user input


input [prompt], [hide]


name = input('What is your name?')  // prompt user and get input
secret = input('Secret?', true)     // hide input after entering

C.2. Transport commands

transport — access to transport service


transport                       // access parameters
transport.maxRetries = 5        // set maximum retries for reliable delivery
transport << new DatagramReq(to: 2, data: [1,2,3], reliability: true)
                                // send reliable datagram


  • transport.MTU — maximum data transfer size

  • transport.RTU — recommended data transfer size


  • abort — abort all transport datagram transfers


abort                           // abort ongoing transfers

C.3. Baseband commands

bb — access to baseband service


bbrec 1000               // record 1000 baseband signals
bbtx sig                 // transmit baseband signal "sig"
bb.carrierFrequency      // check carrier frequency
bb.maxSignalLength       // check max signal length (samples)


  • bb.carrierFrequency — carrier frequency (Hz)

  • bb.basebandRate — baseband sampling rate (Hz)

  • bb.maxPreambleID — maximum preamble ID

  • bb.preambleDuration — preamble duration in seconds

  • bb.maxSignalLength — baseband signal length (samples)


  • bbrec — make a baseband recording


bbrec 1000                 // record 1000 baseband signals
bbrec 1000, 87897287       // schedule a recording at given PHY time
  • bbtx — transmit a baseband signal


bbtx sig                 // transmit complex baseband signal
bbtx sig, 87897287       // schedule a transmission at given PHY time
  • pbtx — transmit a passband signal sampled at 8 x basebandRate


pbtx sig                 // transmit real passband signal
pbtx sig, 87897287       // schedule a transmission at given PHY time
  • cw — create a tonal signal with unit amplitude


cw(10000, 0.5)           // 0.5 second 10 kHz baseband tonal
cw(15000, 0.2, 0)        // 0.2 second 15 kHz passband tonal
  • sweep — create a linear sweep with unit amplitude


sweep(10000, 12000, 0.5)     // 0.5 second baseband sweep from 10-12 kHz
sweep(10000, 12000, 0.5, 0)  // 0.5 second passband sweep from 10-12 kHz
  • wav — load a wav file


wav 'scripts/test.wav'      // loads a wav file
  • save — save signal to a file in the scripts folder


save 'data.txt', ntf           // save notification signal to file
save 'data.txt', ntf.signal, 2 // save signal in 2-column format
  • load — load floating point signal from a file in the scripts folder


signal = load('data.txt')      // load data from file

C.4. NodeInfo commands

node — access to node information service


node                      // access node info parameters
node.address              // check node address
node.address = 5          // change node address


  • node.address — Node address

  • node.nodeName — Node name

  • node.origin — origin [lat,long]

  • node.location — Location of the node in [x,y,z] meters or [lat,long,z]

  • node.speed — speed (meter/second)

  • node.heading — heading (deg, 0 is North, clockwise)

  • node.turnRate — turn rate (deg/s, clockwise)

  • node.diveRate — dive rate (meter/second)

  • node.mobility — true if the node is mobile, false if it is fixed

  • node.time — node time (real-time clock)

  • node.canForward — true if node has forwarding capability, false otherwise

C.5. Scheduler commands

scheduler — access to scheduling service


  • addsleep — schedule sleep and wakeup of the modem


addsleep 1507014548, 1507014558  // sleep from epoch 1507014548 to 1507014558
addsleep 1507014558              // sleep immediately until 1507014548
addsleep 10.s.later, 20.s.later  // sleep 10s later and wake up 20s later
addsleep 20.s.later              // sleep immediately and wake up 20s later
addsleep 20.s.later, forever     // sleep 20s later forever
addsleep                         // sleep immediately forever
  • showsleep — shows sleep/wakeup schedule


showsleep                        // show schedule
  • rmsleep — removes sleep/wakeup schedule


rmsleep '3bf9e744-b225-48f4'     // removes sleep schedule with given id

C.6. Physical commands

phy — access to physical service


phy                           // access physical parameters
phy[CONTROL]                  // access control channel parameters
phy[DATA]                     // access data channel parameters
phy << msg                    // send request msg to physical agent
phy.rxEnable = false          // disable reception of frames


  • pclr — clear PHY queues

  • plvl — get/set TX power level for all PHY channel types


plvl                       // get all power levels
plvl -10                   // set all power to -10 dB
plvl(-10)                  // alternative syntax
plvl = -10                 // alternative syntax


The following parameters are available on all modems. Additional modem dependent parameters are also available. For information on these parameters type "help modem".

