27. Shell


The SHELL service provides a way to run commands and access files on a node. It is used by agents providing the REMOTE service to support remote execution of commands from other nodes.

27.1. Overview

Agents providing the SHELL service support execution of commands, and access to files on the node. While shell agents typically provide interactivity using a terminal/console, they also support messages for other agents to request execution of commands or access to files.

27.1.1. Messages

27.2. Script engines

The language in which the commands are written is not defined by the service, but depends on the shell agent. fjåge supports a pluggable mechanism for an ShellAgent to use any ScriptEngine . Various script engines are available in fjåge and UnetStack, including the GroovyScriptEngine , EchoScriptEngine , and ATScriptEngine .

27.3. Examples

Start the 2-node network and connect to node A:

> agentsForService org.arl.fjage.shell.Services.SHELL                  (1)
> websh.send new ShellExecReq(cmd: 'file("foobar").text = "FOOBAR";')  (2)
websh >> AGREE
> ls                                                                   (3)
foobar [6 bytes]
README.md [759 bytes]
> file("foobar").text                                                  (4)
1 We find that websh is the agent that provides us the SHELL service.
2 We send a command to websh to execute, and it agrees to do so. Since the commands we type are also executed by the websh agent, we need to be careful to not block the execution. Hence we use a send rather than a request (or equivalently << ).
3 The command was to create a foobar file, so we check that the file is created.
4 We read the contents of the foobar file to confirm that FOOBAR was correctly written to it.

Next, let’s try the GetFileReq and PutFileReq messages to read, write and delete this file:

> websh.send new GetFileReq(filename: 'scripts/foobar')                (1)
websh >> INFORM: GetFileRsp
> ntf.contents                                                         (2)
[70, 79, 79, 66, 65, 82]
> new String(ntf.contents)                                             (3)
> websh.send new PutFileReq(filename: 'scripts/foobar', contents: 'foooobaaaar')
websh >> AGREE                                                         (4)
> file('foobar').text                                                  (5)
> websh.send new PutFileReq(filename: 'scripts/foobar', contents: null)
websh >> AGREE                                                         (6)
> ls
README.md [759 bytes]
> websh.send new GetFileReq(filename: 'scripts')                       (7)
websh >> INFORM: GetFileRsp
> new String(ntf.contents)
README.md       759     1568297372000                                  (8)
1 The file foobar was created in the scripts folder, which is the default location for the file() function. We ask to read the file, and get a GetFileRsp response back.
2 The file contents are read back as a list of bytes.
3 We convert the list of bytes to a String to get our FOOBAR contents.
4 We send a PutFileReq to change the contents of the file.
5 We verify that the file contents were indeed changed, as requested.
6 Sending a PutFileReq with contents set to null deletes the file.
7 Asking for the contents of a directory using GetFileReq gets us the directory listing back.
8 The listing consists of all files in the directory, one file per line. Each line has a filename, file size and file modificiation timestamp (epoch time). If a file is a directory, the filename is suffixed by a / .

We interacted with the SHELL service provider using a shell! That’s not very useful in practice, but served to show you how these messages work. Typically, these messages are sent by other agents that wish to get the shell to run commands and access files for them (e.g. RemoteControl agent in Section 24.2 ). The agents may be running remotely in a fjåge slave container or on a gateway (via the UnetSocket API), where they may not have direct access to the filesystem of the node.

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