  • phy.MTU — maximum transmission unit (MTU) in bytes

  • phy.RTU — recommended data transfer size in bytes

  • phy.rxEnable — true if reception enabled

  • phy.propagationSpeed — propagation speed in m/s

  • phy.timestampedTxDelay — delay before TX of timestamped frames

  • phy.time — physical layer time (us)

  • phy.busy — true if modem is TX/RX a frame, false if idle

  • phy.refPowerLevel — reference power level in dB re uPa @ 1m

  • phy.maxPowerLevel — maximum supported power level (relative to reference)

  • phy.minPowerLevel — minimum supported power level (relative to reference)

Channel Parameters:

The following parameters are available on all modems. Additional modem dependent parameters are also available. For information on these parameters type "help modem".

  • phy[].MTU — maximum transmission unit (MTU) in bytes

  • phy[].RTU — recommended data transfer size in bytes

  • phy[].dataRate — effective frame data rate (bps)

  • phy[].frameDuration — frame duration (seconds)

  • phy[].powerLevel — powel level used for transmission (relative to reference)

  • phy[].errorDetection — number of bytes for error detection

  • phy[].frameLength — frame length (bytes)

  • phy[].maxFrameLength — maximum settable frame length (bytes)

  • phy[].fec — forward error correction code

A value of 0 indicates no error correction. Other values represent various FEC codes from the phy[].fecList. For example, a value of 1 means the first FEC code from the phy[].fecList, and a value of 2 means the second FEC code from that list.

  • phy[].fecList — list of available forward error correction codes

LDPC1 - 1-rate LDPC FEC code LDPC2 - 1/2-rate LDPC FEC code LDPC3 - 1/3-rate LDPC FEC code LDPC4 - 1/4-rate LDPC FEC code LDPC5 - 1/5-rate LDPC FEC code LDPC6 - 1/6-rate LDPC FEC code ICONV2 - 1/2-rate interleaved convolution code

The 1-rate LDPC code is only useful for OFDM, where unused bits in the last OFDM block are used to provide FEC redundancy without loss in data rate.

C.7. Unet commands

unet — basic unet commands


  • ver — version information

  • time — current platform time

  • ls — list script files

  • free — show free disk space

  • dashboards — show list of dashboards

  • iface — display/enable interfaces


iface [iftype, port[, baud] [, settings]]


// show all interfaces
// enable AT commands on TCP port 5001
iface ATScriptEngine, 5001
// enable Groovy shell on TCP port 5002
iface GroovyScriptEngine, 5002
// enable AT commands on serial port /dev/ttyS0 at 9600 baud
iface ATScriptEngine, '/dev/ttyS0'
// enable Groovy shell on serial port /dev/ttyS0 at 115200 baud
iface GroovyScriptEngine, '/dev/ttyS0', 115200
// enable API connector on serial port /dev/ttyS0 at 115200 baud
// with settings: no partity, 8 bits, 1 stop bit
iface API, '/dev/ttyS0', 115200, 'N81'
// alternate syntax to enable AT commands on TCP port 5001
iface new ATScriptEngine(), 5001
  • distance — compute distance between two points


distance([0,0], [100,100])   // distance between origin and (100,100)
  • logs — list log files

Only log files with the default settings (logs/*.txt) are listed.


logs                        // list log files
  • clrlogs — clear old log files

Old log files (logs/ .txt) are deleted. The currently active log files (logs/ -0.txt) are not deleted.


clrlogs                     // clear old log files
  • tail — show the last few lines of the current log file


tail                        // show last 10 lines of the current log file
tail 20                     // show last 20 lines of the current log file
  • file — file in the scripts folder


file('a.groovy').size()     // get size of script file a.groovy
file('a.groovy').delete()   // delete script file a.groovy
file('a.groovy').text       // show contents of file a.groovy

C.8. Mac commands

mac — access to medium access control (MAC) service


mac                                            // list MAC parameters
mac << new ReservationReq(to: 27, duration: 1) // channel reservation request


  • mac.channelBusy — indicates if the channel is busy

  • mac.reservationPayloadSize — size of payload (bytes) carried in MAC PDU

  • mac.ackPayloadSize — size of ack payload (bytes) carried in ACK PDU

  • mac.maxReservationDuration — maximum reservation duration

  • mac.recommendedReservationDuration — recommended reservation duration

C.9. Arp commands

arp — access to address resolution service


  • host — resolve hostname to address


host 'redstar'         // get address for host named "redstar"
rs = host('redstar')   // save address of "redstar" in variable "rs"

C.10. Ranging commands

ranging — access to ranging service


ranging                            // show ranging parameters
ranging[2]                         // show parameters for ranging to node 2
ranging << new RangeReq(to: 27)    // get range to node 27
ranging << new BeaconReq()         // transmit a beacon out


  • ranging.phy — physical agent for ranging

  • ranging.mac — MAC agent or null to disable MAC

  • ranging.maxRange — default maximum range to peer node (m)

  • — default channel for interrogation (CONTROL/DATA)

  • ranging.ipreamble — default interrogation preamble (0 = none)

  • ranging.rpreamble — default response preamble (0 = none)

  • ranging.rsignal — default baseband response signal ([] = none)

  • ranging.rdelay — default response delay (seconds)

  • ranging.respond — automatically respond to an interrogation

  • ranging.threshold — threshold for signal detection (0 to 1)

Node-specific parameters:

  • ranging[].address — peer node address

  • ranging[].channel — channel for interrogation (CONTROL/DATA)

  • ranging[].ipreamble — interrogation preamble (0 = none)

  • ranging[].isignal — baseband interrogation signal ([] = none)

  • ranging[].rpreamble — response preamble (0 = none)

  • ranging[].rsignal — baseband response signal ([] = none)

  • ranging[].rdelay — response delay (seconds)

  • ranging[].sync — PHY clock synchronization valid

  • ranging[].lastSync — time of last synchronization (epoch milliseconds)

  • ranging[].offset — PHY clock offset to peer node (microseconds)

  • ranging[].lifetime — synchronization validity lifetime (seconds)

  • ranging[].maxRange — maximum range to peer node (m)

  • ranging[].data — payload data to piggyback on interrogation/response frame

  • ranging[].threshold — threshold for signal detection (0 to 1)


  • range — get ranging information from a node


range 21                 // get range to node 21
  • beacon — send a timestamped beacon


beacon                   // broadcast a timestamped beacon

C.11. Remote commands

remote — access to remote service


tell 2, 'hello'         // send text message to node 2
fget 3, 'abc.txt'       // get file abc.txt from node 3
fput 2, 'abc.txt'       // send file abc.txt to node 2
rsh 3, 'reboot'         // ask node 3 to reboot itself


  • tell — send a text message to remote node


tell 2, 'hello'         // send text message to node 2
  • fget — get file from remote node

fget can only get files from nodes with remote.enable = true


fget 3, 'abc.txt'       // get file abc.txt from node 3
  • fput — put file on remote node

fput can only put files from nodes with remote.enable = true


fput 2, 'a.txt'         // send file a.txt to node 2
fput 2, 'a.txt', 'abc'  // create file a.txt on node 2
                        //   with content 'abc'
  • rsh — run shell command on remote node

rsh can only execute commands on nodes with remote.enable = true


rsh 3, 'reboot'         // ask node 3 to reboot itself
  • ack — enable/disable acknowledments for remote commands


ack on          // enable acknowldegements for fput, rsh, tell
ack true        // enable acknowldegements for fput, rsh, tell
ack off         // disable acknowldegements for fput, rsh, tell
ack false       // disable acknowldegements for fput, rsh, tell
ack             // check current setting for acknowldegements

C.12. Router commands

router — access to routing service


routes              // display routing table
routes 2            // display routes to node 2
addroute 27, 29     // add a route to node 27 via node 29
delroute 'as7623'   // delete route with UUID as7623
editroute 'as7623', metric: 5.0 // edit route to change metric
delroutesto 27      // delete all routes to node 27
delroutes           // delete all routes
trace 27            // trace route to node 27
ping 27             // check if node 27 is accessible


  • router.MTU — maximum data transfer size

  • router.RTU — recommended data transfer size

  • router.auto1hop — automatically assume single hop routes

  • router.defaultLink — default link to use


  • routes — print routing table


routes              // display routing table
routes 2            // display routes to node 2
  • addroute — add a route to the routing table


addroute 27, 29                // add a route to node 27 via node 29
addroute 27, 29, link2, false  // add route on link2 with no reliability
addroute to: 27, metric: 3.2   // add route to 27 with metric 3.2
  • editroute — edit a route in the routing table

The route UUID can be obtained by displaying the routing table using the 'routes' command.


editroute 'as731', metric: 2.1 // edit route to change metric
editroute 'as731', nextHop: 21 // edit route to change next hop
  • delroute — delete a route from the routing table

The route UUID can be obtained by displaying the routing table using the 'routes' command.


delroute 'as7623'   // delete route with UUID as7623
  • delroutesto — delete all routes to specified node from the routing table


delroutesto 27      // delete all routes to node 27
  • delroutes — delete all routes from the routing table


delroutes           // delete all routes

rdp — access to route discovery/maintenance service


rreq 27             // start route discovery to node 27
rreq 27, 3, 2, 10   // find <3-hop route to node 27 with 2 RREQs 10s apart
trace 27            // trace current route to node 27


  • rreq — initiate route discovery

With a single parameter, rreq finds up to 3-hop routes using 3 probes spaced 20 seconds apart.


rreq 27             // start route discovery to node 27
rreq 27, 3, 2, 10   // find <3-hop route to node 27 with 2 RREQs 10s apart
  • trace — trace route


trace 27            // trace current route to node 27
trace 27, 10000     // trace current route to node 27 with 10s timeout
  • ping — ping node


ping 27             // ping node 27
ping 27, 5          // ping node 27, 5 times
ping 27, 5, 30000   // ping node 27, 5 times, with 30s timeout

C.13. SWTransport commands

SWTransport parameters:

  • transport.maxRetries — maximum retries for reliable delivery

  • transport.timeout — end-to-end ACK timeout

  • transport.reportProgress — enable/disable progress reporting of transfer

  • transport.dsp — datagram service provider used for communication

SWTransport commands:

  • netstat — show status of ongoing transport agent connections

C.14. BasebandSignalMonitor commands

bbmon — baseband signal monitor

The baseband signal monitor records any signals received by it to a signal log file (called signal-*.txt). The signals are encoded in base64 in the file. A Python package arlpy.unet is available though PyPi to load these files.


bbmon.enable = true      // enable recording of baseband signals
bbmon.enable = false     // disable recording of baseband signals


  • bbmon.enable — enable/disable monitoring of baseband signals

C.15. StateManager commands

statemanager — access to state manager service


  • savestate — save state of all or specified agent in Groovy script format


savestate 'pandan'          // save current state of all agents
savestate 'pandan', 'phy'   // save current state of specified agent
savestate 'pandan', phy     // save current state of specified agent
savestate                   // save current state in "saved-state.groovy"
  • clrstate — set current state as the baseline for savestate


clrstate                    // set baseline state
phy[1].powerLevel = -10     // change parameters
savestate                   // save changed parameters

C.16. CSMA commands

CSMA MAC parameters:

  • mac.phy — physical agent used for carrier sensing

  • mac.minBackoff — minimum backoff window (seconds)

  • mac.maxBackoff — maximum backoff window (seconds)

  • mac.reservationsPending — number of reservations in queue (read-only)

uwlink — access to underwater data link service


uwlink                         // access parameters
uwlink.maxRetries = 5          // set maximum retries for reliable delivery
uwlink << new DatagramReq(to: 2, data: [1,2,3], reliability: true)
                               // send reliable datagram

Note that reliability is only supported on unicast datagrams.


  • uwlink.MTU — maximum data transfer size

  • uwlink.RTU — recommended data transfer size

  • uwlink.maxRetries — maximum retries for reliable delivery

  • uwlink.reservationGuardTime — guard period (s)

  • uwlink.maxPropagationDelay — maximum propagation delay (s)

  • uwlink.controlChannel — channel to use for control frames (CONTROL/DATA)

  • uwlink.dataChannel — channel to use for data frames (CONTROL/DATA)

  • uwlink.mac — medium access control (MAC) agent name to use (or 'none')

  • uwlink.phy — physical layer agent name to use

C.18. RemoteControl commands


  • remote.dsp — datagram service provider used for communication

  • — shell service provider used to run commands

  • remote.cwd — working directory to load/save files

  • remote.reliability — reliability to be requested on datagrams

  • remote.enable — enable/disable remote file/shell operations

  • remote.groovy — enable Groovy extensions for shell commands

When Groovy extensions are enabled, rsh commands can use a "me" variable to denote the requsting node address. Commands starting with a "?" send their output back to the requesting node.


rsh 3, 'tell me,"hello!"'    // ask node 3 to send a text message to me
rsh 3, '?phy.MTU'            // ask node 3 to send me the value of phy.MTU
rsh 3, '?ls'                 // ask node 3 to send me the list of files

uwlink — access to underwater data link service


uwlink                         // access parameters
uwlink.maxRetries = 5          // set maximum retries for reliable delivery
uwlink.status                  // show status of ongoing TX/RX
uwlink << new DatagramReq(to: 2, data: [1,2,3], reliability: true)
                               // send reliable datagram

Note that reliability is only supported on unicast datagrams.


  • uwlink.MTU — maximum data transfer size

  • uwlink.RTU — recommended data transfer size

  • uwlink.mac — medium access control (MAC) agent name to use (or 'none')

  • uwlink.phy — physical layer agent name to use

  • uwlink.controlChannel — channel to use for control frames (CONTROL/DATA)

  • uwlink.dataChannel — channel to use for data frames (CONTROL/DATA)

  • uwlink.guardTime — guard period (s)

  • uwlink.maxPropagationDelay — maximum propagation delay (s)

  • uwlink.maxRetries — maximum retries for reliable delivery

  • uwlink.minBatchSize — minimum number of frames to send in each batch

  • uwlink.maxBatchSize — maximum number of frames to send in each batch

  • uwlink.reliableExtra — extra frames (fraction) for reliable TX

  • uwlink.unreliableExtra — extra frames (fraction) for unreliable TX

  • uwlink.status — show status of ongoing TX/RX on all links

C.20. Unet audio commands

modem — modem commands and parameters


  • reboot — restart network stack

  • probe — send a channel probe signal

  • staticIP — set static IP address

Only applicable for modems with configurable IP address


staticIP                       // check current static IP address
staticIP ''       // set static IP address
staticIP none                  // remove static IP address
staticIP auto                  // automatic static IP in
  • fan — cooling fan control

Only applicable for modems equipped with a cooling fan


fan on                // turn on cooling fan
fan off               // turn off cooling fan
fan                   // check if cooling fan is on
  • wakeup — send acoustic wakeup signal


wakeup                        // send 10 wakeup tones at increasing power levels from -20 dB
wakeup 20, -30                // send 20 wakeup tones at increasing power levels from -30 dB
wakeup 5, -10, 1              // send 5 wakeup tones in steps of 1 dB starting from -10 dB
wakeup 10, -20, 2, 3000       // send 10 wakeup tones at 3 second interval in steps of 2 dB starting from -20 dB
  • ptail — show the last few lines of the current phy log file


ptail                       // show last 10 lines of the current phy log file
ptail 20                    // show last 20 lines of the current phy log file


  • phy.vendor — modem vendor/make

  • phy.model — modem model number

  • phy.serial — modem serial number

  • — power-on self-test error code (0 = success)

  • phy.loopback — digital loopback enable

  • phy.inhibit — detector inhibit length (samples)

  • phy.fullduplex — full duplex mode enable

  • phy.bpfilter — bandpass filter enable

  • phy.isc — isotropic sign correlator enable

  • phy.thermal — thermal information

  • — cooling fan enable

  • phy.fanctl — cooling fan control threshold (deg C)

  • phy.hpc — high-performance (low-drift) clock enable

  • phy.voltage — power supply / battery voltage

  • phy.poweramp — power-amplifier enable

  • phy.standby —  power-amplifier auto-shutdown timeout (s)

Power amplifier is shutdown automatically after the specified idle time after the last transmission.

A value of 0 shutsdown the power amplifier immediately after a transmission, only if it was turned on automatically for that transmission.

A value of -1 disables auto-shutdown.


phy.standby = 15      // shutdown poweramp after 15 s idle time
phy.standby = -1      // disable auto-shutdown of poweramp
  • phy.mute — power amplifier mute

  • phy.preamp — preamplifier enable

  • phy.gain — preamplifier gain (dB)

  • phy.noise — ambient noise level (dB)

  • phy.wakeupdelay — delay between wakeup signal and frame (ms)

  • phy.pbsblk — passband streaming block size (samples)

  • phy.pbscnt — number of passband data blocks to stream

Setting this parameter starts streaming of passband data for a specified number of blocks. A value of 0 stops streaming. A value of -1 enable streaming forever.


phy.pbscnt = 10       // stream 10 blocks of pasband data
  • phy.npulses — number of pulses to send

Each TxBasebandSignalReq transmission is repeated phy.npulses number of times with a delay of phy.pulsedelay ms between them.

  • phy.pulsedelay — delay between pulses (ms)

Each TxBasebandSignalReq transmission is repeated phy.npulses number of times with a delay of phy.pulsedelay ms between them.

  • phy.adcrate — ADC sampling rate (Hz)

  • phy.dacrate — DAC sampling rate (Hz)

  • phy.downconvRatio — downconverter decimation factor

  • phy.upconvRatio — upconverter interpolation factor

  • phy.adc2rate — ADC2 sampling rate (Hz)

  • phy.adc2channels — ADC2 channel count

  • phy.adc2gain — ADC2 pre amplifier gain (dB)

Channel Parameters:

  • phy[].modulation — modulation type


phy[1] = 'none'       // modulation disabled
phy[1] = 'loopback'   // loopback mode
phy[1] = 'fhbfsk'     // frequency-hopping binary FSK
phy[1] = 'ofdm'       // coherent OFDM
  • phy[].preamble — preamble (see Preamble class)


// set 240-sample long hyperbolic up sweep
phy[1].preamble = Preamble.hfmUpSweep(240)
// use 1023-chip m-sequence with 50% bandwidth
phy[3].preamble = Preamble.mseq(1023,2)
  • phy[].threshold — preamble detection threshold (0-1)

  • phy[].basebandRx — baseband signal reception enable

  • phy[].basebandExtra — extra baseband signal to capture (samples)

  • phy[].valid — channel parameter validity

  • phy[].test — test packet reception enable

When test mode is enables, a TxFrameReq causes a standard test frame to be transmitted. Any reception is assumed to be a test frame, and BER is computed for the frame.

Channel Parameters for FHBFSK Modulation:

  • phy[].fmin — lowest frequency bin (Hz)

  • phy[].fstep — frequency bin spacing (Hz)

  • phy[].hops — number of hops

  • phy[].chiplen — number of chips per symbol

  • phy[].tukey — tukey window enable

Channel Parameters for OFDM Modulation:

  • phy[].nc — number of carriers

  • phy[].np — cyclic prefix length

  • phy[].ns — cyclic suffix length

  • phy[].nz — number of zero carriers (read-only)

  • phy[].bw — usable bandwidth fraction (0-1)

  • phy[].psk — PSK modulation order (2/4)

  • phy[].blks — number of OFDM blocks (read-only)

  • phy[].sync — sync signal length (baseband samples)

<<< [Appendix B: List of services] [Appendix D: MySimpleHandshakeMac] >>>